
In this world, whether it's people or numbers, none of it matters. It's either you die, or I die.

Ryujiro's sole focus was on enhancing his own strength, swiftly advancing through the templates, unlocking the second template.

Merely having the Mihawk template was insufficient for dominating the entire ninja world. What he needed was a template even more terrifying than the Six Paths.

After slaying Orochimaru, Ryujiro's Mihawk template increased by 0.5%. Though not much, Ryujiro was satisfied.

It's worth noting that if he were to only refine his swordsmanship through battles within his spiritual space and with the Mihawk, he would need to go through at least thousands of battles to gain that 0.5%.

In the later stages, it would be impossible to rapidly progress through the templates as he did before by simply engaging in continuous battles.

Ryujiro's development of Armament Haki, Observation Haki and Conqueror's Haki had recently hit a bottleneck.

He had reached a high-level mastery in advanced Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki techniques like Emission, Internal Destruction and Infusion but he wanted to completely master it.

But it was proving really difficult for him as he had no one guiding him, his only source of knowledge regarding all these techniques were just coming from the One Piece anime.

He had also tried to improve these techniques by fighting Mihawk continuously, but that also didn't give him desired results.

If he could master it, perhaps his strength would increase a few notches.

As for the Future Vision of Observation Haki, aside from those with innate talent, reaching that level was no easy task, but he had made somewhat progress in that area.

His current strength was beyond that of a Kage, he was about to level of powerhouses like Hashirama and Madara.

Perhaps only a ninja like the Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure, with lightning-like speed, could pose a threat to Ryujiro.

No even Raikage won't pose that much of threat to him.

If it were a Tailed Beast...

Ryujiro could manage it. Whether he could sever a Tailed Beast Bomb, even Ryujiro himself wasn't sure if he could accomplish it.

But he wasn't too worried about it.

A Tailed Beast Bomb was a cannon of highly compressed chakra energy. Once unleashed, destroying a small mountain was child's play.

In the quiet of the night, Ryujiro rose to his feet. The surroundings were incredibly serene, only the bustling chirping of insects could be heard.

That guy Orochimaru...

After killing him, Ryujiro didn't receive any notification from the system, nor did his progress increase.

Orochimaru hadn't truly died. In the original work, Sasuke revived Orochimaru from Anko's body using the Cursed Seal and some of his DNA. 

Perhaps the condition for resurrection only required someone marked with the Cursed Seal of Heaven.

Ryujiro felt that Orochimaru's revival wasn't truly resurrection.

It was as if the Cursed Seal of Heaven acted as a checkpoint; Orochimaru merely divided his body and soul, leaving some cells in the person he marked with the seal.

Through these cells, Orochimaru could achieve a certain degree of resurrection.

After all, Orochimaru mastered core technology.

If Orochimaru had truly died so easily, it would be too dull. This was also an experiment conducted by Ryujiro.

Moreover, no one knew what he and Orochimaru had discussed in the end.

For a mad scientist like Orochimaru, he couldn't refuse what Ryujiro said, that is, the artificial creation of Kekkei Genkai.

It could even produce a large number of cloned Kekkei Genkai.

In the sequel Boruto, Shin is not a member of the Uchiha clan. 

Originally, he was one of Orochimaru's experiments, possessing a special physique that allowed him to undergo organ transplants without rejection. Later, he mass-produced cloned individuals.

The cloning of Kekkei Genkai was feasible. 

Although Shin wasn't a member of the Uchiha clan, as long as he received Uchiha DNA and had no rejection, he could activate the Sharingan, and even the Mangekyo Sharingan.

With Shin's cells as a medium, coupled with the cells of Hashirama Senju, Ryujiro couldn't imagine if his desired outcome could truly be achieved.

The final evolution of the Sharingan is the Rinnegan. 

To awaken the Rinnegan, the cells of Hashirama Senju are indispensable. Of course, awakening the Rinnegan is not so easy. 

It's worth noting that among the Uchiha clan, only Madara Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha have awakened the Rinnegan.

If awakening the Rinnegan only required the cells of Hashirama Senju, then the eyes known as the Eye of Six Paths would be too cheap.

Ryujiro didn't care when Orochimaru would be resurrected. He knew that once Orochimaru was revived, he would come looking for him.

