Real Name

Nathan's head whipped up at the sudden voice. He might have been focused on his drilling, but it wasn't to the point where he let down his guard and forgot about the rest of the world. Still, the man with short blond hair and framed glasses appeared without him noticing.

"No thanks."

Nathan was surprised. But he didn't let that show on his face as he spoke calmly while trying to analyze the person before him. He also started thinking about how to fight back and escape.

The blond man had his hands behind his back and was even calmer than Nathan.

"That is quite the problem. Do you mind at least taking a break while we have a civilized conversation?"

Nathan didn't stop drilling.

"Do you know what one of the signs of civilization is?"

The blond man sighed.

"I have a feeling we aren't thinking of the same thing. My answer is abundance. Yours?"



The blond man took a step back as Nathan finally stopped drilling. Instead, he grabbed the drill in his hand and took an offensive stance. He was ready to fight.

The blond man raised his hands to show he wasn't interested in fighting.

"I didn't come here to fight."

"Neither did I. But I am ready to throw it down, even if you aren't."


The blond man hummed as he looked at Nathan.

"Is there a way where this doesn't end with violence?"

"Yeah. You piss off and stop interfering."

The blond man shook his head.

"That, I cannot do. I can't let you break the Triangle or otherwise compromise its structural integrity. How about you tell me why you're doing this?"

Nathan raised an eyebrow as he relaxed his stance slightly. It seemed like this guy really didn't want to fight. It didn't quite make sense.

The fact that he hadn't noticed his arrival or that Peerless Perception couldn't glean many details meant that he was strong. He didn't move like a martial artist or someone who spent their life fighting villains and beasts. But also didn't show a lick of fear when Nathan threatened to fight.

He wasn't scared of Nathan, even after seeing that Nathan could destroy the dragon alloy of the Triangle.

"Sure. Because I want to."

"Then, why do you want to? If it's simple curiosity, I can tell you right now that you won't get anything from breaking the Triangle."

Nathan squinted.

"You say 'breaking' and not 'breaking in.' Why?"

The blond man tilted his head.

"Isn't it obvious? Why would you break into the Triangle? It's like breaking into a statue. I can't say I sympathize with it, but I can at least understand senseless vandalism. Breaking or destroying others' or public property for everyone to see…It's attention-seeking behavior. But people willingly throw their lives away for attention and the adoration of others."

Nathan frowned.

"Yeah, that's not it. I'm breaking in because I'm curious about what's inside."

"But there's nothing inside?"

'Is he serious?'

Nathan couldn't see any deceit or falsehood in the blond man's expressions. What he could see, however, was confusion and doubt.

"Who are you?"

The blond suit pushed up his glasses.

"My name is Smith. No, it's not fake. Yes, it's my only name. And I work for the Republic's Hero Association. I'm currently stationed here in Avalio to gain experience before my promotion."

Nathan looked at Smith with a scrutinizing gaze. It looked like he was telling the truth. But Nathan didn't understand why someone from the Association would be stationed in Avalio. Someone like him would be more useful in less peaceful places.

Since Smith didn't seem to know anything about the Triangle, it also didn't look like he was very involved in the city.

"How long are you staying here?"

"I have three years left on my service."


The pieces clicked together in Nathan's mind.

It had taken several weeks for a hero from outside the city to show up at Avalio after the Vijang Syndicate torched it in the past. Naturally, someone had covered it up or controlled the situation. 

Could a lot of people or organizations do that?


Could the Gallaleon Republic's Hero Association do that?


"Do you have a lot of enemies where you're from, Smith?"

Smith shifted his tie uncomfortably before answering.

"I prefer to think that I just get along with some better than I do with others."

"Gotcha. Well, those you don't get along well with want you dead."

Smith's eyes widened, his calm fading. However, he composed himself after pushing up his glasses again. He looked at Nathan with a cold gaze.

"...What do you mean?"

"Would you believe me if I told you that this city and everyone in it except a select few will be gone in a couple of years?"

"...That sounds utterly ridiculous."


"There's no way I would believe you. But you wouldn't tell me something like that if you didn't have anything to gain from it. What's your angle?"

Nathan shrugged.

"The Triangle is a key piece in this city's future. I'm not sure what part it will play, but I do know it's important."

Smith shook his head.

"I still can't let you destroy it. Vandalizing the symbol of Avalio alone is something I can't allow, even less so after considering the destruction it could cause if it were to fall to the ground. It would be like a meteor. A lot of people would die."

Nathan nodded.

"A lot of people will die in two years, too. Many more than if the Triangle fell, which it won't."

"Don't be ridiculous. I know very well how difficult it was for the city to build this piece. The slightest compromise to its structural integrity could bring it down."

Nathan smirked. 

"I think you're underestimating dragon alloy a little too much."

"Dragon alloy?"

Smith's eyes opened in realization and surprise. But it was too late. Nathan had already moved.

Nathan slammed his fist into the square he had marked out with drill holes.