
Facing All For One was a nightmare, nothing worked on that bastard, hell the Motherf**** didn't have eyes for Yuta to use Sharingan Illusion on him. He had to protect everyone, especially Bakugo and other students who were hiding on the side until All Might could arrive. He couldn't afford to fail.

Not only he will lose his quest but most likely All For One will kill of of them. He is not stupid enough to believe that he will just waste time as he did in the anime. No, he will do what a villain should do. 

All For One smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement. "So, you're the one standing in my way. Strange how things tense to repeat themselve. I almost like yesterday when a boy not too much older than you stood in front of me with the same determination in his eyes as you.

Same All Might doesn't know how to choose a good student when he is right in front of him, I in this case might be better than him." AFO said as he took a quick glance at Shigaraki.

The young man he was talking about should surely be All Might.

Hearing this words Yuta just sneer, thinking in his mind, ' Dude, do you really thing I like facing dangerous villains like you. No thanks I am only doing this because of the system quest. And to save our lives.' 

But he didn't open his mouth, what the point when soon All Might will be here.

Yuta didn't waste time responding. Instead, he lunged forward, his fist crackling with the power of One For All at 60%, amplified by his King's Engine. The blue lightning around him created an electric aura as he aimed a powerful punch at All For One's chest. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, but All For One merely staggered back, barely phased.

"Impressive," All For One said, brushing off the dust. "Is that all you can do?"

"Give me some rum and then see for yourself." Yuta retorted. 




Izuku on the side who was falling into self-doubt upon hearing AFO calling Yuta would be a better choice for OFA suddenly heard about Rum and his head shot up. 

"Yes," He almost shouted but in time he lowered his voice, they were still hiding after all. 

"What is it, Midoriya." Tenya asked.

"Alcohol, Yuta was able to beat All Might because he was in drunken fist state. We need to find him some alcohol. 




"Alcohol huh, interesting. I saw your fight in the sport festival. Honestly, it wasn't much impressive. Are you sure that you want to dull your sense right when you are fighting a villain like me." AFO taunted.

"TCH, what do you know? Unfortunately for you, I wasn't asking for Alcohol exactly. I knew that something like this might happen. 

I came prepare." Yuta said with a smile on his face. 

And to AFO and others surprise, a bottle of expensive looking vodka appear on Yuta's hand. Out of thin air.

"Interesting, what is you quirk exactly? very fascinating" 

Yuta didn't bother to reply, he open the lid of the bottle and chuck down all that bitter yet hot liquid down his throat. He felt like throwing up, but by now he build up a resistance to bad-tasting alcohol. 




Other Heroes and even students there saw this with a little complicated eyes. Some of them who have no idea why the child was drinking in the middle of a fight no less was dumb founded.

Those who knew though just couldn't help but smirk secretly. Even Bakugo on the sideline snorted. 

"Bastard Showing off again." 

"Hey why is he drinking, is that alcohol ?"

"That an expensive drink he got their. Do you think he would mind sharing a little ?" 

Villains' talks annoyed Shigaraki further.

Heroes too were disturbed at this. All Might who was talking to Best Jeanist all this time as he was making his way to the fight hear this. 

So when other heroes was about to stop Yuta. He called out.

"No stop, let him drink. 

See, I know this sounds shady but that boy defeated me when he was drunk. I know its absurd but believe on this. He and all of you need him drucken until I get there, Yuta can't do that sober." All might said, making others question what the hell was going on.





'Ji haaaaa, hahahahahahahahahahahah' A sudden laughter broke out. Making almost everyone stunned. Only those who knew about Yuta's personality remain perfectly fine. 

"Say All For One, huffaaaaa. ddodoooo

Do you wanna Dance...." Yuta giggled and somehow said what he wanted to say. 

It seems like he wanted to act like Madara there but just couldn't remain still.

Blue lightning crackled as the power started to increase.

"Let me up the anti here a little, after all its only natural when fighting you." Yuta smile.

Turning his already expanded limit from 40% to 50%.

Meaning with Kings Engine he got a 50% improvement on that 50%.

Making it.

