
Tailed Beast Jinchuriki's are the ultimate weapon of the major ninja villages, and the power of Tailed Beasts can be said to be devastating.

Even the Kage would struggle against a Tailed Beast, except for the First Hokage of Konoha.

Of course, the strength of each Tailed Beast, from One-Tail to Nine-Tails, varies greatly.

Except for the First Hokage of Konoha, of course.

Perhaps when the Sage of Six Paths distributed chakra, he favored the Nine-Tails a bit more.

Otherwise, how could the Nine-Tails and Naruto easily defeat the other seven Tailed Beasts when working together in the later stages?

But even a One-Tail is not something that an ordinary Jonin can handle, and only a Kage can deal with a fully transformed Jinchuriki .

"How old is this kid?"

Tsunade asked in shock.



Tsunade and Shizune both sucked in a breath of cold air.

Jiraiya, are you sure you're not kidding me?

A fourteen-year-old Kage?!

This isn't a genius, it's a monster! It's a freak!

The key point is that Jiraiya just said that this kid's swordsmanship is on par with S-rank ninjutsu, and there's not even a trace of chakra in it, meaning that this sword strike is purely wielded by Ryujiro himself.

With such terrifying swordsmanship, even White Fang of the Konoha would probably hand over his title to Ryujiro if he were still alive.

"Not bad, kid. You'll definitely have a place as a future great shinobi of Konoha."

Tsunade slapped Ryujiro's shoulder with pride, completely unaware that he was one of the most powerful people who shook the ninja world.

Some even suspected before that if Tsunade really became the Fifth Hokage, she might mortgage Konoha, after all, Tsunade's personality and her luck in the gambling den really made it possible.

Ryujiro coldly brushed off Tsunade's hand and said indifferently.

"But I'm not interested in being a Hokage. I just want to be strong enough to protect the people around me."

Not interested in being Hokage?

This surprised Tsunade a bit. Wasn't the position of Hokage a lifelong dream for these young ninjas?

But just wanting to protect the people around oneself...

Tsunade's gaze dimmed at this point. Can being strong enough really protect the people around oneself?

The tragedies of Dan and Nawaki...

Perhaps if she had been strong enough, with the strength she has now, maybe Dan and Nawaki wouldn't have died.

"Kid, you do have a bit of a manly demeanor, but don't hang out with Jiraiya too much."

"I know Jiraiya's character best. This guy has had no luck with women since I've known him. If you don't want to stay single in the future, it's best to stay away from Jiraiya."

"Hey! Tsunade! Are you making fun of me in front of the younger generation?"

Jiraiya glared at Tsunade angrily.

Tsunade's tongue was still as venomous as ever after all these years...


No, there's been a bit of a change.

Jiraiya's gaze couldn't help but focus on Tsunade's upper body.

However, just as he stared for only a few seconds, a fist the size of a sandbag smashed into Jiraiya's face.

"Boom!" A sound like a bursting balloon, an invisible shockwave resounded, and Jiraiya flew out like a comet.

"Pervy Sage!"

"Damn it, what are you doing!"

Naruto looked at Tsunade angrily.

"Don't look at me like that, kid. I would have gouged out his eyes a long time ago if it were someone else."

"Besides, Jiraiya is fine."

Tsunade shrugged indifferently.

Jiraiya was smashed into the wall by Tsunade's punch, and the whole person leaned against the rubble. The people around dared not approach, thinking that Jiraiya was dead.


"Tsunade, you're still the same."

Jiraiya got up, touched the spot where Tsunade had hit him.

Tsunade's monstrous strength was still as terrifying as ever.

"Humph! Jiraiya, your annoying personality is still the same."

Tsunade looked disdainful.

Jiraiya rubbed his neck and chuckled.

"Boss, I'm sorry. The losses here are all on my account."

After all, they smashed someone else's tavern. No matter what, they couldn't just walk away like that. 

Besides, Jiraiya knew that since Tsunade was willing to come out of the gambling den, she definitely had no money left.

