First Failure (2)

First Failure (2)

"Why, God?" she cried out, her voice trembling with a mixture of sorrow and anger. "Why did you allow this to happen? How could you take my beloved son from me?"

Dave, his curiosity piqued by his mother's anguish, tried to peer around his father to catch a glimpse of Jason's lifeless form. But his father, with tears streaming down his face, stood resolute, shielding Dave's view.

"Not now, son," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Not like this. We need to remember Jason as he was, full of life and bravery. Let me bear the weight of this sight."

As the room was enveloped in the somber silence of their grief, a strange sound began to fill the air. Soft bubbling and popping noises resonated from behind them, stirring a sense of unease within their hearts. Dave's father turned his attention to the source of the sound, his eyes widening in alarm.