━ 003

i was walking aimlessly to this point to where my feet guides me to.. certainly I didn't knew where to find my room and not to mention I don't even servant or maybe they are just avoiding me .

I stand in the middle of the road looking here and their unknown that two pairs of eyes are staring down at me .

" He never came to my place since that day.. " a person staring down said to the male with white hair who nods.

I looked around and then I realised that this place seem familiar.. " it looked like those panels .. but don't remember.. " I thought..

Already tired of walking around a bit.. guess what Aiden doesn't have stamina . I looked around and spotted a bench few steps away and decided to take a small break .

I take deep breath.. my head hurts.. maybe I am sick.. that maid said that Aiden hurted his head .. maybe that's why.. I feel out of breath.

Suddenly it was getting hot .. I took off the upper coat .. my eyes were burning.. it was burning before a little too.. but since it wasn't to much I ignored it but it's coming back at me...

I saw a fountain Infront of me .. and feel the need to splash the water in my face.. but I am prince.. it be weird .. but no one is here... No one will be looking and even if they did .. I don't give a fuc-- I mean I should but...

With those thoughts I stood up walked toward the fountain leaving my jacket on the bench ... I touched the water inside the fountain .. it was cold ... One second thoughts can I just sit in this water.. the thought seems to nice ..

The pair of eye that were watching from afar was confused by their crown prince behaviour.. but they saw the prince sitting near fountain and they saw something black running towards him and jumping on him making him fall in the fountain.

It was his pet dog .. he probably followed Aiden by his fragrance.

Aiden pov.

A sudden force pushed me in the fountain.. not that I mind cause whoever it was really solved my problem.. and then something licked my cheeks...

" Oh .. it's that dog... " I thought as I pat him..and chuckles.. the poor dog was the only one who was sad after Aiden death .

After a while I carried the dog and step out of fountain with him and put the dog down..

Honestly the fountain idea was good but not.. since my breathing has started to fasten up.. but I can't passed out here.. I have make preparations for Alvin.. he will come visit tomorrow.. to my luck the maid founded me and lead me the way.. and after changing from soaked clothes I fell onto the bed and fell asleep immediately because of fever.. it was still some time before the dinner.

Third person pov.

" Crown prince .. seems to be sick " said the brown hair guy.

The white hair nodded while agreeing " maybe that's why he mistakly came to king place "

" Awww man I thought he came to visit for real.. and now I lost the bet.. " said red hair while giving money to brown hair who was laughing.

" As if it's this easy idiot " said brown hair man .

The black hair or the one we call kind still standing near window while listening to his comrades nonsense.

" He won't notice if I pay him a visit.. " he knew prince would be sleeping because of fever.. so he took his Jacket and started to walk towards crown prince place..

He was greater by his personal maid who looked nervous to see him... He ignored her and simply entered crown prince his son camber and saw him sleeping while his face breathing was fast and face little red cause of fever.

He went near his son and place his hand on Aiden forehead who was in deep sleep to notice anything.

He called the maid and asked her to give her bowl of water and clothe and when she came with it he started to soaked the clothe in water and place it on his son forehead.






Later at 10 pm .

I woke up feeling way much better then before.. my head still hurt.. but it's better then before.. I was about to get off from bed but then ...

What I saw on left side of bed.. maded me feel something weird in my heart... I knew who that person was .. it was the king.. maybe that I am feeling isn't my own feelings but the real Aiden feeling.. that feeling he is aware of .. it's hatred .

I noticed things on the drawer.

" Was he taking care of me.. " I thought as I got off from the bed and maded him sleep on Aiden bed.. while trying to make sure he won't wake up and after making him lay there and putting cover onto him.. I stretched my arms and walked toward the exit of the room.

Unknown that he was wake who open his eyes when Aiden left ..

" He didn't said anything.. "







I went to maid and whine that I am hungry and she maded me something like soup being aware that I am sick.. I slowly ate it.. while reading a random book I grabbed on my way to living room .

When I got back at my room the king already left " I am glad.. cause I didn't knew how to act toward him " I signs climbing back in bed and falling asleep once again..

The dream I had that night was weird.. I was a pretty lady with pink hair.. she was saying something to me.. but .. I could only watch her lips move.. I couldn't really hear what she was saying..