"OFA 75%" 

"Let gooo." 

Soru, Yuta vanish from his place and appear right in front of All For One. Currently his Hero Time consuption was huge but he knew that all he has to do is to wait for All Might. And still then just fend off AFO.

Tempest Kick.

With a swift motion, All For One countered with a devastating punch of his own.

Yuta barely had time to react, but with Sharingan and his spider senses he saw the attack coming and dodge, raising his arms to block the blow. The force of the hit sent him skidding backwards, even at OFA 75% he was no match for this man in front of him.

His feet dug trenches in the ground. Pain radiated through his body pushing his body already this much was making him understand what would Guy in Naruto would have felt, but he gritted his teeth and held his ground. The Alcohol was sure helping in this. 

"You've got speed, I'll give you that," All For One continued, his voice dripping with condescension. "But speed alone won't save you."

Yuta took a deep breath, steadying himself, though that was impossible with drunken fist active to he just gave up the idea. 

"Ignorant fool, a great man one said that 'In the world of kung fu, speed determines the winner,"

Yuta grin again, taking out another bottle as he felt that for this pain one was not enough. He was still acting not out of instinsts. 

He also realized that the more power he use the faster he becomes sober. 

Chucking down another bottle though was hard, AFO clearly saw that the boy didn't get stronger by this but was surely getting unpredictable. 

So he attacks. Only to realized Yuta dodge the attack by fall backwards, still drinking. 

"ji hahahahahaha. You can't stop a man from drinking. Come one that too low, even for a villain.

Even devil will punish you when you get there." Yuta joke, finally feeling that the alcohol was working. Heaaring this though AFO just snorted. 

"You really think that you can save anyone like this. Look at you, you are nothing but a drunken waste. Young people nowadays. 

They and there useless, baseless dreams." AFO said while getting serious now. 

"Ji hahahahahahahaha, what do you know punk. 


"hahahahaa." Yuta laught as he suddenly vanish from his place. 

[Song - Rising Fighting Spirit.]

The villain swiped at him with a massive hand, augmented by multiple quirks. Yuta ducked and rolled, coming up behind him and delivering a powerful uppercut to the jaw.

All For One barely notice the punch coming this time, alerted.

Yuta then suddenly vanished again, just he moment AFO was about to attack him with a powerful punch, making the punch phase though just his afterimage. 

He instantly appears right behind the man with a sinister face. 

"Thousand yea...

AFO scaple suddenly felt numb, all his instinct told danger.

He with all his speed jump up, barely saving himself. 

Yuta just click his tongue and against vanish from his place and appear on top of AFO. 

"Tempest Kick."

This kick sent a powerful pressured air attack which hit AFO point black. But the attack wasn't powerful enough to actually do something about it. 

"Tch, the attacks are still not strong enough to phase him," Yuta thought, glancing quickly at the pro heroes and Bakugo. 

All For One raised a hand, gathering energy for a devastating attack. Yuta's eyes narrowed realizing the threat.

But he didn't worry, he again vanished. Appear near AFO and grabbing him with a strange moment to twist his hand in a way that his own palm was pointed at his torse. 

At this even AFO was shocked. He couldn't stop his attack on time and ended up injuring himself. 

But Yuta too suffer damage. 

With the first blood drawn Yuta smirked.

Now though AFO was finally getting angry. 

"Well done, you have down something which only few have manage to do over last few centuries. 

Make me angry." 

Suddenly the villains hands enlarge as All For One started putting all sorts of enhancement on his arms. 

His arm suddenly started to look like mutated art piece. 

"Oh, guess I can't hold back on this one." Yuta greeted his teeth as he started rotating on the spot, with speed which previously would have been impossible. 

With OFA 75%, his rotating speed was insane and quickly he achieved what he wanted.

"That's" Izuku who was watching the entire fight, suddenly had his eyes widen. Because Yuta was about to use the same move which he use to defeat All Might. 

"Final Push, OFA 150" 

Suddenly power radiated from the boy as a blue aura covered him, making him a awakened god. 

eyes blazed just like his leg was with blue flames.

"Here is the improved version with OFA power boost upto 150%. 

