getting the job done[Michael's group]

Max and peter came back to Miguel. Miguel:you got that done faster than expected. Peter:not to sound arrogant but that was to easy max just football style kicked its head up and that's it. Max: I thought I was gonna struggle when he caught my leg and threw into the wall not to mention it didn't regenerate its arms. Miguel:it was probably a recent one it would make sense I only knew that they were a spirit roaming around but it was just a recent one. Anyways let's go don't worry about it you will trainin tomorrow in your gym but don't push yourselves. Max and peter nodded while they were walking peter and Max thought the same thing. Max/peter:[wonder what Michael and Bonnie are doing] in Michael's point of view the same time that max and peter arrived at the abandoned office building. Bonnie and Michael were being guided by a white hair woman at the top of her hair there things thar look like furry ears she wears a white uniform with a black suit inside the uniform with black pants and black shoes and this woman had a lot of muscle and yellow sharp eyes. Michael: so this is the place? White haired Woman: yup this school has been abandoned for 6 years doe to complaints of bullies and the school staff didn't do anything about it so the parents went ape shit on this place and bankrupt them to the ground. Bonnie scowled in disgust. Bonnie: rotten bastards. Michael:so we're just gonna go in there just the two of us? White haired: yep you kiddos just do your best don't worry I won't let you die I'll step in when you're in a pitch. She winks a the two of them. Michael and Bonnie went inside the school michael and Bonnie didn't say a word to each until Bonnie stopped michael. Michael:what's wrong? Bonnie: I sense a lot of enemies but they feel mindless. Michael:what do you mean? Bonnie: I don't know it's like they have no control of there own. Bonnie's face scrunched up in worry but then a

Two pink bubble came out of Her hand and grabbed it and popped revealing the two guns that looked like the one she use to point at michael yesterday. Bonnie I'll tell you when we are closed I still didn't master my sensing ability. Michael nodded and had his guard up the roam around the ran into locker rooms and empty class rooms. Michael still had his guard up but then Bonnie stopped and looked into a gym. Michael and Bonnie opened a gap into the door to see but they saw a disturbing scene. Pure soul student: STOP PLEASE LET ME GO!! There was a student with black eye and white pupils and and white hair and black mist marking on his cheek he was being held by a black tendril hold him by the neck the tendril was controlled by a woman in with a skeletal arms and a appears that she looks like a black priestess with green eyes and black and green hair. black priestess: you enter my domain like a little rat I just love to see little pigs like you struggle. This send chills through the two trainee exorcist the saw how the woman in black licked here lips and that send a chill to Michael's spine. The woman suddenly got the student closer and claws appeared on her fingers and stabbed them to the students neck and threw him to the ground. The student thrives around the floor hands on his neck but a few minutes the students eyes are completely green and empty. The priestess grabbed His head and her chest in a malicious and manipulate tone black priestess: another to my collection men. you pigs are so easy to control all it takes it a woman and you are as easy to control as puppies getting a treat. Michael and Bonnie were disgusted specifically Michael. Bonnie had enough standing around she sent a few bubbles in the air in the gym this is the first Michael has seen her ability but he trusted that Bonnie knew what she was doing Bonnie aim her guns at the bubbles and fired time seen to freeze for Michael he saw the bullet pierce through the bubble but instead of popping it bounced of like rubber the bullets bounced around the bubbles in a zigzag like pattern until it bounced the last ones and pierce through the priestess eyes blinding and black sluge coming out of her eyes. Black priestess:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGGGG MY EYES MY FUCKING EYES GET THEM WHO EVER SHOT MY EYES KILL THEM YOU USLESS PIGS!!!! As if summoned pure soul corpses and human corpse appeared from underground and rised up like zombies. Michael decided to make his move lightning started to appeared on Michael's body and like a literally lightning bolt he appeared In a flash he bounced of the wall like a ball and killed a majority of the corpses notice Michael stopping to recovery but the two guns sounded and shot 9 zombified beings. Bonnie: your welcome sparky now get your ass move we got a lot of undead assholes to kill. Michael: first mickey now sparky make up your mind. Black priestess's eyes recovered and she is throbbing at the moment and she has a demented look on her. Black priestess: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DICKING AROUND YOU IDIOTS KILL THOSE BRATS YOU USELESS PILES OF GARBAGE. Michael was still bouncing around the walls and kicked and putching there heads off Michael stopped and put his hands on the ground and released a electrified field that fried the nerves system of there brains and fall to the ground dead. Bonnie was taking purcisive shots and aiming to the heads and vital parts but she was running low on amo she send more bubbles towards the undead soldiers and trapped them in big durable bubbles she the took out other small bubbles once she grabbed them ammunition came out she reload and aimed toward the trapped soldiers and fired once the bullet touched the bubble instead of bouncing of it peace with a loud pop that busted the ears and heads of the soldiers she smiled. Bonnie: eat lead ya bastards. The black priestess had enough and snapped a tendril towards Bonnie Michael tried to get help her but he was too busy Bonnie got smacked by the tendril and slammed towards the wall. Black priestess has a smug look on her face but it banished when it's revealed that Bonnie you a bubble to sheld herself from the wall. Michael killed the last two undead soldiers and went directly towards the priestess doe to the priestess distration from Bonnie she reached too late and she got grabbed by the head and Michael unleashed all of his power until she couldn't move anymore the priestess's screams rang out for a while until she starts bleeding from here eyes and her mouth Michael let go and the priestess falls over dead her body vanishing into the wind Michael let out a sign of relief and Sat down Bonnie sat next to him also a bit drained. Bonnie: so how much you wanna bet the other two had it easier? Michael: are you seriously making a bet right now? Bonnie: I'm trying to start a conversation. Michael sight again. But he thought about it and responded probably the just beat it in a instant