As for how long it would take, Ryujiro had plenty of time.

For Ryujiro, both the Sharingan and Rinnegan held no allure. 

The reason he tempted Orochimaru was to help Hinata evolve her Byakugan to its pinnacle, to awaken the Tenseigan.

This way, he wouldn't have to worry excessively about the people around him.

Perhaps by then, Ryujiro might have unlocked a template even higher than the Mihawk.


Under Jiraiya's and Naruto's repeated persuasion, Tsunade agreed to take on the role of the Fifth Hokage of Konoha.

At this moment, Ryujiro also came down from upstairs.

Tsunade looked at Ryujiro with a knowing smile.

"Kid, when I officially assume the position of the Fifth Hokage, come join the Anbu."

The Anbu was originally established by the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, as a department directly under the Hokage's command. 

Generally, it was responsible for protecting the Hokage and preventing foreign invasions into Konoha.

Ryujiro glanced lightly at Tsunade, hands behind his back.

"Wait until you've become the Fifth Hokage of Konoha."

"Jiraiya's words were just wishful thinking. The higher-ups in Konoha haven't agreed to this yet."

"Although we, the Jonins of Konoha, have no objections, inheriting the position of Hokage won't be so easy for you."


Tsunade turned her head with a fierce gaze, locking onto Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya, is what this little brat is saying, the truth?"

"Didn't you say the village had already agreed to let me take the position of the Fifth Hokage?"



"Tsunade, it's just a matter of time. Those stubborn old guys in the higher-ups will definitely agree to you inheriting the position of Hokage. 

Besides, you're the granddaughter of the First Hokage, you're practically the princess of Konoha."

Jiraiya chuckled awkwardly, retreating cautiously step by step.


Jiraiya realized the situation wasn't right and bolted.

"Jiraiya, stop right there!"

"Tsunade, spare me!"


"Don't hit my face!"


Bam bam bam 

Outside, passersby hurriedly retreated to their homes. Even in the taverns, one could feel the commotion outside.

Inside a tavern, an elderly man with a somewhat wretched face sipped his drink, a smile appearing on his face.

"Ah, it's great to be young."


On the journey, Jiraiya's face was swollen like a pig's head, with several large bumps on his forehead.

When Naruto looked at it, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

As a result, Naruto now had three large bumps on his forehead just like Jiraiya. 

Despite his dissatisfaction, Naruto didn't dare to do anything against Jiraiya because in the end, he would just end up getting fixed by Jiraiya again.

No matter what, Jiraiya was Naruto's master, and Naruto regarded Jiraiya as his own master.

Soon, Ryujiro and the others returned to the village.

What happened next was not Ryujiro's concern; the competition for the position of Hokage had nothing to do with him. 

He only wanted to improve his own strength and unlock his second template.

"Ryujiro-kun welcome home."

Hinata always wore a gentle smile on her face when meeting Ryujiro.

A smile appeared on Ryujiro's face as he held Hinata's hand and walked into the Hyuga house.

Unconsciously, Ryujiro seemed to have become a part of the Hyuga family. 

The Hyuga family also deeply respected Ryujiro from the bottom of their hearts. 

This young man had become a Jonin at such a young age, and he had even repelled a Tailed Beast and a Summoning Beast when the Sand and Sound Villages invaded Konoha.

Now, Ryujiro probably didn't even know that the villagers of Konoha already regarded him as the hero who saved the village.


"That guy Jiraiya actually managed to bring Tsunade back."

"The position of the Fifth Hokage is mine, and no one can take it from me."

"Ryujiro..., it's time to deal with that brat."

The news of Tsunade's return to the village spread throughout the upper echelons of Konoha shortly after she arrived. 

Jiraiya summoned a meeting of the high-level officials and proposed that Tsunade be made the Fifth Hokage.

The Hokage advisors, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane, had no objections to Tsunade inheriting the position of Hokage. In fact, Danzo had approached them privately as well.

However, in the end, Danzo efforts were in vain, and both of them felt that Danzo's character was not suitable for the position of Hokage.

They were surprised that Jiraiya had actually managed to bring Tsunade back, and even more so that Tsunade was willing to take on the role of the Fifth Hokage.

Both Tsunade's reputation and her identity qualified her for the position of Hokage. The two Hokage advisors had no objections, and naturally, no one else opposed.

