Chapter five

Chapter five


I just lay on my bed looking at the ceiling. I could not get Dammy's face off my mind. He was so handsome, coupled with the fact that he was the owner of the best clothing brand in California. Many ladies would die to be in the position I was in. 

Merely being in the same space with him would have looked like an honor to them, and I was a total nutcase for not even recognizing him or his name, or even ringing a bell when he told me. 

I would give Becca credit for this; she had good taste in men. She didn't message me to ask how it went. She probably guessed that I was very tired and wouldn't even be able to give her the full gist tonight.

My phone rang, waking me up. I opened one eye, still feeling sleepy, and raised the phone to look at the caller. I saw it was Becca, so I closed my eyes again, hoping she would stop calling and allow me to go back to sleep.

 But such prayers are surely not answered, as my phone started ringing again. I put my hand on the mute button and muted the sound, but after a few fleeting seconds of thinking about it, I decided to answer the call because I knew she wouldn't relent. 

I pressed the answer button on the screen and put it on speaker.

"Hello!!" she shouted.

"Just go straight to the point and stop shouting," I said.

It was annoying that she was calling me this early, and even more annoying because her voice didn't sound like she had just woken up; she sounded chatty, and I knew that spelt trouble for me this morning. She was going to bore me to death with talk.

"You don't have to sound like we are having a fight; I was just trying to have a normal conversation with you, but it looks like you are not capable of that," Becca said in her chit-chat tone.

"Becca..., I know you are calling me to gossip or whatever it is you do," I told her.

"Ouch..." She bursted into laughter at the other end. I just sighed, already used to her crazy lifestyles; it wasn't surprising anymore.

"Well..., since you know why I called you, then let's get into it. Tell me in detail, how was it? Did you find him attractive? Do you like him? Are you going to go on another date with him? Did you kiss?" She bombarded me with questions, and I quickly interrupted her when she got to the kissing part.

"Well... About the kissing," I said in a slow, deliberate tone, and I was greeted by screaming at the other end, almost deafening to the ear.

"Holy moly! I didn't know you guys would get to it so fast. How did it feel? Was it soft? Hard?" she asked in between breaths.

Having a best friend as crazy as Becca was a disappointment, but we all know that every disappointment is a blessing. 

The events of yesterday told me that much: my boss disappointed me by sacking me, and I ended up going on a date with none other than Dammy Rohagan.

"Listen and listen attentively because I won't be repeating myself. First of all, we didn't kiss, even if part of me wished we did. Secondly, yes, he is handsome, and I find him very attractive. He is clearly not bad to me, but I don't know about the other way round. I told him I was jobless and recently got sacked, but since he didn't ask for the company, I didn't bother to tell him that information. The food at that restaurant was the best. I would unashamedly tell you that Gina's chops was the best restaurant I have been to in my twenty four years of living. I have been to restaurants when I was a kid, but this one beat anyone I have ever been to. I don't know if I am going to go on another date with him, but I think all that depends on him."

"Did you at least give him your number?" Becca inquired.

"Yes," I said.

"That is perfect, then. From the little non detailed talk you gave me, I already figured out you like him and just need him to finally get it all," she concluded.

"Becca, if you call this non detailed, then I am starting to wonder what your detailed talks will be. I am still sleepy, and you are disturbing me."

"You were the one complaining that you got fired yesterday, and now you are feeling sleepy when on a normal day you would have been at work by now. I can see you are already getting the hang of it then," she said, mockery lacing her tone.

"Are you really mocking me, Becca?" I laughed.

"I am not mocking you, darling, just didn't expect you to be enjoying your vacation to yourself so soon."

"You are the worst friend anybody would ever wish for."

"That is why you love me, baby. I am not for just anybody but you," she uttered and started laughing.

I suddenly remembered something I wanted to ask her. "Becca.... why did you allow me to disgrace myself yesterday by not telling me the name of my date?" I inquired.

"You wouldn't have been interested if I had told you, and you would not have gone inside if you had known who he was from the beginning. I think it was for the best," she answered.

I sighed.

"He is more handsome than your boss, though! So don't even think about it," she said.

I hadn't even mentioned anything about who was more handsome, and she's already telling me as if she knows I'm going to compare them.

"Becca... I don't think he is more handsome than my boss. They are both attractive in their own way. He has a more boyish and innocent look, but then my boss has a more cocky and dangerous look," I said.

I felt attracted to him when I started working there. Who isn't? He had that effect on every lady in the office, and even those involved in their own gender. All the ladies in the office were swooned by him. 

I think my attraction to him was one of the reasons I could not resist or even try to put up a fight that night.

 I didn't want to think about that night and what transpired. After his behavior yesterday, I think I am beginning to dislike him.

"I don't just want you to think about him or what he did. If you're feeling bored, you can just tell me, and I will come over. It is not the end of the world. Goodbye, sweetheart," she sang-song to me.

"Just get out already and stop sounding like a les," I ended the call.