
Yuta groggily woke up with a terrible headache coming to him. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw almost the same ceiling on top, and he was still sleeping on a bed, the surroundings looked like the hospital he was in. 

'Did it not work ?' Yuta muttered in his head, trying to understand what mistake he made.

After getting the option to travel the world, he was excited, but there were many questions in his mind which was stopping him from immediately jumping the gun. 

So, he asked all the questions he needed to, to the system before using his universal travel card given to him by the system. 

But now he found himself in the same room.

'Could it be that this is an alternative version of this anime ?' Yuta thought to himself. 

"Oh, you finally woke up." suddenly came a very feminine voice from his behind. 

He snaps his head back, only to find a woman in a white doctor's coat over a blue shirt hugging her quite seductive body, making Yuta work hard not to drift his eyes down, and a tight pant, again showcasing her long slender legs. 

She also had a mole on her face, adding to her charm.

"Hmm, where I am and who are you." Yuta used the most generic line from the books. Looking around, trying to find where he was. 

After using the travel card, he lost consciousness. He wasn't sure whether he was still in the MHA world and had just merely been shifted to another room, alone with this hot doctor or this was really a different world. 

"Interesting. I can't sense anyting." The woman narrowed her eyes as he closed a little closer, making Yuta gulp a little. The charm of a mature woman just hits differently. 

"It doesn't look like you have a fever or any injuries. Do you remember your name ?" she asked making Yuta blink before replying in insticts. 

"I am Yuta," he replied, making the woman raise her eyebrows only a little. 

"Really Interesting. 

What is your full name ?" she asked with an amused face, making Yuta confused about what she was thinking. 

 "It's just Yuta. Nothing more." Yuta replied while looking at his own condition. He was completely fine, with no injuries or weakness of any kind. 

For some reason, he wasn't wearing anything on his torso, thankfully at least he had a pant on. 

"Can you tell me where I am and who you are," Yuta asked again, but this time he was sent a serious look at the woman, telling her that he needed the answer or he was out of there. 

"Hmm, I'm sorry but for the time being I can't tell you that. Though I might if you tell me who you are first," she said with a wink. 

Yuta's eyes narrowed a little but at this. Pondering whether what exactly he should answer. If he gives out his real intent and then realises that this is a different world, then things will go bad for him. 

But if he gives an Alice here, and he is in the MHA world...

While thinking about this, suddenly he heard a voice.


[Welcome Host To The Second World. 

Choose a Path. 

1. Hero Path.

2. Villain Path.]


'Again' Yuta frowns. This time he was that much in a hurry, so he looked around, seeing that the time had stopped just like how it happened when he got One For All from All Might. 

'Hmm, should I get Villain path this time around' Yuta thought as he was interested in acting like a villain as well. 

But upon wondering what kind of missions he gets. He thought otherwise. There is a possibility that he will be asked to kill people regardless of whether he has any problem with them or even forced to do things which he doesn't want to like R*** or human trafficking or much more. 

He rather not do that. 


[Reminder: Host previously had Hero Path. If the host chooses another path now then the host has to give up on any previous skills and powers he possesses]



what kind of setting is this? Damn, this is cheating. 

Well, not like I was planning on changing the path but what the hell. 

'Alright. Hero Path again...


[Congratulations on again choosing the Hero's Path.

Please choose a person whose power you want to copy] 


'HUH? One minute, not this again...' Yuta almost choked. This happened again. 

Last time he had to choose a power to copy just like this. 

The problem is that the world is on pause. Even he can't move from his place. 

To copy power, he has to at least see the person he wants to copy. 

Last time All Might was there. But now...

Yuta looked around and only found one sexy woman standing in front of him. Making him frown in dismay.

'Damn it system, what kind of power I will get from this woman. She is the only one present here ?' 

Signing Yuta looks around to see whether he can resume the world time so that he can go out and find someone strong. 

It is not like he knows what world he is currently in the first place. There is a possibility that this woman is strong. 

But Orion doubts that. 




After finally and unwillingly copying the powers of the lady in front of him, Yuta knew that he really did come to another world, and he also had some idea about what kind of world he was in.

But he couldn't test it out in front of the hot lady, she didn't even give her name so that Yuta could be sure that he was in the world he suspected. 

After making sure that he was no longer in the MHA world, he at least knew that he could pretty much could make an unsuspecting background story for the time being.

