Dear Rana: Paraluman

Never have I thought that I will fall in love with someone like you. No matter how bad my day is, seeing you always makes it better. The way you walk towards me makes me excited and butterflies started dancing around in my stomach. You stand out no matter where you are, and how much crowd there is. Your presence alone comforts me; you shine like the Christmas lights in Kadiwa Road every time I go home late at night. Your simplicity is underappreciated.

Walking home with you makes me more than happy and contended. Your witty mind and sense of humor makes you who you are, and it makes me fall for you even more. I love everything about you. I know it sounds cringe and cheesy, but is this what falling in love feels like? I feel an emotional connection with you, and I can only hope that you feel the same.

Rana, I like you. And I wish to tell you that someday.

In my fairytale, happy endings do not usually happen. But this time, I hope I get to experience it just once. With you.