IIFRIT JAMBE." Yuta said as a maniacal smile spread across his face. This attack was his strongest still date. This should take care of AFO. Maybe.

AFO also saw the power inside Yuta building up, the blue fire on his leg almost looked erie.

After many years he again felt that he could actually lose if the fighting.


Yuta once against vanish from his place, but this time before leaving behind a crater when steeping on the ground.

Going Super Sonic, and appear in front of AFO. 

AFO himself was ready, he wasn't holding back now. 


The force of the clash sent both of them flying in opposite directions. Yuta crash on a building with that last attack, almost making it collapse.

As for All For One. 

His entire right hand was gone. 

He too crash on the wall but not so long ago he came out of the debrie.

Right hand gone but if someone would have notice it correctly the they would have notice that it was slowly growing back. 

AFO was breathless, his clothes in tatters while blood was gushing out from many different part of his body, though it was healing. 

He was shaken by the power the kid show at he ending. That was much much more than he was anticipating. 

He suddenly felt the dread about thinking what would have happened if the attack hit him directly.


Now maybe I know why All Might didn't choose you. You don't need his power. 

That was one of the strongest attacks I have suffered. You even push me to the point that I have to use regeneration. 

Unfortunately for you, my inexperienced opponent. 

You had a chance there which you missed, that attack would indeed have put me down for good, no worse than All Might's attack. 

But you connect the attack with my fist. 






For a moment, everything was silent. The heroes and students watching from the sidelines held their breath, hoping that Yuta would emerge from the debris. But as the dust settled, Yuta remained buried, unmoving.

"No, I can't hear the heart beats anymore," Momo said as the worst was coming to her mind. 

Now the fight was also getting broadcast live, and though many didn't see Yuta fighting as the News Helicopter just recently start the live footage. But they all hold their breath to see what going on. 

All For One turned his attention to the others, a triumphant smirk spreading across his face. "Fools," he sneered. "Though I have to say, for a child he was very strong. Few of the strongest I have seen still now, it was his inexperience that was the reason of his doom."

He raised his hand, gathering energy for another devastating attack. Panic spread through the ranks of heroes and students alike. Students who earlier were hiding panic as well. They wanted to help earlier. 

But didn't becuase they body couldn't move, then when Yuta came they felt ashame about it and promise to never let this happen again but here they were again in this spot. 

In the same situation where their body wasn't moving anymore. 

They braced themselves, knowing they stood no chance against such a powerful adversary. Izuku though about use OFA at max what was the point.

Even he knew that Yuta's attack Ifrit Jambe, which was already an improve version of the same attack which he defeated All Might, didn't work against All For One.

What chance do he have to beat him.

But then, a familiar, booming voice cut through the tension. "Do not fear, for I am here!"

All Might landed on the battlefield with a force that shook the ground. His presence gave everyone hope.

Hero's, students or the people watching from the comfort of there home, everyone knew that once All Might was there, they are safe and everyone felt a surge of relief and renewed courage. 

All For One's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a look of irritation. "All Might," he spat. "You are finally here, took you long enough. I wonder why suddenly you have become so slow?" All For One said with a smirk.

All Might didn't care about the villain, he first look around, he found every one besid one kid and the one which were hiding of course.

"Where is Young Yuta." All Might ask.

The question was directed to the Hero fighting with other villains. But it was All For One who answer that.

"Ah that young man. He was strong, real strong. Even made me lose an Arm. It was an over look on my side to let him drink. 

Strange but I understand why would he do something like that. He was almost..." AFO wanted to continue but All Might complete his sentence. 

"Unpredictable,... I know.

Where is he ?" All MIght asked with a little anger slipping in. 

A little glance at Best Jeniest make his eyes widen when he saw the number four hero shook his head. 

Gritting his teeths, All Might restrain his emotions and only decided to focus on AFO for now.

The battle between All Might and All For One began with a clash that sent shockwaves through the area. All Might's punches landed with incredible force, each blow filled with the power of One For All. All For One retaliated with his own devastating attacks, using his myriad of stolen quirks to counter All Might's strength.