The news that the Fifth Hokage had been confirmed spread throughout the entire village.

Valley of the End, Ryujiro stood atop it, gazing at the dense forest below, his hand resting on his sword hilt.

A figure leaped out from behind Ryujiro. Half of this person's head was wrapped in bandages, revealing a murky eye, and his right hand was wrapped in bandages, emitting a sinister aura.

"Danzo, what is it?"

"Haha Ryujiro, I knew I didn't misjudge you."

Danzo's deep gaze admired Ryujiro.

"I won't beat around the bush. As long as you support me becoming Hokage, you will be the next Hokage!"

"Join my Root, the people here are not worthy of your talents as a Jonin."

"Only by joining the roots of Konoha can we grow stronger trees."

Danzo pointed at the Hokage Rock. "As long as you support me, your face will definitely be on the Hokage Rock in the future."

After saying that, Danzo burst out with a fierce momentum. No matter what, Danzo was not a simple figure in the ninja world.

However, Ryujiro remained calm and composed, showing no reaction to Danzo's words.


"You're mistaken. I have no interest in the position of Hokage. In fact, the position of Hokage means nothing to me."

"The Hokage is merely a worker of the village, a position bound by constraints."

"What I see is something higher."

Ryujiro's Conqueror Haki burst forth in an instant.

Danzo widened his eyes, looking at Ryujiro in shock.

He hadn't expected that in Ryujiro's eyes, even the position of Hokage was worthless. The position he had coveted for years was deemed worthless by Ryujiro.

"I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have such ambitions."

"But if you help me become Hokage, in the future, if you face any trouble, you and I will be allies."

Ryujiro sneered, "Not needed."

He looked into the distance, then turned his disdainful gaze to Danzo.

"Do you know, Danzo?"

"Both you and I are too insignificant for the entire ninja world. Why has the ninja world never been unified, with wars between the major nations continuing for years?"

"It's because we lack strength. 

Only when our own strength is strong enough to fear nothing, like the First Hokage Hashirama Senju, can Konoha have the possibility of unifying the entire ninja world and bringing lasting peace to the entire ninja world."


Danzo's heart trembled incessantly.

He looked at Ryujiro in shock, unable to calm his heart for a long time.

This was just a fourteen-year-old kid, but the words he spoke were completely unmatched by his age.

Genius, perhaps this was what genius looked like.


A fourteen-year-old Kage level ninja was already a monster.

Danzo sighed unwillingly.

His figure slowly disappeared into the dense forest.

Ryujiro looked at Danzo's disappearing figure, a disdainful smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

The position of Hokage seemed great indeed, but in the Fourth Great Ninja War, when Uchiha Madara was resurrected using Edo Tensei, even the combined strength of the Five Kages was not enough to match Uchiha Madara. 

They couldn't even give Uchiha Madara a good fight.

Perhaps only his best friend, Hashirama, could dance before Madara.

Night fell.

Rarely returning to his own home, Ryujiro tidied up his room.

For the past few years, he had basically been living in the Hyuga house. Part of it was to help train Hinata, and the other part was because his own home was too simple.

Just as Ryujiro was about to lie down, a powerful aura suddenly appeared within his sensory range, and the location of this aura was on the roof of Ryujiro's house.

This aura...

There was no doubt that it belonged to a Kage level ninja no even higher, and this aura was much stronger than Tsunade's.

Ryujiro picked up his sword and pushed open the door, leaping onto the roof.

When he saw the figure in front of him clearly, Ryujiro's face showed a surprised expression, and his heart filled with alertness.

Because he knew very well how powerful the person in front of him was.

Uchiha Obito!


The distinctive attire of the Akatsuki organization consisting of black cloaks with red clouds, a red interior, and a chin-high collar, adorned with a swirl-patterned orange mask, exuded a chilling aura, causing shivers down the spine.

"Just as sharp as Itachi described."

"Haha, let me introduce myself first."

"I am Uchiha Madara!"

Anyone familiar with the name Uchiha Madara would immediately pale at the mention of it.

He was a powerful ninja from the Warring States period, also one of the founders of Konoha. 

The only one who could stand against him was the First Hokage of Konoha, Hashirama Senju.

He was a legendary figure.