The tavern owner looked gratefully at Jiraiya.

Such a good person!

If he were to ask that woman for compensation, she would probably kill him.

Tsunade put one foot on a stool, her imposing manner causing Ryujiro to widen his eyes slowly.

"Alright, Jiraiya, since you've come to find me, it's not just for catching up. Speak up if you have something to say."

"The small talk ends here."

That's right.

The purpose of coming to find Tsunade must not be forgotten.

Jiraiya put away his smile, and said seriously to Tsunade, "Tsunade! Will you become the Fifth Hokage?"


Naruto was dumbfounded, and the fish he had just eaten almost choked him.


What's going on?

Does the Pervy Sage want this woman to become the village's Fifth Hokage?

Could it be that the person the Pervy Sage said was very powerful is this woman?


Was it true or not?

Naruto couldn't accept this fact for a while.

"I've said what I wanted to say. What's your answer..."

Shizune, who was on the side, looked nervous. The esteemed Jiraiya-sama wanted Lady Tsunade to become the Fifth Hokage...

What's going on?

Is this the village's decision?

Just as Tsunade was about to speak, suddenly the atmosphere changed in the presence of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and even Ryujiro's face changed.

This chilly aura...

Tsunade and Jiraiya walked out of the tavern, looking at Orochimaru standing on the wall with a gloomy expression.

"Indeed, it's you, Orochimaru."


Orochimaru frowned. It seemed like everyone he encountered lately was familiar to him. He had only come to find Tsunade to heal his hands.

"Ryujiro, Jiraiya, and the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails."

"Orochimaru, what are you doing here?!" 

Tsunade's expression darkened as she looked up at Orochimaru. If they weren't in a town, Orochimaru would have likely attacked already.

"Jiraiya, Tsunade, the three of us have a rare chance to gather together."

"Those were the days."

"And Ryujiro."

Orochimaru forced a faint smile, but he looked more exhausted than before, like a dying man. 

However, when he mentioned Ryujiro's name, he emphasized it deliberately.

Jiraiya and Tsunade glanced at Ryujiro, but they didn't pay too much attention. They knew Orochimaru was chronically ill.

"Drop the fake smile."

"You traitor!"

Tsunade gritted her teeth.

"So, you're the Orochimaru who killed the Third Hokage, as pervy sage mentioned?!"

Naruto glared at Orochimaru.

The Third Hokage, the old man who had been kind to him, died at Orochimaru's hands!

Due to his anger, Naruto's chakra suddenly burst uncontrollably, surprising Tsunade, Jiraiya, and the others.

"This kid's chakra..."

As a member of the Senju clan, Tsunade was sensitive to chakra. The Jinchuriki 's chakra was vast, like an ocean.

And this was just Naruto's own chakra.

It seemed the village not only had this troublemaker but also another monster.

Tsunade couldn't help but shift her gaze to Ryujiro.

The atmosphere grew tense, with a battle ready to erupt at any moment.

However, at that moment, Ryujiro's figure suddenly disappeared.

Before Kabuto, who was beside Orochimaru, could understand what was happening, he was kicked away by Ryujiro.

Even Orochimaru couldn't react in time.

Tsunade and Jiraiya also struggled to keep up with Ryujiro's speed.

Why wasn't this kid playing by the rules?

Why did he suddenly attack? Jiraiya and Tsunade couldn't just stand by.

With a cold gleam in his eyes, Ryujiro pressed his sword against Orochimaru's neck, his expression calm. Even facing one of the Sannin, Orochimaru, Ryujiro remained unfazed.

"Orochimaru, I advise you not to move. My sword is faster than your petty tricks."

Though Ryujiro's tone was calm, the domineering aura emanating from him made Orochimaru feel an icy chill instantly enveloping him.

That aura again...

This pressure wasn't from chakra; it was an instinctual fear, and facing Ryujiro, Orochimaru couldn't help but feel he wasn't dealing with just a shinobi. 

Instead, he sensed a unique presence, akin to that of a king.