The two titans exchanged blows, the ground beneath them cracking and crumbling under the sheer intensity of their fight.

While this fight was happening, the students hiding finally come up with a idea to save Bakugo. 

The idea was simple, they can't go near that fight, they will be in All Might's way.

Currently the Pro Heros are occupied by the villians. This is happening becuase they wants to save Bakugo.

If they can save Bakugo then its most likely that those Heros can change there target from Bakugo to Yuta and save him. 

With that plan settling in, they started acting on the plan.

Bakugo on the side gritted his teeths. He was having trouble handling just those low level villains while Yuta fought with the main boss. 

Then he saw the boy getting blasted into the building and not coming out again.

He was angry. Why that bastard have to come here to save him? Why does that bastard get to fight the boss first?

And the hell that bastard is not coming out already. Where are those annoying heartbeats?

All Might pushed himself to his limits, his muscles bulging with effort. But as the battle wore on, it became clear that he was starting to struggle. His movements became slower, his punches less precise.

All For One noticed this and pressed his advantage. "What's the matter, All Might? You are slowing down?" he taunted, his attacks becoming more vicious.

Another punch from All Might came but this time AFO was able to block that punch easily.

"You have gotten weak. 

Its strange. I sure that I have seen something similar to this before." AFO said with a mocking smirk.

All Might gritted his teeth, his blood started to boil when he hear AFO saying this. But his body betrayed him. His muscular form began to flicker, revealing glimpses of his true, weakened state.

"Nana Shimura. Your master.

I have seem the same weakness in her when I kill her." 

All Might eyes now were blood shot.

"Confess it All Might. One For All no longer dwells in you. What you are using are just the sparks left behind." 

The heroes and students watching could see the toll the fight was taking on him.

Despite his diminishing strength, All Might continued to fight with everything he had. He knew he had to protect everyone, to ensure that All For One was stopped once and for all.

His iconic smile remained, even as his body struggled to keep up with the demands of the battle.

At one point All Might even reduce half of his size was only half of his buff body remain. Others seeing this couldn't help but gasp.

The horror in there face was visible. All Might the symbol of peace was losing. Turn into an half skeleton man.

"ONE FOR ALL is no longer in you. Its with Izuku Midoriya." AFO announce making All Might snap his eyes with gritted teeth.

"I don't get it, why choose that green-haired kid over someone like the young man I fought ealier before you come here. Shame he should be close to dying by now." AFO said and hearing this the anger in All Might face grow.

Other students left this place sometime when this talk was happening, but before asking they got a promise from the heros that they will save Yuta.

"Well whatever, But I do believe that my own successor is better than yours.

Shigaraki Tomura. A little secret between you and me. 

He is Nana Shimura's son....." 

This last words almost stunned All Might.

All his previous anger and power gone. He stand there with limb expression. 

As All Might almost was on the verge collapsed, the only things in his mind was his master. 

But he knew that he can't things about those things right now. That he has to keep on fighitng. 

And thus he one again got ready to fight. Only to realized that the power inside him wasn't enough, that AFO was way stronger.




While this fight was happening, Yuta almost went unconscious after getting hit by AFO.

He broke his arms and let. But due to his own attack being stronger than AFO, he didn't suffer enough damage to completely knock him out. 

However, it was hard for him to remain conscious as he was bleeding heavily. 

[Ding, System Emergency Alert, Host In Danger.]

[Activating PRIME TIME]

Major Quest: Hero's In Need, Complete

Main Quest: Save everyone until All Might arrives, Complete.

Reward: Drum O...


Yuta couldn't even read the rewards as his eyes were filled with his own blood. 




The fight between both All Might and One for All was coming to an end, it was pretty evidence who was winning. Though no one wanted to believe in that. 

All Might was struggling hard, most of the time he could use his OFA was gone. He only had a little bit of power left inside him to keep going.

He was long back to his weak skinny self with no muscles, while only had his one hand buffed somehow. 

The was in tatters and blood was flowing almost everywhere from his body. Everyone felt a sense of fear engulfing him at this point.

All Might was the reason why Japan was so peaceful. Before All Might the crime rate was very high, only after him debuting that it has gone down. 

