Late Night Glass Of Water

Nathan turned to his mom in joyous surprise.

'Good job, mom.'

He wanted to compliment her at once, but it clearly didn't fit the occasion. Anita probably hadn't helped awaken Sillia intentionally, either. It had just happened.

Nathan glanced at his mom and Julian. It also seemed like neither of them had realized what had happened. Nathan wasn't surprised. It was the first time he had seen the effects of someone awakening like that. If not for Peerless Perception, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

But Sillia noticed.

She had most likely gotten the same kind of message as Nathan got when his skill qualified for evolution, informing her about her skill.

Nathan was curious about it. Since his body and eyes couldn't handle the full force of Peerless Perception yet, he could only glean the superficial information. It had even become more difficult to read Sillia now that she was awakened compared to before.


It was only natural that Nathan couldn't see through awakeners as easily as he saw through ordinary civilians. But he hadn't really bothered with the thought before.

"T-thank you very much, Mrs Hobster—"

"Just call me Anita or Chef if you aren't comfortable with that."

Sillia nodded slightly, the flow of her tears stopped by her awakening.

"Alright, Anita. I-is it alright if we…"

Anita nodded.

"Of course."

Anita turned around.

"Terrence! Clear out the storage real quick."

Terrence obediently moved the things in the storage to various places in the other rooms. Anita helped Sillia settle in. Julian went home after bidding farewell.

Nathan wanted to head out and start tearing up the Vijang Syndicate immediately. He had held back long enough to make his fingers itch with impatience.

But Sillia had just awakened. Even if Pandora had been benevolent and informed her how to use her skill and what it could do in great detail, she still needed some experience. She also had to actually use it before Nathan could leave.

His parents were still unprotected, after all.

Nathan frowned slightly.

The Vijang Syndicate had razed an entire city to the ground.

There was no chance they would use all of that force on him and his family. But the Syndicate was a small-minded bunch, and they had a lot of powerful members.

Sillia wouldn't be enough if they came out with more than one low-level thug to get rid of an annoyance.

Nathan nodded with determination.

He hadn't associated with others before his regression. And he had used his skill to take away other people's opportunities for growth like a demon of haunting foresight.

But now, he would have to use his skill to do the opposite.

Nathan was reluctant to entrust his parents to someone else. But it became easier on his mind when he didn't think of Sillia as a person. She was a tool that he could use as he pleased within reason after fulfilling the right conditions.

It was just that he had to sharpen the tool before it could be as useful as he needed.

Nathan waited in the kitchen. He used and trained his Peerless Perception by spreading his senses as far as he could and taking in as many details as possible.

His parents went to bed. The city started closing up, turning off the lights, and cooling down.

Before long, Sillia left her room.

She saw Nathan sitting in the kitchen with two glasses of water.

"Can't sleep?" Nathan spoke before Sillia could say anything.


Sillia was sleeping in the house of her boss after her first day at the job. It was natural that she couldn't rest well. But that wasn't why she couldn't sleep.

Nathan pointed at the seat opposite him and gestured for Sillia to sit.

"I am much like my mother. I don't like beating around the bush. You awakened a skill, right?"

Nathan gave a harmless smile as he talked while Sillia sipped on the cool water. Sillia stiffened with the glass in front of her mouth.

"Y-you realized?"

Nathan nodded.

"I have a good set of eyes. But were you trying to hide it? It's a good thing to have awakened, isn't it? Since it's something that can become the source of a rags to riches story, it is something a lot of people dream of."

Sillia hurriedly shook her head.

"N-no. It isn't anything like that. It's just…"

Sillia fiddled with her hands as she looked down at her lap.

"Is it a strange skill?"

Nathan saw Sillia's ears grow slightly red with a faint blush.


"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to. If you want to keep it a secret and keep working here, I'll tickle my brain to erase the memory of it."

Sillia giggled at Nathan's comfort. She shook her head.

"No. It is thanks to you, you and your mother, that is, that I awakened. You have the right to know."

Sillia took a deep breath as she looked up and faced Nathan again.

"My skill is called Home Security. I can raise and bolster the defenses of my home. For example, I can establish a secure perimeter, restrict access, monitor the surroundings…—"

Nathan held up a hand and stopped Sillia from continuing.

"That's enough, Sillia. There's a reason awakeners don't reveal all the details of their skills to others. And I understand why you hesitated with what you've already told me. By 'home' you mean this place."

Sillia nodded. It was presumptuous of her to call the restaurant her home after working there for one day. Anita hadn't said anything about how long she could stay. But Sillia understood that it wasn't a permanent arrangement.

It was a dream of hers to have a home and a family of her own. But she had known and worked for the Hobsters less than a day. That wasn't enough to become part of their family or make herself at home, even if they were kind.

Sillia was worried about what Nathan would think. But when she looked at him, all she saw was a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Sillia. Mom will only be happy to hear that you accepted us in your heart so quickly. Your skill is also a great blessing."

Nathan's face grew slightly awkward as he hesitated.

"I maybe should have informed you and Julian of this before, but we have been having some trouble lately with a group of ruffians. Your skill is a great comfort."

Sillia's eyes lit up slightly with mixed feelings. She was alarmed at hearing the restaurant had been having some trouble lately. However, she soon realized what Nathan was getting at.

Her skill could help them. She could help keep them safe.

The possibility of Nathan and the Hobsters using her didn't even pop into her head. All Sillia thought was that she could return the favor.

Her honest determination to repay the Hobsters' kindness filled her eyes as she looked at Nathan.

"I'll do my best to protect this restaurant."

Nathan smiled.

'It's a good feeling when everything goes according to plan.'