Good Work

Sillia and Julian arrived ten minutes before the designated time. Nathan looked Sillia up and down.

He had noticed it yesterday as well, but it seemed Sillia was homeless. She had done her best to appear presentable. But there was only so much she could do with the limited availability of clean clothes and showers in the streets.

"Julian, you can stay here. Get familiar with the menu items and the table numbers. Since it's your first day, I don't hold any great expectations. Do your best to be helpful."

Nathan turned to the now-nervous Sillia.

"Sillia, you come with me."

Sillia anxiously followed Nathan through the dining area and kitchen she greeted Anita, who took a look at Sillia and understood what Nathan was doing. Still, she greeted Sillia with a warm smile before continuing the kitchen prep.

Anita's smile alleviated some of Sillia's nervousness. But she felt her palms begin to grow wet. She knew better than anyone that she was homeless and that it showed in her appearance. Even after doing her best, she couldn't help but compare herself to others around her.

She was worried Nathan would scold her and toss her out the back or something.

However, contrary to Sillia's expectations, Nathan showed her a washroom with a tidy shower.

"Be quick, but make sure you scrub yourself properly. Your appearance is a reflection of the restaurant's appearance. I'll grab you some clothes."

Sillia was stunned. And before she could react, Nathan had shoved her into the bathroom and closed the door in her face.

Surprised, Sillia slowly took a look around. It didn't seem like a place where Nathan or anyone else could creep on her. Still, she checked for cameras or the like before undressing and hopping in the shower. After a few minutes, she heard Nathan's muffled voice telling her she had clothes right outside the door.

While Sillia showered, Nathan showed Julian the ropes of the kitchen with Anita's permission. He also introduced Julian to the register and confirmed the latter knew simple enough math to handle receiving money and giving back change.

When Sillia was done, it was her turn to be introduced to the workings of a small restaurant while Julian helped Anita with the remaining prep.

Julian had diligently listened to Nathan's explanation. But Sillia showed another level of eagerness to learn and master the craft of working.

She had a lot of time to think during her shower. The first thing she realized was that Nathan might appear cold with a plastic smile, but he was kind. He didn't waste time with needless pleasantries or asking why she looked homeless. He cut straight to the chase and tossed her into the shower.

It was a much more comforting experience than being showered in pity or scolded for showing up in subpar clothes.

It also seemed like Anita, Nathan's mother and the boss of the restaurant, was similarly kind and thoughtful.

The next thing Sillia realized was that she definitely could not screw this up. It was her first real job, and the employers were kind people to boot. Even if it took her blood, sweat, and tears, she would secure her employment.

Nathan had a faint smile as he saw how Sillia muttered to herself to memorize the register and the menu items with a fire in her eyes.

Peerless Perception had given a pretty accurate view of Sillia's nature. Naturally, the skill wasn't powerful enough to tell Nathan how Sillia would react in certain situations. But Nathan had tricked more than one or two naive younglings who had yet to breathe bloody air.

Even if Sillia had lived a rough life on the streets, she was young. She had missed the great upheaval and chaos of Pandora's Opening. And the world had yet to start going to shit again when the Opening's echoes arrived.

For a couple of years, Avalio would be peaceful. In other parts of the world, things would get chaotic sooner. And in some places, it would be later.

But compared to the shit Nathan had seen before his regression and even what his parents had seen when they were young, Sillia was like a newborn fawn.

The wicked wolf knew how to lure the fawn into its jaws without lifting a finger.


The buzz that Nathan had attracted to the restaurant with his stunt against the Syndicate's thugs had died down slightly. It was still busy enough to warrant the extra workers. But it made their first day easier to handle than if it had been as hectic as it was at the peak.

And at the end of the day, Nathan sat down with the two tired workers.

"Good work, you two. We didn't get to discuss payment before, but hard workers like you deserve hard figures. Do you want daily cash payments or something like a weekly, biweekly, or monthly bank deposit?"

"Cash, please."

Sillia had grown more comfortable with Nathan during the day and responded immediately.

Julian raised a tired head from the table he had just wiped.

"Whatever is easiest for you. As long as I get paid, I don't really care."

"Good. You're also getting cash, then."

Nathan patted the two on their shoulders and handed them two envelopes of cash.

Although both of them had the potential to awaken, he had to cement into them a sense of loyalty. It would suck if he invested a bunch of hard work only for the two to skedaddle and work as heroes, leaving the Hobsters behind. This was one of the rare occasions where he couldn't coerce his targets to obey him.

It would only backfire.

Fortunately, Sillia seemed like she was already thinking about how she could use her payment to repay Nathan and Anita.

Nathan was at a loss for what to do with Julian. But one boulder at a time.

Nathan looked at Sillia. But before he could say anything, including goodbye, Anita came out to the dining area as well and crossed her arms as she looked at Sillia.

"Sillia, right? I'm not good at beating around the bush."


"If you don't mind being a little cramped, we've got a storage room that's big enough to fit a bed. Coincidentally, we also have a spare bed. Stay here."

Sillia's eyes gradually widened in realization at Anita's words. When she realized Anita was waiting for an answer, Sillia gave a slight nod.

Her eyes started to sting. She nodded more fiercely to hide the tears that welled up.

It didn't help.

What did help hide her tears, however, was a faint wave of light spreading from Sillia and enveloping the restaurant and the house before fading.