Was Ryujiro aspiring to become a nation's ruler?

"Ryujiro-kun, what do you mean by this?" Orochimaru squinted at Ryujiro with a strange look in his eyes.

"Orochimaru, you should understand without me having to spell it out. 

The Third Hokage died by your hand, and everyone wants revenge for him. Naturally, I am no exception." 

A terrifying killing intent erupted from Ryujiro, drowning everything like a tidal wave.

Struggling to stand, Kabuto looked at Ryujiro in terror. "Lord Orochimaru!"

Before he could finish, Ryujiro left a blur and appeared in front of Kabuto, looking at him expressionlessly.

Though Kabuto's reaction was quick, his face momentarily froze, but his body's instincts prevented him from attacking Ryujiro.

"You have no say here."

"Weaklings should act like weaklings."

With terrifying strength, Ryujiro's fist smashed into Kabuto's chest. The sound of bones breaking sent chills down everyone's spine.

However, Jiraiya couldn't help but frown. Ryujiro's reaction was strange.

While Orochimaru was indeed the killer of the Third Hokage, and Konoha Village's ninjas harbored resentment towards him, Jiraiya sensed only killing intent from Ryujiro, not hatred.

Why did Ryujiro harbor such intense killing intent towards Orochimaru and Kabuto? Has Orochimaru done something to Ryujiro before?

"Jiraiya, that kid..."

"That wild gaze, it's as if he's a wild beast. We can't let him come into contact with Danzo's Root. If this kid falls into darkness, it will lead to unforeseen consequences for us."

A grave expression crossed Tsunade's face.

Such a gaze. If the higher-ups of the Konoha Village pressured Ryujiro, it would backfire, possibly leading to the emergence of another powerful rogue ninja.

"Kabuto is my subordinate. Please be gentle with him."

"Heh, even if he's your subordinate? He's just a pawn to you."

Ryujiro mercilessly exposed Orochimaru's lies.

A snake is a cold-blooded creature, and Orochimaru was no longer human; he was more like a venomous snake that devoured people without leaving bones.

"Heh, it seems you understand me well, Ryujiro." Orochimaru's face turned completely dark. Before Ryujiro, he didn't dare to act rashly.

Moreover, with Jiraiya and Tsunade present, Orochimaru's strength was greatly reduced. His hands felt as if they were burning, as if engulfed in intense heat.

"Hey, Ryujiro, Orochimaru isn't that simple. Don't act on your own for now."

However, though Jiraiya's voice reached Ryujiro's ears, he acted as if he hadn't heard.

Both Ryujiro and Orochimaru suddenly disappeared from the sight of the three, with Orochimaru being kicked away by Ryujiro again, just like during the Chunin Exams.

But this time, Orochimaru had no power to block the kick.

"Is this kid always so reckless?" Tsunade looked at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya sighed. "I don't quite understand him either. Let's catch up quickly. Orochimaru's not in his right mind, but if Ryujiro's not careful, he might fall victim to Orochimaru's strange Jutsus."

Tsunade nodded in agreement.

Both glanced at their disciples.

"You two stay here!"

With that, Jiraiya and Tsunade disappeared in front of Naruto and Shizune's eyes.

Naruto and Shizune looked at each other in confusion, then turned away, their eyes meeting, and the air fell silent as if several black dots appeared over their heads.

So, we've been left behind like this?


Here is an extra chapter for you all, hope you enjoy it. Also thank you everyone for reading and supporting this story, means a lot to me. ]

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As the smoke exploded, engulfing the surroundings, the ground shook violently, and a dangerous aura filled the air.

A massive snake-like summon creature with purple markings appeared, its head adorned with three prominent horns resembling a dragon's.

It loomed before Ryujiro like a small mountain peak.

Orochimaru's summon, Manda!

However, Orochimaru's summon had a specific condition: after each summoning, Manda required 100 living sacrifices. 

These sacrifices could be anyone—children, adults, or the elderly—and ultimately, they were all consumed by Manda, making it the epitome of an evil summon.

