Chapter 1 A Grain of Sand in the Vast Ocean

Time passes by in the blink of an eye, another decade gone, yet the complexities of human emotions remain unspoken. Once ravaged by the flames of war, the human realm now blooms anew like a phoenix rising from the ashes, offering glimpses of a changed world.

Nestled in the heart of the Central Plains, the bustling city of Heyang thrives as a vital hub, teeming with life and activity. Streets crowded with shops bustle with people, while lanterns of myriad colors illuminate the night, casting a vibrant glow upon the city. Amidst this lively scene, children play joyfully and elders reminisce, finding solace in each other's company.

Perched upon the city walls, a solitary figure stands, gazing towards the distant horizon where the azure sky meets the earth. Her beauty is ethereal and captivating, yet there is a hint of melancholy in her eyes, a complexity of emotions that belies her graceful demeanor. With a sigh, she breaks the somber atmosphere with a faint smile, her lips as delicate as petals, her countenance radiant like a blooming flower. Her eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief, reminiscent of a nymph from ancient tales.

The gentle mountain breeze carries the tinkling sound of bells around her waist, their melody blending seamlessly with the rustling of leaves as they dance in the wind, echoing through the valleys in search of the distant horizon.

A flock of white egrets soars through the sky, their wings slicing through the clouds as they revel in their newfound freedom, liberated from the constraints of the mortal world.

Beneath the shadow of Qingyun Mountain lies Caomiao Village, a humble abode nestled amidst ruins, its rustic charm standing in stark contrast to its surroundings. Smoke rises lazily from crooked chimneys, while a solitary wind chime hangs from the eaves, its melody a poignant reminder of tales untold, lives lived, and memories lost. Amidst the rubble, a fragment of jade-green cloth flutters in the breeze, a silent witness to the passage of time and the mysteries that lie within.

Suddenly, a streak of white cuts through the endless sky, leaving behind a trail of azure brilliance. It is Lu Xueqi, riding her sword "Tianya," her graceful figure a testament to her martial prowess. A smile graces her lips, as rare as a blooming rose; her demeanor is elegant yet elusive. With a sense of anticipation, she strides towards the dilapidated wooden house, her steps lighting upon the verdant grass that carpets the earth. The mountains echo with the sound of her footsteps, while the remnants of a bygone era lie in silent repose.

"Woof! Woof!Squeak! Squeak!"

Familiar cries pierce the air, stirring the sleepy atmosphere of the wooden house. In an instant, a large yellow dog bursts forth, with a rare three-eyed spirit monkey named Xiaohui perched on its back. The dog wags its tail enthusiastically, barking joyfully, while Xiaohui exudes boundless excitement, leaping onto Lu Xueqi's slender shoulders with practiced ease, its antics both comical and endearing.

Unperturbed, Lu Xueqi gently strokes Xiaohui's adorable head, eliciting gleeful laughter from the monkey. Over the past decade, Lu Xueqi has made countless visits to this man, sometimes bringing along succulent meat bones to tempt the gluttonous dog and monkey. Over time, her bond with Xiaohui has deepened, with the monkey's initial wariness giving way to affection. At times, Xiaohui would curl up in Lu Xueqi's warm embrace, drifting off into blissful slumber, oblivious to the world. Occasionally, its drool would stain her pristine white robes—a small price to pay for the company of a true gourmet.

Indeed, time is the greatest healer, gradually erasing the scars of the past. Occasionally, fragments of memories may linger, but they are swiftly swept aside by the relentless tide of time.

Soon after, a figure emerges from the shadows of the wooden house—a man dressed in black, his weathered face bearing the unmistakable marks of time. It is none other than Zhang Xiaofan.

Lu Xueqi gazes at the man before her, a hint of a smile playing upon her lips, her expression imbued with a myriad of emotions.

"Xiaofan, it's time to fulfill our ten-year-old promise," she implores, her voice tinged with sweetness yet tinged with longing, firm in her resolve.

Zhang Xiaofan stares at her, disbelief evident in his eyes, his mind awash with a whirlwind of blurry images. The woman before him has been a constant presence in his life for the past decade, a constant reminder of his past and a beacon of hope for the future. Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, he can only nod silently, his words caught in his throat.

A gentle breeze wafts through the air, carrying with it the faint scent of flowers and a warmth that envelops them both. And so, Lu Xueqi embraces Zhang Xiaofan, her tears and laughter blending seamlessly as they journey deep into the recesses of his heart, stirring memories long forgotten and emotions laid bare.

As they stand there, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, one question lingers in the air—will their reunion herald a new beginning, or will it be the culmination of a long-awaited farewell?

With their ten-year-old promise on the brink of fulfillment, it is time to return home—to Qingyun Sect, to the Zhang Xiaofan of old.

At the foot of Qingyun Mountain, amid the verdant peaks and valleys, lies the serene beauty of the world. Though obscured by perpetual mist, its allure remains undiminished, offering fleeting glimpses of its true splendor.

In the midst of this tranquil landscape, a group of four traverses the ancient path—a grandfather, a granddaughter, a wayward Taoist, and a beauty like no other.

"Grandpa, can you walk a little faster? It's getting dark, and everyone's waiting!" The sweet voice of the granddaughter urges; her tone is gentle yet insistent, captivating even the birds perched in the trees.

Behind them, the Taoist mutters under his breath, his face contorted in frustration. "You stubborn girl, I've raised you all these years, and now you dare to defy me... Curse it all; blame it on Jinping's spoiling."

A quaintly dressed elderly man, with a sheep-like beard and hair streaked with gray, exudes an air of wisdom and kindness as he chatters incessantly, following behind the three individuals ahead. This man is none other than Zhou Yiexian. Despite his rotund belly, it seems that Zhou Yiexian has managed to charm quite a few people.

Soon after, Zhou Yiexian begins shouting once again, "Hey, you little rascals, wait for this old man! Remember to respect your elders. Bah, it's all about respecting the elderly and caring for the young."

Dressed in a flowing golden robe, the enchanting beauty known as Jin Ping'er throws a flirtatious glance at Xiao Huan, teasing, "Xiao Huan, tell your grandfather to eat less. He never listens to me."

Xiao Huan feels embarrassed for a moment, unable to do anything but chuckle at the sight of the increasingly rotund Zhou Yiexian. Shaking her head, she replies, "Grandpa just loves to indulge in food. There's nothing I can do about it."

The Taoist monk, known as Ye Gou Daoren, gazes absentmindedly into the distance, grateful for the rare company of such a beautiful woman. If he hadn't left Zhang Xiaofan back then, he would never have experienced such an encounter. Xiao Huan's laughter is the fulfillment of a long-awaited wish.

"Hehe, how many years have passed, bringing with them a story of happiness?" one wonders with a smile.

"Hmph... hmph..."

"Hey, hey, you old fatty."

The four of them engage in playful banter, gradually fading into the once bustling ancient road. Though the scenery may seem monotonous, it possesses a melancholic charm of its own. Perhaps the ancient road has grown accustomed to such comings and goings, never intentionally forsaking those who tread upon it.