Ryujiro's expression remained unchanged upon seeing Obito, he assumed Ryujiro was too stunned to say anything.

However, in that instant, Ryujiro couldn't help but chuckle.

Suddenly, the cold aura coming from Obito intensified, and his gaze towards Ryujiro grew colder.

"What do you mean by that?"

Ryujiro looked disdainfully at Obito and said lightly, "Nothing much. If you were truly Uchiha Madara, I might not have laughed out loud."

"You're just hiding your weakness behind the name of Uchiha Madara. Do you think you're powerful enough now to control everything?"

"Right now, you're just a puppet under Uchiha Madara."

"Uchiha Obito."

In an instant, the terrifying killing intent emanating from Obito surged towards Ryujiro like a black tide.

Obito's gaze became solemn. "You know my identity."

"Who are you exactly!"

Someone young like Ryujiro couldn't possibly know his identity. 

Could Ryujiro be someone who survived from another era, perhaps due to some forbidden jutsu that reversed aging?

"Is your identity hard to guess?"

"Uchiha Madara is a figure from the Warring States period. It was he who, despite his strength and strangeness, could not escape the laws of nature, which dictate that one day he will age and die."

"And if you really are Uchiha Madara...."

"With his arrogant personality, I doubt he would approach me so calmly."

"As for your identity...."

"There is nothing in the entire ninja world that I don't know."

Obito's eyes suddenly contracted, and his gaze towards Ryujiro became more serious.

Indeed, this guy was as mysterious as Itachi described. However, he didn't take Ryujiro's words to heart. 

The ninja world was so vast that even Madara had many things he couldn't comprehend.

In his eyes, Ryujiro was just trying to assert his dominance.

"I didn't expect such a monster to be born in this era," Obito said in a deep voice.

Ryujiro chuckled lightly, "If we talk about monsters, I think you should be the one. You're neither human nor ghost now. And now you want to fight me?"

Such provocation undoubtedly trampled on Obito's pride, but he forcefully suppressed his killing intent.

For so many years, no one had dared to speak to him like this.

He was no longer the weak Obito. Now, he had the power to change the world.

That plan....

Could reunite him with Rin.

Obito's figure slowly disappeared from the rooftop, as if he had become invisible without leaving a body.

But the next moment, the disappeared Obito suddenly appeared behind Ryujiro.

Obito's Sharingan spun, and a tremendous suction force attempted to pull Ryujiro into another dimension. 

But how could Ryujiro not know Obito's abilities? Without saying a word, he used Body Flicker Jutsu and appeared in another corner of the rooftop.

This action shook Obito once again. He looked at Ryujiro with a gloomy gaze. "Do you know my abilities?"

"I said, there's nothing in the ninja world that I don't know. Naturally, I know your abilities," Ryujiro said lightly with a smile.

Obito's gaze darkened as he scrutinized Ryujiro. "I'll remember you, Ryujiro. Next time, you'll die by my hands."

"Haha, I'll be looking forward to it."

Facing Obito's threat, Ryujiro showed no fear, even a hint of amusement. After all, even after Madara's death, Obito couldn't escape his control.

Looking at the faint smile on Ryujiro's lips, Obito's body trembled visibly.

But in the end, Obito suppressed the urge to attack Ryujiro. 

Ryujiro was too mysterious. Not only did he know his identity, but he also knew about his Sharingan abilities.

Those who didn't reveal their hand were always the most terrifying.

The space around Obito began to distort, forming a vortex, with Obito's Sharingan as the center point, exerting a powerful suction force, pulling Obito's body into another dimension.

Night returned to its usual tranquility.

Obito had left. Within the range of Ryujiro's Observation Haki, there was no trace of Obito's presence.

Although Ryujiro didn't regard Obito highly, Obito's strength was unquestionable. Even if Ryujiro wanted to deal with Obito, it wouldn't be easy.

The abilities of his Mangekyo Sharingan and Genjutsu would affect Ryujiro's strength. If Ryujiro wanted to kill Obito, he must be sure to strike with a single blow.

Even though his strength had reached the Kage level, there were still many unknown abilities in the ninja world that posed a threat to Ryujiro.

The progress of unlocking the templates must be accelerated.

He had to unlock the second template immediately, preferably a character template from a dimension other than the Naruto world.

