old friend and new dorm mate

Max and the other were having an dusk dinner and they were talking about sonia joining the dorms

Bonnie: well at least I won't be trapped with just guys.

Michael: that's sexist you know that?

Bonnie: hey I've been the only girl in this dorm so don't blame me for being to have some that isn't male.

Peter: I have a feeling that you and sonia will get along. Actually we might have to-

Before peter could finish the door was kicked open and sonia was there with her luggage.

Sonia: yo mind helping me out

Michael: was it necessary to kick? the door we are going to get in trouble for that.

Sonia: relax now you two red haired and max help me with my luggage.

Peter: hey what the hell my name is Peter Lawrence I told you!?💢

Sonia: whatever just help me.

Peter: this bitch just wrote me off💢

Max: (sigh)calm down let's help her

Max and the others helped with sonia's luggage to her room.

[Some where in the city]

Miguel was in a restaurant that he visited even when he was young and he is here to talk with a close friend.

Miguel saw a man that had a muscular physic and his eyes are red along with a lot of accessories on his wrist and sharp teeth and a scar on the wrist when him and Miguel made eye contact the muscular man was smiling showing his sharp teeth to the world.

Man: hey Miguel how's it going we've been busy and we haven't had the chance to talk.

Miguel: of course we are in the high ranks exorcists who are more experienced had more work load so who is it going for you Connor?

Connor: honestly kinda bore but thanks to my wife keeping me in shape but still miss that magnificent bastard Thomas he when out of the country for a mission that the Italy region of the exorcist department is having problems with a cult that wanted a sacred fruit.

Miguel: well he is the strongest of all of us he and if I remember right the Intel says that the fruit has the ability of calamity control right?

Connor: yeah I apparently the cult in Italy believes that humans are doomed to die and they say that calamity is the quickest way to put us out of our misery. honestly I don't get how some people just get that in there heads.

Miguel when he heard cult he put a hand on his throat because of a throb of pain.

Connor: oh right I forgot that sorry for bringing bad memories.

Miguel: it's fine more importantly u heard that you plan to visit our base of operation can I ask why?

Connor:(shrugs) well I wanna see the rookies my wife has been talking about then and since I'm free for a couple of days I can probably train them a bit

Miguel: physical training?

Connor: yup of course I'll try not to send anyone to doctor Freya.

Miguel: actually speaking of students you told me on the phone that you have a apprentice of your own?

Connor: yup the kid is from Japan and apparently he has been looking for some to be his mentor and I pushed him away multiple times but he didn't leave me alone so we when on a field with no people or spirits and I told the kid to land on hit on me and to my surprise the kid actually gave me a good fight and trust me no matter how many time I pummel the kid he just didn't quit and he told me that he won't quit till I accept him so I did but it was more because the kid had a crazy potential and why wasted.

Miguel: that's surprising what's his name?

Connor: ryu sakura he is a good kid he's an amateur still but he is a gifted amateur with a crazy potential.

Miguel: so what's his ability?

Connor had a feral grin remembering how ryu and him were fighting and he felt like a father proud of his son.

Connor: the kid has the ability of fire and he was trained by his family are retired exorcist and they taught him the basics but apparently ryu wanted to grow on his own terms and he came to America to train and right now he is visiting his family he will be back in 3 days.

Miguel: I see.

Connor: so did Thomas contacted you?

Miguel: yeah he says that the mission is almost done and he should come back in a week and if he gets rid of all of the cultists he can get back here faster.

Connor: honestly soon because honestly I want some to give me good fight.

Miguel: what about your wife?

Connor looked down and he has a depressing air around him and Miguel was confused.

Connor: Miguel I'm crazy I'm a battle junkie I know that but do you have anyway idea to have a woman that actually know how I work it's scary one time I sneaked put to fight with a class a. lost soul it wasn't strong but at least it was a challenge and it was a curfew night when I got him my wife had me on house arrest and she forced me to everything around the house and as a punishment that I felt antsy I wanted to have something to distract me and do my work as an exorcist but my wife told them to fuck off and she told me that she would had me on house arrest for a whole year that was the worst day of my life it lasted a mouth I wanted to die but I told myself to man up it was horrible.

Miguel just looked at his friend like he was an idiot.

Miguel[ well for an fighting junkie like him It kinda fits not to mention that he has the highest notes of always causing a commotion.]

After they were done talking they separated and when back to there duties and tomorrow was gonna be a rough day with the exorcists in training a really rough day