"I don't remember much but I do know that I was fighting a man with a strange mask on his face and no eyes or facial features, he was wearing a suit and had superhero powers." that was what his background story started with. 

Of course, the lady wouldn't believe him but her response kind of made him deadpan. 

"Good for you kid, you came out alive. But that is not why I am here. You are completely fine so my job here is done. Go on, the principal of this place is waiting for you." said the lady as she took her leave without telling him where to go.




Yuta after pondering a little finally decided to get out of that infirmary place, it wasn't giving him good vibes at all in the first place. The moment he stepped out of that place though he found himself surrounded by many traditional Japanese-type houses. A very beautiful garden, and ground which he could only say were used for training after observing those dummies and weapon racks there. 

That and the entire place was covered with mountains and forest. 

Yuta was a city kid, it was always a noble experience for him to breathe in this pollution-free air, and he enjoyed it very much. 

"Hey, are you done? Come on, Principal is waiting for you." suddenly a voice broke his tranquil self.

He turns around only to come face to face with a beautiful girl, almost his age, wearing glass with fit athlete's body and green hair. She was wearing shorts with a violet hoodie.

Yuta was a little taken aback after seeing her, but that might be more in tune with her looking at him. 

Both were taken aback for a second. 

Yuta because his suspicion about this world was getting stronger now. Though he can't remember much about this anime as he couldn't even complete it, Yuta still remembers some characters from it and the girl in front of him might be just that person. 

"Yuta." said the girl with a little knowing tone. 

"Huh ?" Yuta replies though he doesn't understand why this girl knows his name. He was sure that that doctor lady was the only person he told his name to. Maybe they were eavesdropping on him. 


The girl narrowed her eyes upon looking at Yuta. Not sure what she was thinking. 

"Sorry, what's your name is again. ?" she asked. 

"Hmm it's Yuta," said Yuta with more confusion settling in. 

This further made the girl frown but she refrained from asking any question. 

"Do you know how I am ?" She ultimately asked. 

"Hmm no, I am pretty sure that we are meeting for the first time," Yuta replied that internally he was not sure who this person was. 

After seeing what power he had, it was pretty evident. But still, he wanted to ask. By just knowing her name, he could be sure of it. 

"What is your name," Yuta asked after the girl made a sign to follow her. 

"Sorry, but I am not allowed to tell you yet. Go and meet Principal first. That was the orders." she said but Yuta could feel a little agitation on her voice. 

He wasn't sure why. 




The girl led him to a big house. She didn't enter with him and just pointed him to go in alone. 

Sighing, Yuta just set up his resolve and entered the dark place. 'Man, would it increase their taxes if they put some lights in here.' 

Upon entry Yuta first couldn't find anything, but then when his eyes got adjusted to the lack of light. He saw a man sitting at the end of the big room he found himself in, with glasses on and making some kind of stuffed toys. 

'Stuff Toys. Was there a character in that story ?' Yuta tried to remember but just couldn't. 

"Welcome, our people found you unconscious outside the school in the forest. Apparently, you look just like a student from here and they mistook you. 

And though now that misunderstanding is resolved, I am interested to know who exactly are you." said the tough-looking man who broke his own character by making stuffed toys. 

"Yuta, I am Yuta." 

"Hmm, that's a bigger coincidence than I expected it would be. You see the person you look like, his name is also Yuta and he is currently overseas. I find it extremely unlikely that both of you have not only a name but also a face. Don't you think so? " Said the man. 

"Nope, there are so many people out there. If I have learned something in all this time when is that anything is possible in this crazy world? 

Don't you think so, mister 'I like to hide in shadows." Yuta said as he finally turned his head. towards a dark spot where he could sense a man. 

"Oh, you found me. That is really interesting." came a joyous voice of a man as he stepped out of the shadow. 

As Yuta looked at him, he was confirmed what world he was in. Completely dark violet uniform and clothes hiding both of his eyes. White hair and a very handsome facial feature which anyone could recognize even without looking at his entire face. 

Yuta knows where he is.



Hero Time: 2 Hour 


One For All [40% Under Control]

Sharingan [3 Tomoe] 

King's Engine [Increase stats by 1.5x]

Reverse Curse Technique

Passive Skills:

[Hero Music][Drunken Fist][Prime Time - Drums Of Liberation][Navy Six Style][Spider Sense]


'Yup, I know what this world is. This is Jujutsu Freaking Kaisen. 