He has never lost a single fight. Always has saved others with a bright smile on his face. So it was terrible to see that same All Might like this in front of them.

So Miserable. 

Everyone's hearts were pounding fast, in anxiety, thinking about there own future they started to worry. Even Heroes were like that. 

"Give up All Might. You can't beat me like the way you are right now. Why resist so much." AFO said.

Upon not getting any answer, and only getting a rebellious look from the fallen Hero, AFO just sheer and raise his hand. 

Starting to puff all of his quirks into that one arm, making it stronger and stronger. To deliver one last Punch to end the era of peace.

To end the Hero Society.

To tear the false sense of jutice that this people have. But befor he can do that, there was sound...


The sound came and was gone just as quickly it came.

This stopped him. Not only him but this sound stopped everyone.

Let me repeat...

Every single one who was watching or not watching this fight in some way or form stopped.

Because by some miracle everyone heard the same sound at the same time. 



People near the fight turn around trying to find where the sound was coming from. People much farther away from that fighting area, even people in different city hear this sound and looked around simultaneously. 

Some people who were watching the fight on a TV screen thought that the sound was coming from the fighting site, and then the voice was getting broadcast over to him. 

But, it didn't explain why even those people who currently wasn't watching this fight could hear this sound. 


Again the sound came and it started to make other anxious. 

Only those people who were close to the fighting site realized what was going on. 

"YUTA" Izuku and others eyes when widen open. 

"God, he is really okay." Momo almost tear up. 

"But what with that delayed heart Bea...

Before Kirishima would wanted to asked the question complete his sentence, he the beat change. 

DUM.Dum...DummDummmm DUmmmmDummmmD Dummm Duuummmmd dummMMM Dum Dum Duuuuumm dUUUUMmmmm ...

Everyone got a little baffled by this. Because he this no long a heartbeat. 

"What is going on? Why suddenly the heartbeat turn into....hmm into Dums playing." Kirishima. 

"I don't know." 





With All Might and All For One. 

They were close to where Yuta was, so besides just listening to the strange rhythm of drums beating. 

They could sense the light tremor in the earth when each beat were resounded. 

Their eyes naturally turn towards a mountain of debris. A fall building remaining.

Interesting things was the near that rubble. Sudden rumbling were felt. The small dust particles were jumping as the beats of the drums intensified.

Black lightning suddenly broke out. Though it was more dark blue than black. 


And then a mighty laughter broke the silence, follow by a blue explosion at the sight were the lighting were happenig. 


The explosion wasn't big but something came out if it.

DUM.Dum...DummDummmm DUmmmmDummmmD Dummm Duuummmmd dummMMM Dum Dum Duuuuumm dUUUUMmmmm ...

A figure engulf in blue light acendend to the sky. It was like it was heading straight to the moon. 


People gasp.

When the News Camera follow the figure up they suddenly saw something whch they completely ignored upto now. A phenomenon which was not natural at all.


THE MOON WAS BIGGER, way bigger now.


Suddenly the figure ascended top right in front of the moon, in the direct line of the camera.

And that even everyone saw a figure standing right in front of the moon, upside down, in a strange way. Like he has no control over his position. 




Yuta slowly opened his eyes, all he could feel was blessed. 

The power flowing inside him right now was intoxicating, more than any alcohol he could get his hands on. 

He felt how light his body was. He felt how stronger his breathing was and how his heart was pounding. 

Upon opening his eyes the fight thing he saw was a giant moon in front of him. He was a little confuse at this. 

But when he saw a text following his line of sight like shadow he understood much of it.



2 Minute Remaining

Quest: Hero's In Need Complete.

Reward: Drums Of Liberation...

[Activate Alongside Prime Time. At the cost of Prime Time, boost all stats by 5x]

[Also have one heck of an entrance Music]


Yuta read this and grinned, but another notification came right in. 

PRIME Quest: Get That Son Of A Bitch.

Reward: ???


Yuta's grin widens to epic proportions resembling a certain boy. 

"I love this system." 