"Tsk tsk, Orochimaru, you're shameless. Summoning me to deal with a mere child," Manda remarked.

"Hmm? Your hand..."

"No wonder... your power is restricted."

"It seems you've done something significant before."

Manda was not pleased with Orochimaru's interference, but they were old acquaintances. Orochimaru's aura had weakened significantly since their last encounter.

"Manda, Ryujiro is not as simple as you think. One wrong move and even you might fall by his blade," Orochimaru warned solemnly.


But just a little brat was making Orochimaru cautious? This wasn't quite the Orochimaru he knew. Was it because of his weakened state?

"Orochimaru, don't compare me to you. I am Manda! The strongest snake of the Ryuchi Cave!" Manda declared.

Manda simply couldn't believe that a mere ant could kill him. 

Its massive body pressed down on the surroundings, crushing trees under its colossal form. The terrifying aura it emitted sent nearby creatures fleeing.

"You have no chance to shine here, Manda."

"You'd better obediently return to the Ryuchi Cave with your tail between your legs."

Ryujiro's gaze remained ice-cold as he faced the massive Manda. Despite its size, Ryujiro remained unfazed.

"Kid! What did you say?!"

Manda erupted in anger, its aura resembling an erupting volcano, ready to burst at any moment.

"This stage isn't yours, Manda."

"You brat! Even if Orochimaru pleads for you, I'll still kill you!"

With Manda' anger reaching its peak, its tremendous power surged like a tidal wave.

The ground collapsed under its immense force, and friction in the air created a shockwave akin to thunder rolling.

Its colossal tail swept towards Ryujiro, devastating the land. Manda' power could easily demolish a small mountain.

"Hmph, an arrogant kid."

"Prepare to be crushed!"

Unperturbed, Ryujiro calmly assumed a stance with his sword drawn. The chilling glint in his eyes caused the surrounding temperature to plummet.

"No matter how great your power, you're still just a beast."

"The strongest serpent of Ryuchi Cave? In my eyes, you're nothing but a worm."


With speed surpassing the limits of the world, Ryujiro's strike created shockwaves that extended several meters behind him. 

It wasn't mere Body Flicker Jutsu but the eruption of ultimate power.

As Manda' colossal tail swept towards him, blood gushed out like a fountain, and the massive tail danced in the air, raining blood upon the earth.

"Boom!" Like a small mountain, the enormous tail crashed onto the ground, creating ripples.

Manda let out a sharp cry of pain, and Orochimaru, standing atop its head, almost lost balance due to its agonized struggles.

But the next moment, Orochimaru trembled and almost instinctively jumped down from Manda' head.

The fear and sense of impending doom made Orochimaru, who felt the threat of death for the first time, break out in a cold sweat.

Ryujiro's figure turned into afterimages as sword strikes, akin to a storm, showered Manda' body. Each strike accompanied by the sharp sound of air friction.


Calmly, Ryujiro returned to his original position, sheathing his sword.

At this moment, when Jiraiya and Tsunade arrived and saw Manda' colossal tail, their eyes shrank in shock.

Tsunade suddenly knelt on the ground, her face pale as she collapsed.

The sight of blood triggered Tsunade's haemophobia once again. Anyone with haemophobia like Tsunade would become virtually useless in combat upon seeing blood.

Of course, Tsunade's haemophobia stemmed from losing her loved ones, including her partner and brother, in the Third Great Ninja War. 

Despite being a medical ninja, she couldn't save them.

"Manda' tail... This boy, Ryujiro, is too ruthless. He actually cut off Manda' tail."

"He's nothing but a beast."

Jiraiya looked at the huge purple tail with palpitations. However, what followed was even more shocking.

"Crack... crack..."

Like the sound of rocks shattering, cracks of various sizes appeared on Manda' stiffened body. When Jiraiya saw blood oozing out, the sight shocked him.

The bloody scene assaulted his vision.


