getting the job done

Miguel and two exorcist in training in a abandoned bulding by the time they got there it was night time and it looks 10 times creepier peter gulped in nervousness peter: do we need to go there at night? Miguel:well there an actual reason. one: people were sleep and where less unaware at night and this makes the job more quietly. Max: that's why we waited to for midnight? Miguel:yes you two will get used to the night time jobs now that we're are here it's time to set some rules in this mission. Miguel looked at max with a serious look Miguel:max don't summon moline I know you have a contract mark your right hand I can sense it spewing out. Max: why can't I summon her not that I'm arguing I'm just asking. Miguel: because you need to grow strong and I don't mean your physical abilities and skills I mean you as a person you want to protect your family you have to grow to face this mission with only your guts and your bare hands. Max felt like a putch and a sense of determination Miguel was right if max wants to grow not just physical but his resolve max decided to agree to Miguel terms. Max: okay I'll agree to your terms sir. Miguel smile a bit under his mask then he turned his attention to peter. Miguel: peter you have better control over your s.f.e do me a favor and get you or each other killed. Peter: yes sir I'll do my best. Max and peter went inside the abandoned bulding peter was shaking from chills and max was not better but he's been through enough to hide his fright peter and Max didn't found the spirit. Peter: dude this place is freaking the hell out of me. Max:I know but we need to keep looking we can't just go back and say hey Miguel we didn't find the spirit we would fail. Peter: I know but still this place is fucking creepy. Then they heard a sound upstairs max and peter looked up. Peter: you heard that right? Max:yeah I did let's see if it's there. Peter: dude that's the one thing you don't do in this type of situation. Max:you have power you can't be that scared. Peter: shut up it's the imagination that's keeps terrifying me. Max sight heavy and grabbed peter by hand and dragged him up stairs while peter was struggling when the got up stairs and they both saw a black skinned skeleton ish arms and skeleton hands and had black ripped jacket and ripped pants and a mouth that looked like a grin it was walking in circles and started ranting in a distorted voice . Lost soul: HE WAS HERE I KNOW I SAW HIM HE MUST BE HIDING FROM ME I SWEAR I'LL FIND THE SON OF A BITCH AND RIP HIM APART FROM ARMS TO LEGS IS TO EVERY THATS HOLLY I WILL FIND HIM AND DEVOUR HIS SOUL!!! Max and peter were a bit disturbed by loud and pissed off the lost soul sounds they knew Miguel said this one isn't strong enough to cause collateral damage but this thing is really pissed off. max: I know he said this one is just a small fry but damn he sound like a kid through a temper tantrum. Peter gulped and got his serious face on. Peter:so you got a plan? Max thought of a few he could just summon moline and be dine with it but this time he has win this by his own methods. Max: I have one but first we need to know each other's abilities. Peter nodded in understanding. Peter: well I have this. Peter extended his hand then a black dagger with the sharp part being red appearedin his hand. Max: that's the first time i see something like that. Peter: I'm aware but story will have to wait what about you? Max:well its not much but I did some hand to hand combat classes. Peter: well I won't say that isn't much but at least is something. Max: okay peter are you fast? Peter: yeah a form what I've been told I'm bizarrely fast even before I've become an exorcist. Max: okay so here's what we are gonna do I will distract him and you have my back is the okay? Peter: sure. With a plan in mind max and peter got to work lucky for them the lost soul was still throwing a temper tantrum and it will probably play to there advantage Max came to the room and the lost soul instantly notice. Lost soul:WHO THE HELL ARE YOU HOLD ON YOU ARE JUST KID YOU WITH THAT DELINQUENT ARE YOU GOOD YOU WILL BE A PERFECT MASSAGE FOR YOUR GANG IN A BODYBAG. max: didn't listen to the lost soul instead he focused all his spiritual force energy to enhance his body incase it attacks. peter is hiding behind a pillar and the spirit is only focused on max. Max:[I know I'm a complete novice but I'll never learn if I let moline fight my fights for me.] moline:get him big bro. Max took a breath and changed Toward the lost and did a swipe kick to his head but it grabbed Max's leg and threw him to the wall but thanks to spiritual energy enhancing Max's body it didn't do damage enough to crack bones but I still got the job done. The lost tried to punch max through the wall but his arm was cut off than he was kicked in the chest sending him back. Peter:you okay? Max:yeah it just the first time some can match up to me. Lost soul:ANOTHER BRAT YOU STUPID KIDS ARE NOTHING BUT A DAMN PLAGUE YOU JUST NEED TO DIE. max got up and took a stance and peter summoned another dagger. This time peter moved first and surprisingly max and the lost couldn't see him peter appeared behind the enemy the lost tried to defend but max swipe his leg to make him fall to the ground.max then enhance his fist with his black nature aura and tried to smash its head but it dodges his head to the side and kicked his gut but this time max recovered faster and charged to the lost again the was ready to counter attack but peter cut of his legs and ma foot ball kicked its head up killing it. The bounce of the wall and fall onto the wall then the body started to fade into like dust in the wind.peter and max stood there in silence divesting what the just done. Peter broke the silence. Peter: I don't mean to sound arrogant but that was easy. Max: yeah I'm more surprised I didn't hesitate to kill it. Peter: me too. They decided to go back to Miguel. Peter: so what do you think what he was talking about? Max: what do you mean? Peter: well he said stuff like delinquents and stupid kids it's probably a grudge and now that I think about it I don't think that one actually consume any soul because he was way to weak. Max: you might be right it's way too weird that we won that easy if anything I expected to have some broken ribs but it wasn't even that strong let's go to Miguel maybe he knows something. Peter: right.