And the man standing in front of him right now is the absolute ceiling of power in this world. 

Satoru Mother F****** GOJO....




"Okkotsu, ever heard of this name ?" Yaga the current principal of Jujutsu High asked as he was still making his curse doll, more like a stuffed toy. That's really a weird power he has.

"Nope, never heard it before." Yuta just shook his head, this was going on for some time by now. He gets interrogated by Yaga, the principal of this place, while Gojo tries to disturb him and Yaga to get a rise out of them. 

"So, you don't remember much. Is that it," he asked again. 

Yuta just sighs at this. If he wasn't sure that he couldn't just walk out of here, all becuase of Gojo's presence, otherwise he would have already done so. 

"You know what, I am not gonna answer if all you do is repeat your questions. 

Why the hell you are asking so many questions in the first place old man? Bored of making stuffed toys. Don't you think it's a little too late for you to play with them?" Yuta snorted. 

Now he might not be able to just walk out of here, but that doesn't mean he just has to take Yaga's bullshit. 

It was very similar to Nezu too, the only reason he took it from him before was because he needed to be a Hero to continue his system. Well no more. 

He ain't taking shit like that. Once he goes back Nezu tries to do the same. Well, he is just waiting for that moment. He gonna teach that raccoon why they shouldn't mess with him. 

"Pfff. He is not wrong you know Yaga sensei." Kakas... I mean Gojo said while giggling from the side. 

Yaga at this just looked super calm, but maybe that's why there wasn't much light in the room. In reality, there was a vein popping at his forehead even though he was sitting there calmly. 

The darkness just hides that from others. But he in fact looks more annoyed with Gojo than Yuta. 

"Okay okay, give the boy a break. Yuta was it. Tell me do you know what Jujutsu is ?" Gojo asked with a smile forming on his face. 

He upon getting a call from Yaga that his student suddenly came to Jujutsu High and was unconscious, came here immediately. 

Only later did they realise that it wasn't Yuta at all. It's strange how both the boys look exactly the same. Hell, even they sound similar. 

This raises many questions. Like who this person is, why his name is Yuta and why he looks similar to his student. 

'Long lost Twins ?' Gojo thought with a 'I figure it out,' look on his face. 

Twins are a subject of disgrace in Jujutsu. When twins are born, the curse energy which they are born with is either divided into them or one gets all the curse power rendering the other useless. Making them or just one person weaker. Well, there is also the physical side of things. 

'So if they are twins, long lost may it be, it kind of makes sense.' Gojo though upon thinking back just how much curse energy Yuta 1 has. 

While Yuta 2 here has absolutely no curse energy. 

Heavenly restriction?

It's possible. 

Even with his eye wrap on, Gojo observed Yuta 2's figure keenly. The powerful explosive muscles which were making the boy slightly older than and much more impressive than his own student were hard to hide. 

'Maybe ?' Gojo pondered as he remembered a certain mage killer who also got him back then. 

"I do, a little at least." Yuta was pondering whether he should let them know that he knew about Jujutsu. But when Gojo asked, he went with this answer. There was no point faking it. 

Not to mention, when he uses his Hero time. Curse energy or not, they gonna asked how he is able to do it. It's better for them to presume that this was his curse technique. Hell, he is not even sure how the power he copied from that hot lady is used. 

It says Reverse Curse Technique. He knows that it's used for healing. But that is Reverse curse Energy. Not a reverse curse technique. So what exactly reverse curse technique is?

Gojo hearing this nodded and a smile suddenly bloomed on his face.

"Come on kid, let's get out and get some fresh air," Gojo said with a wide smile on his face.

" Hey, I am not done with him here," Yaga said with an irritated tone. 

"Oh, I will have him back in no time sensei. Just complete what you are working on till then." Gojo said as he put his hand around Yuta's shoulders and pushed him out of the room. 




"Punch me." Gojo after bringing Yuta outside, brought him immediately to one of those training grounds that Yuta had seen earlier. 

"What !" 

"You heard me. Punch me. Let me see what you got." Gojo still had his ever so present smile on his face as he said. 

'What the hell, is this guy trying to show off his Limitless again? He did the same with Jogo, right? 

What the point when he can't even punch the man ?' had a deadpan look on his face. 