If he continued to pursue the pinnacle of swordsmanship like someone on the level of Mihawk, it wouldn't be beneficial for Ryujiro. 

At least in other aspects, Ryujiro hoped the second template could bring him some additional abilities.


Shortly afterward, the position of the Fifth Hokage was also confirmed, even if Danzo opposed it, it was of no avail.

One of Tsunade's first actions as the Fifth Hokage was to dissolve Danzo's Root. Tsunade was well aware.

Danzo said it was all for the sake of Konoha, but in reality, they were only for his own ambition. Tsunade was well aware of how many dirty deeds Danzo had done behind her back.

The dissolution of Root completely diluted Danzo's power. Of course, Tsunade didn't know what crazy things Danzo, who had been forced into a corner, would do.

Ryujiro arrived at the Hokage's office and pushed open the door, seeing Shizune's helpless expression.

At this moment, Tsunade had her feet on the desk, looking nothing like a Hokage, especially with her two mountains at another angle, fully showing their enormous shape.

Shizune said helplessly, "Lady Tsunade, Jonin Ryujiro is here."

She naively thought that Lady Tsunade would pay more attention to her image after becoming Hokage, but it seemed she was still too young.


The bold posture of Tsunade made Ryujiro involuntarily take a deep breath.

The striking presence caught Ryujiro's eye. 

Despite Tsunade being in her fifties, due to ninjutsu, her appearance remained youthful, even her figure showed no signs of change from her early years, except for that massive…..

"Kid, where are your eyes wandering?" Tsunade noticed Ryujiro's gaze and looked at him with a stern look.

Ryujiro coughed awkwardly. "You're just too bold, Lady Tsunade."

"You little brat!" Tsunade glared at Ryujiro angrily, as if she was about to teach him a lesson.

Shizune, noticing the situation, quickly intervened. "Lady Tsunade, please remember your position. You're the Fifth Hokage."

"And... what Ryujiro said is right. You should also consider your own image."

"Shizune, you!" Tsunade gave Shizune an irritated look but then settled back into her seat.

"I wonder what the Hokage-sama wants to see me for," Ryujiro sat on the sofa, showing no respect towards the Hokage.

Tsunade's lips twitched slightly. This kid really doesn't take her, the Fifth Hokage, seriously.

"Do you remember what I said before?"

"As long as I become the Fifth Hokage, I'll let me join the Anbu. Since the disbandment of Root, I plan to expand the Anbu."

"Ryujiro, join Anbu as a captain."

Anbu captain...

Shizune's eyes widened in disbelief, looking at Ryujiro.

"How about it, kid?" Tsunade looked at Ryujiro meaningfully.

"Okay, I'll take that position as captain," Ryujiro unexpectedly agreed.

Even Tsunade was taken aback. In her opinion, Ryujiro wouldn't agree so easily.

As Tsunade was still processing, she sighed and ran her hand through her hair, looking at Ryujiro with some annoyance. "Kid, you're unpredictable!"



"Forget it, it's nothing."

Tsunade decided not to say anything more.

"Now that you've agreed, you'll join as the captain of a squad."

"You should have some understanding of the Anbu by now, right?"

Ryujiro nodded lightly.

"Once you're in the Anbu, you can't act under your own name. Before that, think of a code name."

A code name, huh?

After pondering for a moment, Ryujiro said, "Hawk."


Tsunade didn't understand the significance of Ryujiro choosing this code name.

"Then you'll be called Hawk. Report to Anbu in three days, and I'll show you your team members."

Ryujiro nodded without any objection.

After Ryujiro left, Tsunade muttered to herself, her chin resting on her hand, "What a strange kid."

Ryujiro agreed to join the Anbu for a simple reason: it's a unique organization under the command of the Hokage.

The tasks performed by the Anbu are mostly covert, either assassination missions, espionage, or protecting the Hokage.

The main responsibility of the Anbu is to protect the Hokage.

Moreover, at this time, the situation in the ninja world is becoming more unstable. Recently, the Hidden Sand Village seems to have sent an envoy to negotiate with the Konoha Village.

The voices of the villagers naturally oppose negotiation with the Hidden Sand Village, especially those whose families were destroyed by the Sand and Sound ninjas.