Yuta after reading to the quest just couldn't help stop laughing. He wasn't sure how he was like this, he wasn't druck that for sure, all the alcohol he drank before has already been cleared out of his system. So why he felt like being drunk. 

Though he believe that Drums Of Liberation has this effect on him. At least he believes so. 

Soon he, who jump high enough to almost seems stansing next to the moon, started falling. 

"Oh well," Yuta just shrugged and grin with mischievous expression on his face. 

Falling down he captures two figures. All Might was looking like the Skeleton again. 

And of course All For One with one hand looking enlarge by exeessive use of drugs.


Yuta landed just a little away from both All Might and All For One. 

"YO, I am back for round 2...hehehehehehehehe" Yuta said as he sway from left to right and with him was swaying the terrible amount of power his body was containing.

Now heroes or villiains from MHA work doesnt possess any sensing power until there quirk itself is a sensing or tracking type quirk. But right now both All Might and All For One could say that Yuta was dangerous.

It was easy to say when just his heart beats, which sounded like drums for some reason right now, were making the ground tremble.

With each beat of his beat, it felt like the entire sky itself was vibrating.

All For One didn't say anything he almost got killed the last time when facing Yuta. If not for his regeneration and Yuta not attacking him on head, he would have been in coma right now. So there is no way that he will underestimate Yuta. 

All Might on the side was too stunned to say anything. The bright form of Yuta was too dazzling. 

Not only him but other people also were surprise upon seeing him. And although it was hard to recognize him right now as both his eyes colour and hair colour were changed, and he was surrounded by both dark blue lightning and a blue dark aura. 

People still recognize him from the sport festival. Major reason being they heard his heart beats. There is only one quirk like that as they know.

All For One wanted to say something but before he could even open his mouth Yuta appeared in front of him. 

If earlier Yuta was fast then this Yuta was almost teleporting. All For One couldn't even react. 

"Ready or not here I come." Yuta giggle right in front of AFO as he knock his hand back for a punch.

"500 Pistol" 


The punch felt like a meteroid attack, sending AFO flying back with break neck speed. 

All Might was stunned, people watching this fight were stunned. Half of them couldn't even realise that was happening due to the camera man and camera itself so slow that they could no longer capture Yuta's movements. 

The moment they captured him again in camera he was gone again. 

Once again appeared right in front of AFO, who was still flying back by the way. Yuta appears while he still hasn't even landed from that jaw-shattering punch. 

"Hehehehe I live this move set names, 500 Gatling" Yuta smiled and in less than a second he delivered thousands of punches on AFO.

Stopping the poor villain even before he crashes from the impact on one punch. 

AFO figure started to get bombarded into the ground with Yuta's punches. 

"500 Tempest Kick." Yuta grin as he twisted his body mid air again and the place where AFO was stuck, he send a powerful tempest kick, powerful enough to make the gound itself collapse. 




"Oh my god, who is that kid, Is that the same kid who won the Sport festival?"

"The same one who wear the Afro ?" 

"Oh I know him, his Hero name is Dynamic. He still haven't become a hero yet but,... he save me back then. 


Everyone's heart started to pound right now. The drums of liberation was making there there hearts swell in confidence.

Yuta's entrance and his beating AFO who even All Might couldn't beat made him tread on the first position at that moment. 

Suddenly someone got his speech on being a real Hero was release on Internet. 

The crow unknowngly started to place their truth on the boy in front of them. The one who came and made there dying hearts beat again. 

A certain Hero Killer too was watching TV right now. When he saw All Might losing, even he was in depression. Clenching his fist, he didn't know what to do.

However the next person, he knew him. Its was the same boy who beat him, stop him by just using his words. 

That's boy's words that day struck harder to him than that last punch he delivered to him. In the prison cell where everything was dark and only one screen outside the cell, which too the jailer let on by chance, he saw light. 

'I want to be a hero who saves people with a smile on in face.' He remembers saying those words when he was just a kid. 

"That smile." Then he saw the bright wide smile on Yuta's face when he fought with AFO. 

Unknowngily, a smile appear on his face as well. "I was wrong, I agree. I was wrong." 

He wasn't the only one by the way.

