
In South Asia, 13th century,

A beautiful land blessed with four seasons having equal period of time "ABAD" was ruled by a kindheart King Shams Abadi and I was his most turstful minister, Minister of Defence. At the age of 18, I became Minister and now its been 4years, I was doing my job with loyalty. I am Nooreen, daughter of late minister Mustafa Pasha who was killed for being a traitor. I worked hard to remove the stain of being a daughter of traitor and earned King's trust and this position after struggling so much. I worked in palace as a minister but my big success was Abadi Fort.

Six km west of Abadi palace, Abadi Fort located. Every decision made in Abadi fort had to passed my permision. You can say that I was the ruler of Abadi court.

Big door of fort opened, Nooreen entered in fort. 4 star General Elif and 5 star General Usman greeted Nooreen. 

"Did you sent my letter to that boy?" Nooreen asked to Usman while checking an arrow. "I sent it according to your order." Usman replied. "But Pasha minister, I don't get it that why you specailly sent invitation letter to that ordinary boy?" Elif asked in curiosity. Actually, Nooreen sent an invitation letter to a village boy to come and join army. Nooreen smiled, "Do you really think, he's an ordinary boy?" 

A soldier informed Nooreen, "Mr.Malik wants to meet you,Pasha minister. He's waiting for you in the guest room." Nooreen went to the guest room. After greeting each other Nooreen said, "I knew that you would come, but I did not think that you would come so soon. How are things now?" Mr.Malik gave some documents to Nooreen. "He has finished his studies from the first position and I am here because he has decided to join the army." Mr.Malik told her what she wanted to hear. Nooreen sighed and replied in calm tone, "Soon, we will get the fruit of our patience and hardwork." 

Sometime later, when Nooreen was training soldiers, a pigeon sat on her shoulder. "Let's see what message has come from palace!" Actually its Dean, her trained pigeon. He transferred messages to Nooreen.

[Greeting Pasha minister, you have to come palace as soon as possible. There's a problem!!]


In the eastern part of the palace, the sound of breaking things was hearing from the room. I quickly entered in the room. A 20-year-old girl (white complexion, blue eyes, hair hanging down from her waist, medium height) was venting her anger on things. 

She's Princess Iris, the heart of King Shams, the darling of all. The tears that came out of his eyes are more precious than pearls to King Shams. She should be that much precious to King, because she's the only child of Shams Abadi. 

"What happened, Princess? Why your mood is so bad?" Noreen was worried about her because she always feel Iris as younger sister . "Mom wants me to visit Qarsh Palace, without you." Princess replied in grumpy tone. "Oh! So you are going to visit that fox head prince. Isn't this good that I am not going with you?" Noreen was gesturing to the servants for cleaning. "The very first thing is that he is not Foxhead and the second thing is that if you don't go with me, who will protect me?" Iris cleverly tries to convinced Nooreen. "I already made arrangements for your safety. General Elif and Usman will go with you. I have some important matters to solve in fort." Nooreen also tried to convince princess. " But..but you are my friend,... sis...sister, saver and...servant first. Abu Ji(Shams), appointed you for me. AAHHHH!!!!!" Iris started crying loudly. " Hey, stop...,stop crying please! if king know that you are crying because of me , he'll kill me." But Iris started crying more loudly. " OK...OK. I'll go with you." Iris was very happy to hear Nooreen's word. Nooreen ordered her asistant Waqar to take care of everything after her. Iris and she, started their jounery to Qarsh Palace.

There were 2 soldiers on the right side of princess carriage, 2 left side, 4 in front of and 4 on the back side. I, Nooreen was driving the carriage by herself. So, if someone will attack, I will be close to Princess. Time fly like water flowing in the river, its been 2 night and one day since we started this journey. It was evening, and we were passing through the forests of Qarsh.

Suddenly, an arrow came out of no-where.