━ 002

Here i sat on the couch still in that white shirt while trying wrap my head around this situation .

it didnt seems real but after few attempts i realized it's real .

I asked my 'maid' to leave cause I needed time to think it through.

Back in my world I belong to a average family so I could only buy things that were important so being reincarnated here isn't to bad.. I mean why I am feeling scared just think about it , I can do anything now ..

To that I stood up happily.. and called my maid again and asked her to give me my clothes.

The first thing I will do is get information.. y'know about how should I act and how people treat me so I could fit in more ..

Not to mention.. there is also one more important thing I need to take care of is.. make sure I won't end up dead..

I have four little brother I don't remember there names .. in the novel I remember them with their hair colour.. I had a fish memory ..

And the black hair one killed Aiden in the novel ... I will make sure to look for way to stop whatever make him act like that and live the best day of my life as spoiled prince !

Meanwhile as I was in the thought the maid came with clothes and after kicking her out of room I changed even though she protest saying she would help..

That was the weird thing of novels.. like.. they can change themselves they are 5 to kids..


One second thoughts why are these clothes so complicated? I don't know which button to close...!!

After a serious moment of wearing clothes.

I looked myself in the mirror

The clothes were lavish and extravagant, made of the finest silk .

I was striking in this appearance, my rosy hair contrasting against my sharp green eyes. The flowing locks framed my angular face, the pale pink strands shimmering in the light. The color of his eyes were an intense shade of emerald, the green color accentuated by the jewel-toned outfit I was wearing.

" H- I looked hot.. " I thought..

After getting my head banged off by the maid I dumped her in the room and make myself out of the room to look around the Castle..

It was pretty big .. and

The interior of the castle was impressive with grand halls and expansive chambers adorned with elegant tapestries and sculptures. The stone floors were covered with thick and expensive rugs, and the walls were decorated with intricate carvings and mosaics. The ceilings were high and arched, with elaborate frescoes depicting scenes of battles and legendary heroes even the air smell good and fresh, rich air , the scent of the surrounding gardens wafting in through the open windows.

I slowly walked making sure to remember my surroundings.

I lost my way.

Should have took maid along .

I signs as I continue going wherever my foot takes me .

I took a turn and that's when I got out of that big castle and lead myself to garden and that's where I small a kid around 5 or 6 reading a book and a two knights standing a little far away from him and a maid with them too .

A I approached they looked surprised and nervous as they looked at each other after bowing Infront of me

I simply passed by them.

He didn't notice my presence but I know him well.. black hair.. red eyes.. the one who is going to kill me..

The kiddo was lost in his thoughts so I simply went and took the seat Infront of him.. that was enough to make him snap out of his peaceful environment and he looked at me..

"Ah, if it isn't my dear younger brother, buried in a book once again. Don't you ever get tired of reading?" I gave close eye smile while saying that .

There was a silence.

The poor little guy was now trembling.. while looking in the ground

" Aiden you scum what did you do to the poor boy " I thought while trying not to let my annoyance showed in my face.

" Y-Your highness ... I a-am sorry for coming h-here and ... " He trembles the words threaten to come out .

The boy flinch as he saw my head reaching towards his way and he closed his eyes but to his surprise I was just patting his head.. and to that he looked at me with his teary red eyes in suprise .

" Why are you crying? " I asked

" I am s-sorry.. " he said.. but this time he didn't look away..

" Hmm .. say .. " I stop patting his head

" Yes .. your h-highness.. ? " He said .

" What's your name? " I said as I picked the juice from the table Infront of me while taking a sip

" My name is a-alvin.. " he said .. feeling kinda of confused on why his brother want to know his name suddenly when he always tell me not to show him his disgusting face whenever he see him..

" Alvin... Hmm... What does it means? " I asked .

" Meaning? " Alvin asked

I nod saying " y'know the name we are given have meaning "

" S-Sorry I am not smart so I d-dont know.. " he said looking sad .

" Then.. how about this.. " I said while looking at him .

He looked at my way again.. wondering what I want to say

" you come to my place.. tomorrow and after searching your name meaning and tell about it ? " I said smiling

" I can come to your place....? " That was what he asked.

To that I nod as I stand up .

" Make sure to be there at lunch.. " I pat his hairs and then left after stretching my arms .

I walked away from the garden and I once again Started to think about the novel .

Aiden's mother was the first queen . She was really pretty and he took after his mother .. but when he was 6 years old she fell sick and soon after died .

His father had black hair and red eyes and clearly Alvin takes after his father..

Ofcorse his father arsen loved his mother very much but after his mother death everyone started to force him into marriage and to make the kingdom strong and big and just to make connections he had to marry 3 woman's.

And the day his father married other woman Aiden Started to hate his father and never called his father 'father' again.

The second wife of arsen his father have two twins sons who are 10 years old .. but blonde taking after their mother

The third wife had one son who had red hairs , taking after his mother as well he was 8 .

And lastly Alvin was 5 maybe 6 he took after father and sadly his mother also died in child birth.

Aiden hatred wasn't really towards the brothers it was supposed to be towards the father but somehow those little innocent souls end up getting hurt.