Human Power Tool

Nathan's eyes shone as he pulled a thin black stick out of his pocket. It was the lump of dragon alloy that he managed to scrape away during his last stay at the Triangle, but it wasn't the same irregular shape.

Nathan had sacrificed another set of fingernails to shape and mold the dragon alloy into a drill. He had twisted the flakes he peeled off the Triangle and wound them together so tight there weren't any seams.

It wasn't perfect, far from it, in fact, but it would be enough. The dragon alloy was a hell of a lot harder than his fingers, which had been able to damage the Triangle with the Sky Piercer Force.

How effective wouldn't the dragon alloy drill be when he laced it with Sky Piercer Force?

Nathan pressed the drill tip into the Triangle and placed his palm against its base, pushing down on it as he began pulling the Sky Piercer Force out of his heart and through his arm, out of his palm, and into the drill.

Since it was a drill, it wouldn't work if he just pushed it into the Triangle's surface. The drill would crumble and fold before doing anything useful. He needed to add some rotation to it.

Nathan wasn't sure how fast he could make his Sky Piercer Force rotate. But he was eager to find out what he could do with the Force from a Mystic Art that made even the Heavenly Demon wary.

Nathan manually began turning the rod of Sky Piercer Force to spin the drill. The drill spun but not very quickly. He tried increasing the rotational speed, but it wasn't a very effective method.

Nathan frowned. Even when reinforced with Sky Piercer Force, the drill would be useless if he couldn't make it spin fast enough to power through the Triangle's dragon alloy.

'Maybe I should have tried to figure this out before I made a drill?'

Nathan squinted as he looked at the drill and his Sky Piercer Force.

'How do power drills even work? Can I replicate that?'

Nathan paused his drilling as he thought about it. He couldn't remember any concrete instances of having used a power drill. But it couldn't be that complex.

'Is it gears?'

Most power drills could alternate between fast and slow and in various directions. If it was a simple electric motor connected to the front that just spun the drill, that wouldn't work. There was a mechanism that would let the user change gears.

Nathan shrugged.

'Let's try it.'

Nathan made two gears, one the size of the drill and one as big as the palm of his hand, out of Sky Piercer force. He connected the smaller one to the drill by attaching it to the Sky Piercer Force inside the drill. He then put the large one right next to the small one, their teeth alternating.

It was the most basic gear arrangement possible. But the creation of complex and rigid structures of Sky PIercer Force was surprisingly taxing on Nathan's mind.

With the gears in place, Nathan controlled the large gear to turn. Instantly, the smaller gear followed suit and began spinning at a speed far surpassing the large one. Naturally, the drill, directly connected to the gear, spun just as quickly.

But only for a moment.

Nathan winced as the Sky Piercer Force connecting the gear to the drill bit snapped. The drill spun in place for two turns before losing balance and shooting to the side.

Nathan just barely managed to set aside the discomfort of the Sky Piercer Force breaking to reach out and catch the drill bit before it could escape the city. His hand turned into a bloody mess as it caught and stopped the spinning drill.

Nathan frowned in displeasure until he saw the indentation in the Triangle. After a second or two, he had made as much progress as he did in over an hour when he used nothing but his fingers.

He grinned and set up the drill and the gears with his Sky Piercer Force again. He ignored his broken hand, leaving it to heal on its own while he tampered with the arrangement.

He shrank down the large gear slightly. Instead of having the gear just glued to the drill's base, he split the Sky Piercer Force inside the drill into four equal parts, each fortifying its own quarter of the drill before attaching to their individual corner of the drill.

Since each new section of Sky Piercer Force had the same strength as the singular rod before them, the burden on Nathan and the drill was greater than before. But the dragon alloy didn't look like it would crumble anytime soon, and Nathan would heal.

Excitedly, Nathan started turning the larger gear again.

The set-up required some minor adjustments that Nathan knackered out after a couple of rounds of trial and error. But before long, he began transforming his corner of the Triangle into Swiss cheese.

Nathan didn't want to alert anyone by piercing the Triangle entirely before he was ready, so he drilled only a tiny bit in place as he made a square of holes in the Triangle. When he made a square wide enough for him to pass through, he started gradually deepening each hole, one by one, until he would be ready to break in.

It would take a significant strike, even after weakening the alloy as much as possible, but Nathan's hand had healed, so he was confident he could do it. If he couldn't he would just have to continue drilling.

As he made more and more and deeper and deeper holes, Nathan's excitement continued to rise. His curiosity about what lay within the Triangle had only risen in the last few days. He was still motivated to protect his parents. But he was starting to remember the days when he sought excitement in discovering other's secrets and exposing them to the world.

"I'm going to have to ask you to stop doing that."