Chapter 2 Daydream

Zhang Xiaofan recited an incantation, and the long-lost burning stick reappeared, radiating its former dazzling light as it floated in the air.

With a leap, Zhang Xiaofan ascended, followed closely by a sturdy yellow dog. Little Gray rode on the back of the yellow dog, munching on wild fruits with gusto, chattering incessantly. Its three eyes conveyed a commanding presence, instructing the yellow dog to stand still and not let the master fall.

Sensing this, the yellow dog barked twice, and then the burning stick rose from the ground, disappearing into the sky. Zhang Xiaofan flew like a shooting star across the vast expanse, arrogantly soaring towards Qingyun Mountain, the place where he would forever remember, the site of Bi Yao's "Infatuation Curse."

Wherever Zhang Xiaofan passed, the ground shimmered with colorful treasures, mostly various types of swords, as the Thunder Art of the Qingyun Sect was renowned for sword techniques.

Since the final battle with the demonic sect, the immortal-slaying sword formation is no more. Except for the prohibition on flying over the ancestral hall, the other seven peaks could be freely traversed in the air.

Such occasional changes were quite pleasant. Under the leadership of Xiao Yicai, the Qingyun Sect had undergone tremendous changes. Despite the casualties among the elite elders during the battle with the demonic sect, Xiao Yicai had worked diligently over the past decade. With his efforts, he had attracted many new disciples and compensated for the embarrassment of the Qingyun Sect's insufficient numbers. Ten years later, the Qingyun Sect still stood as the foremost righteous sect against demons and devils, its reputation echoing throughout the martial world.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaofan landed on Dazhu Peak. The layout of the main hall on Dazhu Peak remained the same as it was during Tian Buyi's time, simple and unadorned. In the center of the hall were the memorial tablets of Tian Buyi and Su Ru, with incense burning on the censer and longevity lamps on either side. Zhang Xiaofan picked up the incense, lit it, and respectfully bowed three times. As he chewed his words, his voice sounded like a mosquito, barely audible. Zhang Xiaofan looked around, and the scenes of the past reappeared, evoking deep emotions. Though his weathered face showed little sign of a smile, it seemed comforting. Little Gray and the yellow dog had disappeared in a flash, their distant calls were audible, bringing him great joy.

The bamboo forest swayed, casting a dark shadow. The famous black bamboo of Qingyun Mountain originated here. However, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't recall the specific location where he and Senior Sister Tian Ling'er used to cut bamboo.

Three children, two girls and a boy, looked to be about seven or eight years old. They were vigorously wielding their hatchets, trying to cut a section of the sturdy black bamboo. The tough skin of the black bamboo instantly dissipated ninety percent of their strength, rebounding and causing a momentary numbness and pain in their hands, leaving only a few marks on the bamboo.

The boy was undeterred, channeling his energy into the hatchet and fiercely striking the bamboo, sending leaves flying. However, the bamboo remained unscathed, and the tremendous rebound force sent him flying back a foot.

After struggling to get to his feet, which were covered in dust and leaves, he quickly brushed them off. He had heard that today was the return of the Seventh Senior Uncle from his training, so he had donned his new Taoist robe to greet him, hoping to finish cutting the bamboo quickly and return home early. But to his surprise, his cultivation level was barely worth mentioning against the black bamboo, and a tingling pain spread through his red palms.

He shook his head, sighing, "Better take it slow."

The two girls exchanged glances, accustomed to Zhao Mutou's impulsive nature. They continued to wield their hatchets, carefully searching for the rhythm of cutting bamboo, which actually saved them some time.

A mocking laughter sounded, and Little Gray lay on a thick black bamboo branch, grinning widely. It occasionally waved its limbs and rolled on its back, its antics amusing. Its three eyes blinked incessantly, and it held wild fruits picked from somewhere in its hands.

Zhao Mutou looked surprised and shouted, "Senior Sister, Senior Sister, look, there's a monkey over there."

Following Zhao Mutou's direction, the two girls indeed saw a monkey lying on the black bamboo, not far from them, showing off its prowess. The girl in red was the first to pick up a stone and throw it at Little Gray. Though the force was not strong, it was enough to knock out a monkey.

With a whoosh, the stone flew into the air and hit Little Gray. Unperturbed, Little Gray dodged skillfully, raising its round buttocks as the stone passed beneath, leaving the three of them dumbfounded. Little Gray laughed even more heartily, mocking them with his gestures, before disappearing without a trace.

The three of them quickly rubbed their heads, picked up the brightly colored wild fruits emitting a fragrant aroma from the ground, and, without hesitation, simultaneously brought them to their mouths. A refreshing sweetness, akin to honey but even sweeter, infused their taste buds as the juice flowed into their mouths. It was the sweetest thing they had ever eaten, even sweeter than honey. Then, they hurriedly resumed cutting bamboo, eager to catch a glimpse of Seventh Senior Uncle as soon as possible.

Their determination turned into action, and before they knew it, the sky began to darken. The orange-red sunset cast a poignant beauty upon the sea of black bamboo, forming a magnificent landscape painting, as if a celestial maiden had veiled her mysterious countenance with a thin layer of mist.

The three of them were drenched in sweat, and it wasn't until they finally chopped down the bowl-sized black bamboo that they could catch their breath. After resting for a moment, they flew on their swords, weaving through the vast bamboo forest, skillfully avoiding obstacles along the way.

Meanwhile, Zhang Xiaofan was busy in the kitchen, preparing several delicious dishes. The familiar kitchen felt like second nature to him, not much different from the kitchens in Xiaomao Village. Little Gray and the yellow dog, smelling the fragrant dishes, couldn't help but drool. Little Gray sat by the door like a guardian, eagerly awaiting Zhang Xiaofan's offerings, its gaze fixed on dishes like spicy diced chicken, steamed perch, stir-fried silver flower vegetables, and mapo tofu, which Senior Brother loved.

Having briefly conversed with Senior Sister Wenmin, Zhang Xiaofan learned that besides Senior Brother Song Daren becoming the sect leader, the other senior brothers, Wu Dayi, Zheng Dali, He Dazhi, and Lu Daxin, as well as Sixth Senior Brother Du Bishu, had all gone out to train. Some of them had even received secret missions to explore the western continent, especially since rumors had surfaced about mysterious spatial formations appearing near Fox Ridge Mountain. They needed to prepare for the investigation.

Upon hearing about Fox Ridge Mountain, Zhang Xiaofan furrowed his brows.

"Fox Ridge Mountain!"