INIIDF-Chapter 46 Life Return

"Why did you do that?"

"If I hadn't stopped you, would you have gone straight through her chest?"

"That's too violent!"

"What? You didn't mean to, just wanted to teach her a lesson with a punch? You dare talk back!"

"Oh, you weren't talking back. But still, reflect on your actions..."

As the woman with long green hair led the way into the cabin, she heard the boy mumbling behind her and couldn't help but be curious. She couldn't catch a single word, or perhaps she just didn't understand?

When she turned around, she saw the boy wasn't talking to the red-haired man but seemed to be talking to himself.

Shanks was also at a loss for words. Liam, this kid, was muttering to his ghost again... Is this what they call talking to oneself?

Seeing the woman's puzzled look, Shanks smiled, "Forgot to ask, what's your name?"

"The women on the flower boat use flowers as their names," the green-haired woman smiled, "You can call me Lily."

Liam, who had been chatting with **B.I.B.** to pass the time, suddenly froze when he heard the woman's words.

["Mom, your name is so strange!"]

[In fragmented and blurry memories, the voice of "myself" questioning flashed.]

[In front of him was the gentle woman called Lily. Her face appeared blurred in the backlight, smiling as she reached out to touch, "It's a custom from my hometown, women are named after flowers..."]


Liam frowned slightly, silent, and followed behind Shanks and Lily. Soon, they arrived at a beautifully decorated hall.

At the bar, on the sofas, and on the dance floor, couples were laughing and chatting in an ambiguous atmosphere.

Even Shanks was amazed by the many beautiful women. Lily enthusiastically recommended the menu, and while he found it interesting, he didn't forget to ask them to arrange a private room for Liam to rest.

"That's right," Lily pursed her lips and joked, looking at Liam, "This little boy can't be corrupted by you~!"

Shanks laughed heartily, "You can rest assured that this little fellow will not be corrupted by anyone!"

In his heart, he added, "Probably can't be well led by anyone either...

Liam was actually interested in exploring the flower boat, but now he had lost interest. Silently, he followed the servant who had been arranged by Lily to lead them.

Shanks watched Liam's back and wondered, "Is this boy not feeling well? He's so different from Momonosuke..."

He remembered Mr. Oden's son who, though a little older than Dean, was naturally curious and had a longing for women, a unique trait indeed.

**B.I.B.** paused and looked around.

His eyes, glowing white, scanned the many men and women in the hall, but he noticed that except for Red-Haired Shanks, no one's gaze lingered on him for even a moment.

**B.I.B.** hovered to catch up with its main body.


As the noise faded into the distance behind him, Liam followed the server to the private room and pushed open the door.

"Rest well." The server, a woman in her twenties, probably assigned to the rough work on the ship because of her average looks and figure, crouched down and touched the boy's head, which seemed a little upset. "Why are you not happy?"

"Older sister, what's your name?" Liam asked, looking up.

The server smiled, "Just call me Jasmine."

Liam asked, "Are all the women on the Pleasure District ship named after flowers?"

"Ah, did you hear about Lily?" The server chuckled, "Yes, I haven't been on any other flower boats, but I've heard that's how it is. I was worried for a long time because I couldn't think of a flower name, so..." She stuck out her tongue, "Jasmine is actually something I made up. I told them it's the name of a small flower from my hometown..."

"Why?" Liam asked, "If you can't think of one, isn't it okay to use your real name?"

The server sighed, "But everyone on the ship has similar names. It would be weird to stand out, right? And this is a flower ship. The women here have names that sound like flowers. Isn't that romantic?"

Romantic? Are you serious? Liam thought, staring at her.

At that moment, **B.I.B.** walked right through them, standing quietly next to Liam.

**B.I.B.** looked down and saw the waitress ruffling Liam's hair. Perhaps thinking he was just a child, she sighed lightly and said, "Everyone on this ship was originally just a pitiful soul... Being able to change their names and forget their past isn't that hard to accept..."

Watching the server leave, Liam closed the door.

With a gesture, **B.I.B.** understood, removed his head and placed it in Liam's hand.

Liam put on the helmet and motioned for **B.I.B.** to replay the memory. The scene of the original Liam talking to his mother, Lily, about names when he was younger confirmed the fragments of memory that had just surfaced.

"According to her, naming women after flowers is a custom from her hometown... Damn, does that mean this corpse's mother is from the Pleasure District flower boat?"

Liam lay on the pink bed, staring at the intricately wallpapered ceiling, imagining the patterns as the face of the gentle woman named Lily in his memories...

"Although I have no prejudice against her past, she doesn't really seem like it."

Liam thought silently, "Besides, her tone suggested that the name 'Lily' was her real name, not a stage name meant to forget a tragic past... She had already settled down and had a son. Why would she continue to use a stage name from the flower boat? Wouldn't it be better to use a different name? So her so-called 'hometown' might not be the flower boat..."

"But it's too coincidental. Her hometown and the Pleasure District flower boat both have the custom of naming women after flowers?"

Liam rubbed his head, feeling a surge of irritation whenever he thought of the original owner's mother.

There was one question he had been avoiding, deliberately ignoring.

Should he really inherit the social identity of this body? Even though he couldn't remember the hometown of the original owner, should he try to find it and see if he could find this "mother"?

Liam had always believed that this body was completely dead when he transmigrated, and his transmigration had given it new life. The affairs of the original life were none of his concern.

Even though he could never see his parents from the other world again, Liam didn't want to find another woman to call 'mom' just because of that.

"Ah, you're still awake?"

After a while, the door opened and Shanks entered, reeking of alcohol. Laughing heartily, he jumped onto the bed next to Liam, causing it to shake and Liam to jump.

Liam turned his head, looking at Red Hair curiously, then glanced at the door. The guy came back alone.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked sincerely.

"You brat!" Shanks looked annoyed, exhaled a puff of alcohol and stared at the ceiling, "This place is something else! That Zoan woman from before..."

"Zoan? Oh, you mean the woman who ate a Zoan-type Devil Fruit," Liam said knowingly, moving past the setup. "Her strange techniques, are they from the Zoan fruit as well?"

"No, those are special techniques." Shanks lay there, "Even in the Grand Line, full of monsters, few possess such unique skills..."

Liam continued, "Oh, is that what you mentioned before, Haki?"

"No! This is a completely different kind of technique."

Shanks explained briefly.

"Oh, what kind of technique?" Liam asked.

Shanks paused, curious. In his understanding, after the mention of "unique skills possessed by few", the conversation should have ended with Liam's shock and contemplation...

Unexpectedly, the boy dug deeper.

But being the straightforward person he was, Shanks didn't feel the need to hide it, "If you're asking for the name, it's called 'Rokushiki.' But if you're asking about the principles behind it, similar to Haki..."

He smiled, "It's called 'Life Return.'"


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