she can't take a no huh?

[In a cafe]

Peter and max were being stared at by sonia who looked like she was going to rip them a new one of course they knew they are stronger but a women's glare is more instance.

Sonia: so? Start talking.

Max: look those creatures you saw are spirits to specific they were lost souls and how there created is by someone dying and when they die the spirit leaves the body and it takes form and depending on the person they become a lost soul or a pure soul.

You can say that pure souls are the good guys while lost soul's are the bad ones and the ones you saw were killed by the punks and they wanted revenge and I'm pretty sure they are dead.

Sonia: so this is your real internship work?

Max sucked air through his teeth in a sign of her being right.

Peter: well look we are in training but you can't tell anyone this well even if you did nobody will believe you but besides that if the public every one will panic you saw how in TV shows how human are when there scared of something shit can hit the fan and pure soul will suffer for it.

Sonia look as if she was thinking but she said something they didn't expect.

Sonia: let me and my gang join.

Peter/max: huh?

Sonia: you guys said that you are in training right it won't hurt to have another.

Peter: didn't you hear what we said this job is dangerous and you-

Sonia: I'll train with you two then I'm not just gonna pretend as If there people that actually need help and if me or my gang have to join something like this to do some good I'll do it so I'll keep on bothering you until you guys agree to make join your group.

Peter and max honestly didn't know what to do or say they didn't have the authority to say who joins and who doesn't.

Max: I'll make a call and if she agrees to get you in. You can join is that alright?

Sonia: fine by me.

Max then gave Sonia the address to the campus of the haunted forest and told her to wait for someone after that max and peter separated from Sonia and were walking back.

Peter: dude you sure that was a good idea I mean she is practically a civilian.

Max: I don't know but let's just wait and see who it goes if Evelyn says that she is in good for her but if she can't well will see what we can do.

Peter: well if you say so I'm not sure about this but I hope it goes well for her she seem to be very determined to do this.

Max: well E.X.O CORP will take anyone unless they plan something inhumane or harm to spirits or humans.