"Oh come on, don't be shy. I give you my consent. Go ahead." 

A little twitch appears on Yuta's face. Now he starts to realise why others consider him such a bother. Because he really is. 

"Fine, you asked for it." Yuta already knowing the result just rush at Gojo without using any Hero Time. There was no point as he would just end up wasting it. 

As his punch got closer to Gojo, he noticed that he stopped just a little away from Gojo's face. His fist is ever so close but never connecting. 

"Oh, going for my face right off the bad. You are quite a Naughty boy YU-TA-KUN."


"how about you try again but this time with a little more power," Gojo said with his smile getting wider. Like he was having fun showing how better he was than others, Yuta was sure that this basted sure like doing that.

"Fine, you asked for it". Yuta replied as he was already planning on using the new power he copied, not to mention he really wanted to hit this bastard at least once. And even after knowing that it's a futile effect, he still planned on giving it a shot.

Yuta took his position once again in front of Gojo, but this time he was planning on using his newly gotten Reverse Curse Technique and adding OFA in there for good measure.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated, while using OFA has become a second nature to him by now, RCT was a different case altogether.

He slowly took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

He felt the power start to flow inside him, as his body felt lighter and more durable and agile.

Gojo's eyes narrowed under his face masked as he saw this, till now the boy had no curse energy, but now he suddenly sensed curse energy from him, but there was a problem.

It wasn't normal curse energy but reverse curse energy. 

'Very Interesting.' Gojo mutters under his breath.

Slowly blue lightning started to dance around Yuta but then something strange happened, the blue light started to change its colour, from blue to golden.

Yuta was unaware of this though, he was just focusing on using his OFA with RCT.

"Here take it, OFA 20 Punch". Yuta shouted and seemingly a punch coated with a golden aura and lightning was thrown towards Gojo.

Unlike usual though, Gojo this time had a bad feeling about this punch. Somehow his instincts were telling him to dodge the punch, but he believed this infinity more than in instincts.

Too bad for him...




Yuta had no idea what happened, it was even a surprise to him. He saw Gojo Satoru, yes that Honoured one Gojo Satoru, being sent flying back at the speed of a rocket until he hit the wall and coughed a little blood before his power immediately acted up as he healed himself. 

But that wasn't what was important, what was more important was that it was his own punch that caused that. Yuta's eyes blink in both confusion and horror. 

'Please don't Hollow Purple me, I swear I have no idea how that happened.' he was internally shouting as he saw Gojo's gawking face before he finally took out his face mask, revealing his beautiful, strange description for a man that what they were, beautiful cerulean eyes. 

As those eyes fell on him, Yuta froze as he could feel a sense of coldness at his back. It was strange. This new power he uses, he has no idea how that works but it somehow was able to bypass Gojo's infinity, or maybe it was OFA.

But he doubted that, he just didn't see that happening, otherwise, why did so many sorcerers fear this man in front of him? 

In fact, the possibility that he just caught Gojo off guard is more as the honoured one was underestimating him and didn't even activate his Infinity. 

'Yeah, that should be it.' Yuta pondered as his mind was running at a thousand miles a second. What he has done right now wasn't just a small feat. 

Being able to even touch Gojo Satoru put one at an extremely dangerous level. The last one to do so was none other than Toji Mothefu***** Zenin himself. The Badass Sorcerer Killer, was Might Guy of Jujutsu Kaisen but this time really cool outside fights as well. 

If the news of him being able to do something like this goes out, Yuta could only wonder what kind of problem it will cause in the world. 

Not only those damn elders who like to control the entire JJK world under their control would like to get him under their thumb will be after him but also those people who want to get rid of Gojo. 

Yuta was sweating thinking about the consequences of what he did and could only hope that it was a fluke, that it was Gojo that underestimated him, that he wasn't the one really responsible for actually hurting The Gojo Satoru, no matter how much he really wanted that to happen, like really-punching Gojo Saruto right at the fucking face, That insane.

Very Satisfying but insane nonetheless.

While Yuta was pondering over this thing, Gojo himself was in a daze. He didn't understand what happened there. While his instincts were telling him to dodge that attack, he chose to believe in his infinity. 

It's not like there was any reason to think about it. It was his infinity which made him what he was today. To some degree he has started to over-rely on that technique, but who wouldn't if they had that kind of power? 

