INIIDF-Chapter 47 The Same But Different

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According to Shanks' explanation

Rokushiki, much like the various techniques empowered by Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki), is an application based on Life Return, encompassing six powerful martial skills.

"Simply put," Shanks said as he lay on the bed and reached for the ceiling with a breath of alcohol, "'Life Return' is the complete mastery of the human body itself! 

As for Haki, such as Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki)," His palm quickly became covered in a layer of darkness, "It is a use of the latent energy circulating in the body..."

Liam nodded silently.

Haki, especially Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki), whether from the principles behind techniques like "Ryuo (Flowing Sakura)" or the issue of "Haki depletion" often seen in Luffy in the manga...

All of this indicates that haki is undoubtedly a form of energy that exists within the body.

In the manga, when Rayleigh was teaching Luffy, he mentioned that everyone has this power within them, but most people are unaware of it and have no idea how to use it.

Being able to perceive this internal energy and use it flexibly throughout the body is what Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki) is all about.

"Complete mastery of one's body, having total control over it, can unleash potential far beyond that of ordinary humans, even being able to harden the flesh like Tekkai, impervious and unbreakable, or erupt at incredible speeds in an instant..."

Shanks was clearly referring to the technique used by the woman who transformed into a humanoid antelope on the deck of a flower ship.

Liam nodded in agreement and added, "Ah, I see! No wonder pirate swords couldn't hurt that woman, and her speed was so fast she was barely visible... Oh, and it seems that she could inflict mortal wounds on pirates instantly with just her fingers. This is actually achieved by your 'Life Return' technique, perfectly mastering the body, and using your 'Tekkai' effect flexibly, but only hardening the fingers, not for defense, but for attack..."

"You have a quick mind," Shanks put his hand down and nodded with a smile, "Exactly, that's essentially what it is! Techniques like hardening the body, called 'Tekkai', and attacks made with the fingers, called 'Shigan', fundamentally aren't much different; both are different parts of the body hardened after proficiently using the Life Return ability..."

"So those incredible high-speed movements and the ability to float in the air are probably the same thing, right?"

"Haha, there are actually three techniques. The high speed movement is called 'Soru', the floating technique isn't just floating, it can even be like walking in the air, that's 'Geppo'," Shanks corrected with a smile, "and then the Zoan woman's last move..."

"Liam said, 'Turning hands and feet into swords, cutting out 'Wind Blades'..."

"Yes, that's 'Rankyaku'!" Shanks nodded.

"I see, 'Soru', 'Geppo', 'Rankyaku', they look like three military skills," Liam sat up and snapped his fingers, suddenly enlightened, "but if you think about it carefully, it's clear that these three moves are closely related to 'Leg Strength'. It seems that by skillfully using Life Return and perfectly controlling the body, the legs and feet can exert astonishing explosive power in a short period of time, thereby achieving high-speed movement, trampling the air, and slicing through the air like a sword..."

Liam paused, then clapped his hands, "Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?" Shanks, still lying down, exhaled alcohol from his mouth.

"Tekkai, Shigan, Soru, Geppo, Rankyaku... These five techniques are basically the same."

Liam shrugged, opened his palm, and slowly grasped his five fingers.

He smiled, "In essence, they all involve proficiently mastering Life Return, perfectly controlling the body, and autonomously stimulating astonishing explosive power in different parts of the body! It's just that Tekkai and Shigan harden the body with this explosive power, while the last three, Soru, Geppo, and Rankyaku, transform this explosive power into powerful movement abilities. But these five moves... are essentially similar!"

Shanks suddenly sat up, looked at Liam carefully, and smiled, "I knew I wasn't wrong. You, boy, are indeed talented in some ways."

Just listening to his description of Rokushiki and Life Return, one can see at a glance that these five styles of Rokushiki are essentially the same thing.

Such a broad perspective is really rare.

Liam didn't think much of it; he felt that what he was doing now was no different from his past life, discussing on forums and chatting with people.

"If it's not Rokushiki, what about the other move?" he asked casually.

"The other move is 'Kami-e'," Shanks said, but changed the subject, "Did you know that those who are most proficient in Life Return can even freely dictate any part of their body, even making their hair move like living snakes!"

"I got it!" Liam leaned back again. "When that woman dodged bullets earlier, her body seemed like rubber, or maybe paper? Either way, it drastically changed shape in a very eerie way... I think that's 'Kami-e', right?"

"Yes, exactly, that's 'Kami-e,'" Shanks chuckled. "Freely manipulating any part of the body, making it bend and change like paper at will... The most powerful aspect of Life Return is to infuse every part of the body with self-awareness. From this perspective, Tekkai, Shigan, Soru, Geppo, and Rankyaku, none of them are closer to the true essence of Life Return than Kami-e."

Liam mused, "Life Return! Life Return! The so-called perfect control of the body, from the literal meaning of Life Return, is probably about controlling the life force or life energy, right?"

He turned to look at Stand『B.I.B.』, the jet-black battle armor standing quietly beside the bed. The Principles of a Stand had many explanations; some said it was "Spirit Ripple (Hamon)", others said it was a manifestation of "Spiritual Energy"... but there was another explanation as well:

"Life energy."

Shanks smiled, "Do you know why I said you definitely have a talent in some aspects?"

Just then there was a knock at the door. Shanks called to enter, and soon a waitress pushed in a cart full of delicacies.

The young waitress placed plates of food on the table. Though she wondered why these two guests seemed to treat their flower ship like a hotel and restaurant, she maintained a polite and gentle smile, invited them to enjoy their meal, and then quietly closed the door behind her as she wheeled the cart out.

"According to what you said, the nature of your mind allows you to effectively train two of yourself, gaining twice the growth, but also enduring twice the fatigue."

"Most people who train as recklessly as you do, completely disregarding their ability to endure, would probably have worn out their bodies long ago."

Shanks lifted Liam from the bed and led him to the dining table.

Liam was indeed hungry. He motioned for B.I.B. to retrieve the Devil Fruit core chip from inside him and bring it back. With practiced ease, Liam quickly scarfed down the food on the table like a hungry ghost.

Shanks pointed at him and smiled. "And by quickly replenishing the body's deficiencies by consuming a large amount of food in a short period of time and falling into a deep sleep, you can quickly dispel the excessive fatigue that ordinary people would feel... These are all typical manifestations of a Life Return Ability user."

Liam devoured the food voraciously with his cheeks puffing up.

Perhaps his talent in this aspect of Life Return was something that came as a bonus after awakening the "Life Energy" Stand...
