We'll never know.

What if I never loved you? Would it hurt like it did? What if I didn't fulfill the promises I made just to see the smile on your face? What if I couldn't give what your heart desires? Would you leave me hanging?

I guess we'll never know.

What if you told me from the very beginning that you don't see me as more than your friend rather than giving me false hope and unclear answers? What if you loved me for who I am and not as someone optional that you only call me when it's only convenient for you?

I know all too well that I'm irrelevant in your life, as you would carry on even when I'm not in the picture. But can't you see me? Can't you look me in the eyes just for once and act as if we're inside a happy fairytale?

What if I never met you? Would it change a thing? Would we cross paths again? Would you love me in another world? In another time? In another dimension?

I guess we'll never know.