First Failure (3)

First Failure (3)

As the glow intensified, the Duplicating Slime underwent a subtle transformation. Its once pale exterior took on a faint iridescence, shimmering with dark, malevolent hues. The slime seemed to vibrate with an unsettling energy, as if the absorbed essence of John infused it with newfound strength.

With each passing moment, the Duplicating Slime swelled in size and vitality. It pulsed with a sickly radiance, its hunger growing insatiable. The creature had gained more than nourishment from its grisly feast—it had absorbed a fragment of John's essence, fueling its own growth and spawning further duplications.

Dave's scribbling continued unabated, oblivious to the horror unfolding just inches away. His innocent curiosity remained untarnished by the macabre scene, as he remained locked in his own world, absorbed in his personal exploration.