

Storm gasped, as her buttocks landed on the floor out of shock, the sharp motion supported slightly when she had stepped on an empty can which had laid idle on the floor.

Her telescope also fell, as if mourning her sad state with her. Very faithful, unlike some handsome Greek , or was it an Irish god, that had just managed to hurt her when they hadn't even started anything.

That's great!

It was good that she had found out now though. Yes, it was good that she had found out what a liar he was before having anything to do with him. This way she wouldn't be tempted in the list to grab and kiss him again if he ever came close to her.

Storm nodded her head, forcefully agreeing with the painful deduction.

Actually, Miranda can have him.

She didn't care about that anymore.

She sniffed angrily when she felt a lone tear drop from her cheek.

God, I am so pathetic.

She hadn't cried over the news of her father's death immediately, but here she was, whining over someone that wasn't even her boyfriend yet.

Clucking her tongue decisively, she stood up from the floor, refusing to wallow in some kind of depression and hurt whilst she had other things to worry about, like how she was going to escape this hell hole.

She picked up the telescope and fixed it back into the pack from which she had unpacked it from, returning it to the farthest part of the wardrobe. She didn't think she would be using it again. It now smelt of a bad memory.

Done with that. She collapsed depressively on her bed, heaving in and out like she had just run some marathon race.

For almost an hour, Storm kept rolling on the bed, her mind assailed with thoughts on what she could do, where she could go, to escape her family, before they killed her off and offered her body parts to the dogs on a platter.

When nothing seems to be coming up, for my only hope had just disappointed her-if Kaden could lie about his girlfriend, then how could she trust him with anything?

Storm tried to sleep. But that wasn't forthcoming either.

So, out of desperation to just forget and sleep a mindless sleep, she opened the lower compartment of her drawer, and took out the bottle of pills which she had purchased from the pharmacy one time, in order to aid her sleep and overcome her nightmares. She had abandoned it because she had almost become addicted to it. She hated addictions.

Looking at the bottle now, Storm sighed.

She had no choice.

Taking a deep breath in, she opened the bottle, and took out the prescribed two. However, on a second thought, she took out an extra five and put them in her mouth. She then took out a can of juice in her drawer and took a large gulp from it.

Now , I can sleep like a dead weight.

She laid down, and hugged a pillow to herself.


It started with the banging on the door which wasn't helping the absurd ringing in Storm's ears.

She discovered then that trying to open her eyes was like commissioning an impossible task. She couldn't. Rather, she changed her sleeping position, half conscious of what was going on in her environment.

"Storm, open the door! Are you okay in there?"

She heard a voice shout from outside her door. In her slightly conscious state, She thought the voice sounded like Justin's.

No way would Manuel be around, and no way would he be asking if she was okay. The idiot only cared about himself.

"Storm, I'm busting open this door now!"

She heard the same voice shout, and sighed, struggling but failing to get up from the bed. She couldn't move, and she was finding it hard to speak. She was just so tired, and what she ever wanted at that point was to sleep more.

"Lucy, hurry! Get the keys from Jess or Miranda. I am not sure Storm is okay."

Justin, most likely, spoke.

Storm sighed dreamily.

Lucy was here too?

She doubted Jess would listen to them though.

Her stepmother was a devil. Probably, the woman will use this opportunity to whisk her off to the hospital, and perhaps kill her off there.

Storm smiled, her face scrunching in confusion as she felt her bed moving.

It was slow at first but then its tempo increased with time, and soon, it was like she was on a spinning bed.

She began to laugh maniacally, but that didn't seem to please the individuals outside her door, because the next minute the guy was shouting for Lucy to hurry up.

Who was Lucy though? Storm thought, tapping the bed to stop, or whilst thinking that she was.

"Stop bed…stop spinning. I want to use the restroom." She shouted, hitting the bed to stop moving, but if anything it got faster.

Was this an act of Jess and Miranda? Were they trying to spin me to death?

Storm thought angrily, trying again to get out of the bed but failing. It was like she was really a dead weight.

Just as she wanted to curse at the bed and her wicked family, she heard her door burst open, and in a few seconds, felt a hand wrapped around her.

"Breathe Storm…you are okay…''

She heard the voice mutter in her right ear.

Shewanted to tell him that shewas okay, and that if she wasn't breathing, she wouldn't be living at the moment, but her tongue remained stuck to the roof of her mouth.

"Lucy, hurry. She is sweating so much. Get a towel and cold water. I think a fever is coming." The voice said.

Storm was sure it was Justin now, but then, she shook her head, wanting his hands off her.

He was trying to drown her, pressing her beneath the surface of the water. Why would her friend do that?

Betrayers, all of them!

"Let me go, you leech! You can't drown me!"

She heard herself say.

Her voice was loud and shrill at the same time.

When did my voice begin to sound like psychotic Miranda?

She thought, just before she chose to succumb to the beckoning of the deep waters.