But it failed him today, and the most surprising thing was that he couldn't even understand how. 

'What happened? I am sure that the infinity was working just fine.' Gojo wondered.

"Oh, that was very rough of you YU-TA-KUN. I didn't know that you like it rough." Gojo shrugged away the little frown coming on his face and joked to ease the environment. Immediately making the fidgeting Yuta agitated again but this time he was more annoyed and irritated than troubled. 

'This guy is really annoying.' Yuta wanted to retort but he stopped from opening his mouth as Gojo was the first one to open his mouth. 

"That was a good punch. How about you do that again but this time here in my palm." Gojo said his fake smile still on his face but this time his eyes opened and looking at Yuta with full concentration. 

Hearing this Yuta too got focused. He too wanted to know whether what happened was really just a fluke or...

"Fine." Yuta reply. 

Decided to not use OFA this time he got ready. There is a possibility that he did what he did thanks to his new Reverse Curse Technique. Maybe this will also give a certain inside to him about his own technique. 

He slowly walked up to Gojo and took a punching stand. Gojo watching over his all movements. 

He took a punching position and concentrated on gathering the curse energy. Though it was a power given to him by the system still he had to learn how to use it. He just found that using it with OFA was a tad bit easier, without it it was harder, but he did it nonetheless. 

A white aura appeared on Yuta's fist, and though he himself didn't feel any different about this Gojo noticed it, frowning a little at the different feeling he got from earlier. 


Yuta slowly opened his eyes, only to feel that the punch stopped just a little away from Gojo's hand. 

"It stopped ?" Yuta was a little stunned but he anticipated this and kept on his acting as he didn't understand what was going on. Like he knows nothing about Infinity. 

"Yes, that is my innate technique, I will tell you about it later. But before that tell me. This punch was not like earlier. You didn't put that much power in it, did you ?" Gojo asked with his smiling face still active. 

"Hmm yes, I held back a little." Yuta nodded. 

"Okay, do it again but no holding back. Don't worry about me. It won't hurt me. You see, I am the Strongest...." Gojo said as he winked at the end. 

'Ah, there is the famous line....' 

"Fine." Yuta accepted readily. He himself wanted to test out his powers on the annoying man in front of him at least two more times to fully comprehend what happened the first time he punched him.

Again taking a punching position, Yuta planned to attack with just OFA. Gojo's eyes slightly stook as he felt a certain aura appearing around Yuta but this time he couldn't see it nor he feel it. Like it wasn't Curse Energy at all. 

Previously at least he could see the curse technique. However, in Yuta's case, it wasn't just a curse technique. It was a Reverse Curse Technique somehow. Gojo had no idea why the boy was creating Reverse Curse Energy. In fact, Gojo can't even sense the normal Curse energy in Yuta at all. 

Only when he attacks that he can sense and that also reverses curse energy.

Yuta went again with OFA 20 % but this time just OFA and no more RCT stack on it. 


The entire air pressure shifted as Yuta's punch came to Gojo. Gojo was still looking at him with concentration. He could tell the power of this punch by just looking at it. 


But the punch again stopped in mid-air. 

Gojo felt the power but this was again not the same as Yuta's first punch. 

Yuta though seeing this was sure that earlier was just a fluke. 

"Good good. That was powerful. But not like earlier is it? 

Do the same as you did earlier. The one with golden lightning." Gojo reply making Yuta stunned. 


Wasn't that Blue Lightning before? 

Yuta pondered but just shrugged. He this time thought of just repeating what he did earlier. Mixing both OFA and RCT. 

With a nod, Yuta got in the position and Gojo's eyes shone as he felt the same feeling. The golden lightning coming to life. This aura was different. Same as reverse curse energy which is used for healing but at the same time different. 

Much much stronger and different. 


This time the punch didn't stop mid-air, in fact, Gojo caught the punch with his hand. There was no space between his punch and Gojo's hands. It was connected.

Though it was clear that he felt it as his face twitched when he caught it, Yuta used 20% OFA in this with RCT after all, but even then this made Gojo Smirk. A strange smile came to his face and the light in his eyes was brighter than ever. 

Yuta on the other hand seeing the punch connecting was in a daze. 

'It wasn't a fluke, not sure what really happened or why. Hell, I am not even sure whether I should be happy about this or not....' Yuta pondered.