With a loud explosion, Manda' body burst open, like a firework, and its limbs and flesh danced in the air like a bloody rain, turning into a torrential storm that swept the surrounding area.

The scene gave the impression of being amidst a sea of corpses and blood. The immense amount of blood seemed to wash over the surrounding forests like waves.

Jiraiya's mind went blank, looking at the crimson chunks before him, his brain ceased to function.


Did it just die like that?

The thick smell of blood in the air made Jiraiya feel like he was on a battlefield where thousands had perished.

"No! Tsunade!"

Jiraiya anxiously looked at Tsunade.

By now, Tsunade was covered in blood, and the smell of blood overwhelmed her senses. Compared to her earlier fearful expression, she now seemed completely numb.

"Tsunade! Pull yourself together!"

"Hey! Wake up!"

Jiraiya shook Tsunade, and with each shake, the water-like substance on Tsunade's body created ripples.

"Bang!" A punch landed on Jiraiya's face and ear.

Jiraiya was sent flying again, while Tsunade, with a dark face, looked at Jiraiya, who was thrown several meters away.

Looking at her blood-covered hands and the massive blood chunks scattered around, Tsunade seemed strangely unaffected.

Was her haemophobia cured?!


Watching the fresh blood before them, even Tsunade's eyes were tainted with the viscous blood of Manda.

Inside the Ryuchi Cave, lying on a stone couch, the White Snake Sage, smoking a pipe, suddenly widened his serpent eyes.

The aura of Manda disappeared?

What happened after Orochimaru's called Manda? What exactly could have happened in such a short time?

Meanwhile, Orochimaru, with a face full of fear, stared at Manda chopped into pieces. From the moment it happened to now, it had been less than a minute.

Manda died at Ryujiro's hands just like that.

The next moment, Ryujiro used Body Flicker Jutsu to appear in front of Orochimaru. At this moment, no one noticed Ryujiro.

Jiraiya was still in the dirt, not yet climbed up, and Tsunade, no longer fearing blood, momentarily didn't pay attention to this side.

Ryujiro leaned forward and moved his mouth.

Instantly, Orochimaru's eyes contracted, and his face changed dramatically as he looked at Ryujiro.

At the same time, the next second, a dazzling and murderous blade flashed in an instant.

The brief burst of killing intent caused the temperature to plummet suddenly, as if immersed in an icy world.

Orochimaru's eyes, full of wildness and coldness, gradually lost focus, and stunning blood blossomed in the air.

Only at this moment did both Jiraiya and Tsunade's gazes shift to Ryujiro.


Orochimaru fell backward, a terrifying bloodstain appearing on his chest, blood still continuously flowing out. This strike completely severed Orochimaru's vitality.

Jiraiya and Tsunade hurried over. Jiraiya looked at Tsunade crouching on the ground.

Tsunade shook her head as she looked at Jiraiya.

"Orochimaru is really dead."

After saying this, Jiraiya and Tsunade silently looked at Ryujiro.

The methods of this young man in front of them were truly frightening.

Decisive in killing, without any hesitation, Orochimaru, no matter how weakened his strength was, was still one of the Sannin. 

At least, even a Jonin would feel fear because of Orochimaru's reputation.

But Ryujiro was unmoved. Compared to Orochimaru, Ryujiro's wildness was far too different.

This kid gave the impression more like a ferocious beast.

But why did both Jiraiya and Tsunade feel Orochimaru's death was too sudden?

Even feeling somewhat eerie.


Shizune and Naruto also rushed over. The commotion here was too great, even Naruto and Shizune couldn't help but want to come over and see what was going on.

"That's... Orochimaru?!"

Shizune's face changed dramatically as she looked at Orochimaru's corpse.

Orochimaru was actually dead.

What happened just now?


Shizune pointed at Orochimaru's corpse with trembling fingers.

Tsunade sighed and looked at Ryujiro with a complicated expression. "It was this brat."


Shizune looked shocked at the blood-drenched Ryujiro.

He actually killed Orochimaru?!

