Prince Nasir is coming!

It's clear that arrow's aim was me, but it missed it's target. All the soldiers become alert and pulled out their swords. Four men and one girl in black dress attacked the carriage. Soldiers tried to stop them by attacking back. I was observing situation. " GIVE YOUR BEST OR FACE DEATH!!" I shouted and pulled my sword out.

Girl in black tried to enter in the carriage but thrown far away by Nooreen. Nooreen jumped down from the carriage and fought against the attackers. In less than 5 min, attackers were servely injured. I told Princess not to come out and then because I noticed something behind the bushes. 

Suddenly, some arrows shot through the bushes towards Nooreen and carriage. Nooreen and soldiers focused on controling arrows attack. Attackers run away, thought it as a good chance.

I saw a masked man running behind bushes. I wanted to chase after him but soon, it will be dark. I checked if princess is hurt but, everything was okay. We again started our journey to Qarsh Palace."We just entered in Qarsh and tragedy happened, don't know what is going to happen next?" Nooreen thought and sighed.

Princess and others reached Qarsh Palace after sunset. King Ubaid Qarsh and his beloved wife Queen Neelam begum gave them a warm welcome in palace Hall. "Asalam! Uncle Highness and Aunt Queen. Its my pleasure to meet you!" Iris showed her respect towards them. They also greeted her. " You are so beautiful just like your uncle Ubaid." King Ubaid said proudly. " No, she's just like her mother, beautiful and elegant." Neelam begum caressed Iris hair. " Queen, Are you indirectly saying that men are not beautiful?" King Ubaid said dramatically." I didn't, but if you are saying we can believe it." Both Neelam begum and Iris laugh. King made a fake grumpy face.

" Who said men aren't beautiful?" Nooreen entered in Hall. I came late because of preparing things for princess. "See, your lawyer is here to support you." Neelam begum smiled as she saw me. King Ubaid was happy to see Nooreen there. He was so impressed by her intelligence and loyalty. Actually, they loved Nooreen as they loved princess.

"Prove them men are beautiful too, Noor". Ubaid, Shams, Iris and her mom called Nooreen, "Noor" but Neelam begum liked to call her," Nuri". 

"Begum, Have you forgotten your son?" I caught her weak point. "Ok, Ok, let's end this!!" Neelam begum knew that she can't win against Noor. "But Highness, a men should be powerful, handsome and mighty. Beauty is just a game for girls." I told the fact to Ubaid. "You are still same, straight forward." They all laughed because of Ubaid's mocking tone.

Iris and Noreen were walking through the corridor to the guest room with maids when they heard a voice," Prince Nasir is coming!!!"