They wished that the Konoha village could wipe out the Sand Village.

But such actions would undoubtedly lead to war between the two countries. Now that Tsunade has succeeded as the Hokage, the village elders were discussing negotiation matters.

Ryujiro hopes to undertake more dangerous missions to help him quickly progress in his role.

Everything that is happening now is happening much earlier than in the original storyline. 

Orochimaru has already died at his own hands, and it's unknown if Sasuke will still defect from the village.


At this moment, Ryujiro suddenly stopped in his tracks. This aura...

He's back.

In an instant, Ryujiro's figure disappeared, leaving only a faint afterimage in place.

"You're not from this village, why are you here?" 

Asuma and Kurenai looked solemnly at the mysterious ninja in front of them, wearing a straw hat and a red cloud cloak.

The pressure and aura emanating from these two individuals were truly intimidating.

"Long time no see."

"Asuma-san, Kurenai-san."

The moment Itachi removed his hat, Asuma and Kurenai's faces changed instantly.

"It's you!"

"Itachi Uchiha!"

The instant they saw Itachi's red eyes, Asuma and Kurenai broke out in a cold sweat.

As Itachi introduced himself, Kisame also removed his straw hat, his shark-like eyes filled with hostility, adding even more pressure on Asuma and Kurenai.

"You S-rank rogue ninjas appearing in the village, what are you planning?"

Asuma had already taken out his kunai.

"Itachi-san, can I kill this man?"

"Kisame, don't forget our purpose. Don't cause too much trouble."

"Alright, let's see if you're worthy of being taken down."

A battle was about to erupt. Asuma resisted the attacks from Kisame, but Kisame's monstrous strength made Asuma's face pale.

Coupled with the lack of physical strength, a piece of flesh was cut off from Asuma's right arm leaving a large chunk of flesh, blood continuously flowing. 

Asuma covered the wound on his right arm, looking at Kisame with a grim face.

Careless, he didn't expect the opponent's weapon to be so strange.

Kurenai used Genjutsu against Itachi, which was simply futile in front of Itachi. Because when it came to Genjutsu, who could surpass Itachi?

When rebounded by Genjutsu, she managed to break free from it through self-harm, but still got kicked away by Itachi.

Just as Itachi was about to make another move, he suddenly stopped, his actions becoming somewhat solemn as he looked at the figure that had suddenly appeared before him.

Ryujiro looked at Itachi and Kisame with a faint smile. "Long time no see, Itachi."


"I didn't expect to meet you here."

Itachi looked solemnly at Ryujiro in front of him.

"Itachi, who is this guy?"

Kisame noticed the expression on Itachi's face. What kind of person could make Itachi show such a serious expression?

"It seems that our operation cannot continue as planned, Kisame."


"Because he's here."

"Him?" Kisame looked at Ryujiro in front of him with great confusion.

"He's just some random ninja, Itachi. You're being too cautious," Kisame said, casting a glance at Kisame with his eerie Sharingan. "He's the ninja I mentioned before."

Kisame's eyes suddenly contracted. "Oh? He's that genius swordsman?"

In an instant, Ryujiro's figure disappeared from Kisame's sight, and then a strong sense of fear enveloped Kisame.


Kisame quickly shielded himself with Samehada, looking somewhat horrified at Ryujiro in front of him.

"So frighteningly fast."

"I think I understand what you mean now, Itachi."

So, this is Samehada?

"Ryujiro, why are you here?"

Asuma and Kurenai looked surprised at Ryujiro.

Ryujiro glanced at them and said indifferently, "My perception is even stronger than that of a sensory ninja. Just now, I sensed the aura of your battle."

Strong perception indeed. He's a genius, even stronger in perception.

"Ryujiro, Itachi is not easy to deal with. We three need to team up to handle him."

Asuma quickly bandaged his wounds to stop the bleeding.

Fight together, is that a joke? 

It's not that Ryujiro looks down on Kurenai and Asuma, but if Itachi gets serious, he could defeat Asuma and Kurenai in just a few moves.

"Asuma-san, Kurenai-san, you take care of Kisame. I'll deal with Itachi alone."

"Hey! Ryujiro! Are you serious?"

As he spoke, Ryujiro's figure had already disappeared from their sight. In the blink of an eye, a sharp blade fell upon Itachi.