There were many people who currently had a smile on there face. Maybe seeing that the villain was finally getting the beating he deserve or just because there was just some magic in this air which bring them to smile.

Izuku, Bakugo, Tendya, Momo, Todoroki, Toru and many more. They saw this with a sense of awe. 

"He can do it. He beat All Might, if there is any one who can then its him." Toru mutter to herself with much emotion on her face. 

" Do it, Yuta." Other Class mates of his shouted, though their voice won't reach to him, they knew but they shouted nonetheless.

"TCH Showoff" Bakugo snap his face on the side like a tundere. 

Izuku saw all this with with daze, that what he always wanted to be. And yet still he found him being getting protected and save by both All Might and even his own classmates. 

Gritting his teeths he shouted too.







Other also chipping in after yearing Izuku shouting the famous Logo. 




"Hehehehehehe seems like its finally time to kick the finale. You ready" Yuta said as he bent down putting his both hands on the ground and taking a position like a race runner about to start.

AFO right now was barely able to stand. Even his Regeneration wasn't working right now. So when he heard that Yuta was ending it with his next attack. He panics. Hurried he wanted to just run away. There was no way to stop the upcoming attack. He just knew it. 

So he wanted to open up the portal. Bad luck for him, there was a certain man staring right at him, with his red eyes. 

Aizawa look at AFO with intense glare. 

"Sigh, this problem child. Go on. Let's end this shit already." 


"I usually steal names but this one is the original." Yuta laught as he got ready to rush towards AFO. 

Now he was really frighten. AFO now could only rely on the quirks which Aizawa can't block like physical types quirks.

So he put all sorts of defensive power available to him. 

AFO put all of his power on his already enlarged hand and he got ready to punch out with his full power. He extend back his fist, ready for Yuta.

All Might seeing this grim, it was him who should face the villain and not a student. Yuta is still just a child. 

But the said child doesn't care.

"Heheheheehe, get ready 'cause I am right now going all out, Plus Ultra.... 


Yuta grins as he vanishes from his place. Only seconds later a terrible sound of sound barrier breaking was heard. 

Ultra Sonic.

He arrive in front of AFO before the poor villain even fully extend his hand back to get momentum. 

"Hehehehe, told ya, speed defines the winner." Yuta appear in front of AFO like ghost. His wide smile and power emiting also made him quite scary if seen from from close. 

Panic, AFO hurried to punch out. Only for Yuta to dodge the punch like it was nothing, he just moves his body in uneven angles like he was paper or rubber.

"Hehehe, this one is Original. 

OFA 500

Dynamic KICK." Yuta shouted with all the might in his body. This time even targeting AFO's head.

This follows by an explosion of epic proportions. 

AFO could feel all the bones, tissues and blood inside him turning into dust or even evaporating at that second. 





Yuta's eyes slowly fluttered open, greeted by the sterile white of a hospital ceiling. His body ached all over, and his head felt heavy.

'Seems like this time prime time was a little too much for the body.' Yuta smiled internally though his body should instantly heal up, after Prime Time, that is one of the Prime Time perk after all. Works much like recovery girl's quirk. Though it leaf him exhausted as f***.

The memories came flooding back: his clash with All For One, the rewards and those drums beating inside him, and the final, powerful blow that had ended the fight.

'Man that some next state of being high.' Yuta grumble.

He had used the Drums of Liberation to defeat All For One, but the cost had been high. He had lost consciousness and now found himself in a hospital bed, unsure of how much time had passed. As he looked around, he noticed the room was empty, but it wasn't long before the door opened and a familiar figure stepped inside.

Like they were just waiting for him to wake up, it might be lovely if a beautiful girl comes in but it wasn't his luck.

"You're awake," Aizawa said, his voice gruff but tinged with relief. He walked over to the bed, followed by All Might and the chief of police.

"How long have I been out?" Yuta asked, his voice hoarse.

"Three weeks," Aizawa replied. "You missed the Provisional Hero License Exam."

Yuta's heart sank.

'Wholly shit, that long. Like real long. Last time I use Prime time it was only a week.'

And provisional license ? whats that ?

