9. Choosing the New Form

Zion stared in surprise at the information of the final evolution choice.

[[Species: Earth Trap Fox.

Rank: D

Magic Affinity: Earth

Strength: This Fox species has an affinity for Earth Magic to move Earth to its will. These foxes tend to hide below the earth, waiting for targets to get close, and then it softens the ground below their feet to tangle them and slow them down, allowing the fox to attack.

Weakness: This species can only manipulate loose earth and has few strong spells.]]

'It's one with an affinity. System, what would I get for picking the earth affinity form?'

[[Choosing this form gives access to earth affinity spells.]]

'I figured that. But it says this form can only manipulate loose earth... that's weak. Is there a way to get stronger spells with the form?' He frowned softly

[[The type's affinity towards earth is taken from the amount of capability you have. For example, you only killed one earth affinity beast, so you only have about 5% earth affinity within yourself, which is why the form you can take is so weakened.]]

'Ohh. I get it; to get forms with stronger magic, I need to eat more beasts with the same affinity.' He glanced at it again, 'System, can I increase the earth's affinity after already evolving into it?'

[[Yes. Evolving does not restrict the growth of the form you take.]]

'Nice.' He smiled to himself and then looked at it once more. He decided to think about it some more and so spent the next 12 hours thinking about it and reading over the information on the forms once again.

In the end, he did choose which form he would take.

Due to it being the first evolution, it didn't need anything other than himself. He took a deep breath and confirmed his choice.

[[Evolving Rainbow Fox... The host will be rendered unconscious during evolution.]]

'Wait, what? You never... mentioned... that.' Zion swayed lightly, then his head dropped onto his tail as he fell unconscious.


Two days later...

Zions' eyes twitched under the eyelids, and then he slowly opened them, his eyes adjusting to the darkness of the burrow. He yawned and lifted his head, only to smack his head on the roof of his sleeping chamber.

'Ow! What the...' He lowered his head again and looked up before he looked at himself. While still having the shimmering rainbow white fur, he felt a bit bigger. He then heard the ding of the system.

[[Evolution successful. +7 to all stats. 3 new skills learned.]]

He tilted his head and then called, 'Status.'


Race: All Seeing Rainbow Fox

Name: Zion

Level: 5 (EXP: 20/500)

Rank: D

Magic Affinity: None

HP: 240/240

Mana: 230/230

STR: 18

AGL: 22

CON: 18

DEF: 19

INT: 23

CHA: 25


Bite (E) (Lv3/10) - Slash (E) (Lv3/10) - Analyse (SSS) (Lv3/10) - Pounce (D) (Lv4/10) - Kick (E) (Lv3/10) - Tree Run (D) (Lv1/10) - Dash (E) (Lv1/10) - Tail Flick (E) (Lv1/10)



'I did evolve! Although I'm a little surprised 'rainbow' is still in my species name. Huh. Whatever, it probably just means my colouring. Now let's look at those three new skills.'

[[Dash (E): Increases agility by 75% for 20 seconds.]]

[[Tail Flick (E): Flick your fluffy tail suddenly and harshly at the targets face, causing them to be blinded for 2.5 seconds.]]

He chuckled, reading the info, 'Basically, move quicker and use fluff to blind someone.' He then looked over himself. He had grown by 10 cm, and his tail had gotten a bit longer, now the length of a human's forearm.

The first thing Zion did was widen his sleeping chamber, and then he started to enlarge the rest of the burrow so that his new size could move comfortably without feeling squished.

He finished in about one and a half hours, and then he left his burrow to stretch. His body felt more robust, lighter and sturdier.

He decided to run to the lake, which used to take about 30 minutes running at max speed to get there before.

It only took him 10 minutes of running at max speed to get there this time. He panted lightly but smiled as he lapped up some water, and when he heard his stomach growl, he asked, 'System, how long was I unconscious for?'

[[Evolution took 2 days to complete.]]

'No wonder I'm hungry. Let's eat something; now I'm more confident taking on D ranks. Well... as long as they aren't super strong anyway.' Once he had his fill of water, he ran towards the border of the middle zone.

Once he reached it, he slowed to a walk and crossed into the middle zone, keeping himself alert. He might be moderately stronger then before, but only a moron throws caution away just because they got a little stronger.

After walking for about 15 minutes, he finally got a hint of a nearby creature. He looked over and saw a Swift Rabbit. He remembered the last one he thought gave him a little trouble because it was a bit faster than him and had a excellent hearing, making it hard to take it by surprise.

'Analysis.' As always, no matter if he's seen one before, he continuously checks the stats of every beast. He's found some have variations in their stats and weaknesses, so you can't judge all based on the stats of one.

[[Species: Swift Rabbit.

Rank: D

HP: 30/30

ATK: 12

AGI: 19

DEF: 6

Weakness: This rabbit has a damaged ear, impacting its hearing abilities.]]

'Perfect... that's more agility than the last one by 2 points, and this has an ear weakness.' His eyes sparkled in excitement. He couldn't wait to try out his new form.