The shadow clone exploded into smoke.

"Itachi, such tricks won't work on me."

Ryujiro appeared on the water's surface, facing Itachi.

"You've become stronger."

"I heard you single-handedly defeated a tailed beast Jinchuriki. Your strength has improved so quickly over these years."

Itachi looked at Ryujiro with some complexity.

Ryujiro smirked, "Are you here to chat with me?"

"I didn't fully enjoy our battle back then. You must have hidden quite a few tricks."

Itachi's gaze shifted slightly, looking at Ryujiro with seriousness.

Does Ryujiro know something?

It may be regarding his Mangekyou Sharingan abilities, but how could he know about that? He hasn't used it in front of Ryujiro.

Let's try it!

Mangekyou Sharingan!


In an instant, Ryujiro's vision suddenly blurred.

"Warning! Warning! Detected mental intrusion! Detected mental intrusion!"

"Intruder is being expelled! Intruder is being expelled!"

"Expulsion successful!"

In the next moment, Ryujiro's vision returned.


Itachi let out a cry of despair as his Sharingan reverted to its black iris, tears of blood streaming down his cheeks.

"Tsukuyomi doesn't work on you!"

Itachi looked at Ryujiro in horror.

"What happened? Why did Tsukuyomi fail, Itachi's Genjutsu?"

"Is it possible that Genjutsu doesn't work on that guy?"

Kisame unleashed a terrifying power, sweeping giant waves of water and rocks like bullets towards Asuma and Kurenai.

Water Style: Shark Bomb!


The calm water suddenly churned into layers of huge waves, forming monstrous water tornadoes and bitingly attacking Asuma and Kurenai.

Asuma quickly formed hand seals.

Earth Style: Mud Wall!

The ground shook violently, and a towering wall rose abruptly in front of Asuma, blocking the raging water.

Kisame teleported to Itachi's side. "Are you okay?"

"I'm afraid the plan can't continue. Let's retreat for now."

As the words fell, the two figures of Kisame and Itachi disappeared.

Ryujiro also retracted his chakra sensing.

The presence disappeared.

It seems he's already gone. 


Kurenai looked at Asuma, who was covered in wounds, with concern.

"Those two guys were really terrifying."

"That Kisame is definitely no less than Itachi in terms of being a shinobi."

Such Water Style...

Two S-rank missing-nin gathering in Konoha, what exactly are they plotting? Seeing their attire, they look like they belong to a certain organization.

"Thanks, Ryujiro, for arriving in time. Otherwise, Kurenai and I wouldn't be able to deal with those two," Asuma said gratefully to Ryujiro.

However, despite this, Ryujiro's expression remained as cold and indifferent as usual. 

He glanced at the wounds on Asuma's body. "Kurenai-san, you'd better take Asuma to the hospital for treatment."


Kurenai took Asuma to the hospital.

Ryujiro took a quick glance and then used body flicker jutsu to leave.

Itachi and Kisame naturally did not leave Konoha, but were hiding elsewhere.

After all, what Itachi was most concerned about returning to Konoha was his younger brother, Sasuke. But unexpectedly, such variables had occurred.

"What exactly happened just now, Itachi? Your Genjutsu didn't work on that kid?" Kisame frowned and asked.

Itachi shook his head wearily. "I don't know either. It seems that some mysterious force has expelled the ability of my Sharingan."


Kisame's brow furrowed even deeper.

It seems that this kid also has some secrets. Mysterious power...

Konoha is indeed not simple.

"Let's set the plan aside for now. When I recover, let's go back to the organization first."

Kisame nodded without objection and lay down on the bed.

That guy...

Kisame's eyes narrowed. That guy's power could rival his own. It's unbelievable.

Such talent is worth dying under the blade of Samehada.

A bloodthirsty smile played on Kisame's lips


Kakashi, Might Guy, Kurenai, Ryujiro, several people gathered around Asma lying on the hospital bed.

Asma's face flushed slightly.

Although Kurenai also sustained injuries, they were minor compared to having a piece of flesh sliced off the arm and a few ribs broken like his own. 

"Itachi and the rogue ninja from Kirigakure."

"What was their purpose in Konoha?"

Kakashi spoke without hesitation. He was the one who understood Itachi's strength the most. 

