Did they just use a black Sapphire card?

"Yes we used a black sapphire card to pay, you shouldn't judge people based on appearance. And close your mouth before something enters it" she said the last statement and patted the manager's mouth with the bill.

"Let's go Mia, leave those two buffoons, they are not worth your time" Dorothy said to Mia and they both went downstairs and went out of the shopping mall.

They met the driver on the way trying to get inside the mall.

"I was just about to come inside" he said.

"We are already done so let's go" Dorothy said.

"OK madam" he replied and wanted to collect the bags from them.

"Don't bother" they told him.

"No ma'ams at least let me carry one bag for you" the driver insisted.

He collected the second bag Mia was carrying and they all walked to the car. They got in and he drove them back to the residence. Dorothy and Mia got out of the car and went straight to Dorothy's room.