Orochimaru was one of the Legendary Sannin, and his strength was almost equal to Jiraiya and Tsunade. 

Shizune glanced at the blood around them.

"This is..."

Shizune suddenly widened her eyes, and the fear in her eyes became even more intense.

"Manda! It's the body of Manda?!"

"Yes, the kid killed Manda too."

Tsunade added from behind.

Oh my god!


Shizune took a sharp breath, but because of the strong smell of blood in the air, she felt a little uncomfortable, suddenly feeling nauseous.

"Tsunade, your fear of blood?"

Jiraiya looked surprised at Tsunade.

Tsunade put her hands on her hips and sighed, saying, "Yeah, I'm surprised too."

"It seems like my fear of blood is gone."

"What?! Tsunade-sama, your fear is gone?!"

"What's going on?!"

Tsunade shrugged helplessly and said, "I don't know either."

Ryujiro squinted his eyes, somewhat surprised, looking at Tsunade.

Has Tsunade's hemophobia actually disappeared?

In the original anime, Tsunade's hemophobia was cured, but it was because of Naruto.

Could it be that the scene just now had such a great psychological impact on Tsunade that she was no longer afraid of blood?

"Brat, you deliberately distracted me and Jiraiya earlier."

"What deep-seated hatred do you have with Orochimaru to want to kill him so badly."

Both Jiraiya and Tsunade focused on Ryujiro.

If Tsunade and Jiraiya had been focusing on Ryujiro from start to finish just now, even if Ryujiro took action, they would have stopped him.

Orochimaru was not only their comrade but also a rogue ninja of the village, and his life or death involved many decisions of the Konoha Village higher ups.

And Orochimaru might also know some things about the Konoha Village that others didn't know.

"It's either he dies or I die. Sooner or later, he would have died by my hands. I just made that day come earlier."

"He sees me as his vessel."


Jiraiya and Tsunade also understood the meaning behind Ryujiro's words.

Orochimaru had long set his sights on Ryujiro?

Perhaps besides this reason, there was no other motive that could make Ryujiro harbor such killing intent toward Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's forbidden Jutsus were depraved.

"Ryujiro actually killed someone as powerful as the Sannin."

"Damn it! Ryujiro, what have you been doing all these years? When can I surpass your strength?"

Naruto clenched his fists, looking unwilling.

Ryujiro walked up and flicked Naruto's forehead hard.

"Ouch! That hurts!"

Ryujiro teased, "Naruto, you will surely surpass me one day."

Hearing this Naruto became happy and before he could reply Ryujiro continued.

"But maybe that day will come in your next life."

"Ah! Damn it!"

"Ryujiro, just wait, one day I'll pay you back for bullying me!"

Naruto rubbed his forehead, glaring at Ryujiro.

Things happened too suddenly, to the extent that Jiraiya didn't know how to bring up the matter after going back.

Orochimaru actually died at Ryujiro's hands, and Jiraiya felt strange about Ryujiro's feelings.

This little monster couldn't be viewed with the eyes of an ordinary child.

Jiraiya felt Ryujiro's depth was too profound, especially this time, evading them and wanting to kill Orochimaru. This series of actions were too weird.

There seems to be something shady about it.

It's just that Jiraiya felt a little emotional. It was really ridiculous that his classmate at that time died at the hands of such a young boy.

"Ryujiro, what did you do when you were following Guy? Why do you have such a terrible murderous intent?"

"Too much of this aura is not a good thing. You will lose yourself and gradually become obsessed with killing and derive pleasure from it."

Ryujiro glanced at Jiraiya and reported to Jiraiya about the mission with Guy and the number of ninjas he had killed over the years.

The more Jiraiya listened, the more frightened he became. He felt that what was scary about Ryujiro was how he killed these ninjas but the lack of expression on his face when he said these things.

Instead of showing remorse or empathy, when he revealed that information, Ryujiro's eyes showed no fluctuation.

For Ryujiro, these ninjas were nothing more than a number.