Even if Asma and Kurenai teamed up, they wouldn't be a match for Itachi, let alone Kakashi.

Itachi was currently the only one in the Uchiha clan who had activated the Mangekyo Sharingan. Kakashi knew firsthand the terrifying power of those eyes.

"Ryujiro, why were you immune to Itachi's Genjutsu?"

"Not only did Itachi's Genjutsu fail earlier, but his eyes also seemed to have been damaged."

Kurenai looked at Ryujiro beside her and said.

Everyone's gaze focused on Ryujiro. It was Itachi Uchiha, after all. When it came to Genjutsu, the Uchiha clan was unparalleled.

Those sinister eyes contained the power of the Sharingan.

Kakashi's gaze was fixed on Ryujiro. The Genjutsu of Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan had no effect on Ryujiro.

This was simply unbelievable.

Ryujiro shrugged, "I don't know either. I just felt a brief loss of consciousness at that time, and I have no idea what happened afterwards."

That was Ryujiro's secret, and naturally, he couldn't tell anyone else.

To be honest, even Ryujiro himself hadn't expected that the system could help him become immune to Genjutsu. 

He had been a bit careless at that moment, as everything in the Tsukuyomi dimension was under Itachi's control.

Fortunately, he had the system as his backup.

Who knew?

It seemed that Ryujiro had some special physique that made him immune to Genjutsu. 

Although they had never heard of such a physique before, the ninja world was vast and full of wonders, and there were many things they didn't know about.

"In any case, Konoha needs to strengthen its defenses. The infiltration of two S-rank rogue ninjas into Konoha is not a good sign."

"Most importantly, we don't know what their objective is."


Whether they targeted someone specific or wanted to steal something from Konoha.

Perhaps only Ryujiro and Kakashi knew the purpose of these two.

Although Jiraiya and Kakashi had previously revealed information about Akatsuki, Kakashi was suspicious but not certain.


"Immune to Genjutsu."

"Doesn't that mean Genjutsu from this world won't affect me?"

This was something that made Ryujiro happy. For him, the most limiting factor was undoubtedly Genjutsu.

If Genjutsu didn't work, his strength would not be restricted. 

There were quite a few ninjas in the ninja world who used Genjutsu, and when it came to playing with Genjutsu, the Uchiha clan were the masters.

If not even the Uchiha's Genjutsu worked on him, then what Genjutsu could restrict him?

[Character Template: Dracule Mihawk]

[Character Unlock Progress: 94%]

94% completed, only 6% left until the character template was unlocked. It seemed like a small amount, but for Ryujiro now, it wasn't something that could be achieved in a short time.

It had been a long time since he had entered the system space. His current strength should be comparable to Mihawk's now, right?


After entering the mental space, Ryujiro frowned.

It seemed like there was a change in the mental space. Those sparkling dots gave him the feeling of dazzling stars.

And at this moment, Mihawk in the mental space was also different from usual.

Mihawk turned around, and those sharp eyes stared straight at Ryujiro.

This feeling...

Ryujiro's eyes widened suddenly.

The Mihawk in front of him now was different from before. Before, the Mihawk felt like a puppet, a fighting machine fighting against Ryujiro.

But now, the Mihawk gave Ryujiro the feeling that he was facing a living person.

"You're here again."

Mihawk looked at Ryujiro with a calm tone.

But Ryujiro's reaction was as if he had seen a ghost, staggering back a few steps in shock.

Mihawk spoke!

What's going on here!

Could it be that there was a change in the system space? In that case, the current Mihawk was not a puppet, but a living person with self-consciousness?

"Do you have self-consciousness?"

Ryujiro asked tentatively.

Mihawk nodded and said, "I should say that my consciousness has always existed.

I remember clearly fighting with you, but I couldn't control my body because it was under the control of some force. Although my consciousness was there, I couldn't control my body."

"But some force was controlling your body."

Knowing the truth, Ryujiro couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It seemed that the reason Mihawk had been restricted before was because of the influence of the system.

"When did you regain consciousness?"

Mihawk shook his head. "I don't know either. There seems to be no concept of time in this space. This space seems to have been specially designed for you."

"Your swordsmanship has improved rapidly over the years. In just a few years, you've reached the level of a master swordsman."

"It's truly amazing."