"Yuta, you broke the rules," Aizawa began, his tone stern. "You engaged in a battle without authorization, put yourself and others at great risk, and caused extensive damage to the city. Do you have any idea how serious this is?"

Yuta lowered his gaze (the standard protocoln to follow when he want other to believe that he is feeling guilty and sorry.)

Internally though he was just scoffing. 'Yeah right, what else a 15 year old do when adult around him are all incompetant.

Can't kill a 100 something plus years old grand pa since like forever. Even if All Might pull out more fart from his ass to beat the guy, what would you do.

LOCK HIM UP. Don't make me joke.' Yuta keep his head down, not because he was guilty but he was worried that he might really lose it and laugh at there faces.

"I had to. If I hadn't fought, more people would have been hurt or killed." Yuta said, trying his damnest to hold back the smile creeping on to his face. 

The chief of police stepped forward, his expression serious. "Mr. Yuta, we need to discuss the repercussions of your actions. The destruction caused by your final attack was immense. You practically levelled an entire section of the city. You might don't understand what happen there so please look into this."

The police chief said and put a file on Yuta's hand. There was many photos in there. 

Only upon looking into the photo's that Yuta who was holding back his laughter got serious. 

He saw the almost half of the city was devastated, it was a helicopter which shot this photo so it was an eagle eye view. 

'Damn, that really some Saitama level shit I did there. Guess I didn't needed 500 percent of OFA ' after letting the matter settle in, Yuta really felt sorry.

The destruction he did was a little too much over board. 

"We understand the situation was dire, but we need to address the public damage and the fact that you killed All For One."

Yuta's eyes narrowed. "Hmm"

The chief nodded. "Yes. While many see it as a necessary action given the threat he posed, it's still a serious matter. We need to determine the legal and ethical implications of what happened."

Before Yuta could respond, All Might stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Yuta, you did what needed to be done. You saved countless lives, including mine. You might not understand but let me tell you, young man.

You have done something which the pass holders of One For All always wanted to do. 

It was because I was inadequate that you have to go throw this. 

So, so before anything, I want to show my gratitude to you." All Might said and bow.

This kind of flustered Yuta.

Aizawa sighed, his expression softening slightly. "Look problem child, you showed incredible bravery and strength, but you need to understand the importance of following protocol and thinking about the broader consequences of your actions. Being a hero isn't just about fighting; it's about making the right decisions under pressure."

The chief of police nodded in agreement. "We will work with you to address the aftermath of the battle. There will be inquiries and possibly legal proceedings, but given the circumstances, we believe you acted in the best interest of the public."

All Might smiled, his voice full of encouragement. "You've proven yourself, Yuta. You have the heart of a hero. I mean really with that heart of your beating no one can ignore it. Hahahaha.

Now, you need to learn from this experience and grow even better. The symbol of peace, is no more. I retire from the public eyes. Though because of you I will retain some degree of fighting power in me but I era has ended.

Now its your time, back then everyone saw you stepping up to fight the villain, to save others

You might not know but you are the talk of the town.

The government and the people are expecting Big Things from you.

Though you are still a Student but for the stability of the country and national sentiment, there was even a petition to provide you with a Hero License for your actions." All Might said with a smile.

"Of course doing that is not possible, exceptional as may you are, but the governments can't bend rules for you alone. But still they can't let you unawarded. 

So this is something we decided." Aizawa said as he hand over something to Yuta.

Taking it Yuta gave it a read only to find it was a Provisional Hero License.

Yuta felt a swell of gratitude and happiness coming to him, he really didn't wanted to go through those tests. 

"Thank you this means a lot" Yuta said with a smile.

As the meeting concluded, Yuta lay back in his bed, his mind racing with thoughts of the future.

Wondering what he would do next, ins't AFO is the main villain. If so he beat the world right ?

He can't say as season three is the last he saw this anime.

And then he also check on his system to find this rewards for beating AFO.

[Universal Teleport Card - Send User to Another World]

Follow by this message.

[The system will no longer will be active after the world is beaten by the host. If host wishes then he can continue his journey in another world....


"One thing after another."

