
"Tall Draft, please."

"$5," I replied while handing the brew.

This routine continued for hours into the night.

"Ivy! Last call, five minutes!" Tanya hollered at me.

As I placed the empty glasses in the dishwasher, I saw a shadow, "What can I get for you?"

"Cabernet," a familiar sensual voice echoed in the empty bar.

My head rotated to discover the woman. The woman I had encountered nearly a week ago was before me, looking even more breathtaking than ever. My mouth went dry, and there were no words to come. What's wrong with me?

"Hi," I finally gathered, "Same as last time?"

Her crimson lips curled at the corners to form a soft smirk. She gave an approving nod before I made my way into the back. Bottles upon bottles were before me, and I could not remember what she had the previous night. My mind was still blank.

"Hey! Is that the woman you were telling me about earlier?" Tanya asked from behind me.

My mouth opened, "Yes..."

Her excitement for me turned to instant confusion, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," I answered, "I have no idea what I'm feeling. I'm confused and anxious, plus I can't remember what Cabernet she had last time."

Tanya smiled before scanning the liquor wall. Her left hand raised, seizing a bottle of our oldest Cabernet, so old that a layer of dust formed.

"I served her before you last time," she reminded me before handing the bottle off, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"That doesn't leave out much," I giggled.

She disappeared back behind the bar, but there I remained. I was confused and uncertain about how to approach this situation. I don't believe I've ever been this nervous before. How is this done?

Before I knew it, my body returned behind the bar, and I poured her a glass. There was a deafening silence between us, and no one was in the bar, but Tanya made it even more awkward.

"Thank you," she received her glass of wine.

"I never got your name," I stated.

"Is that meant to be a question?" she smiled.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "If I'm honest, I'm not very good at this," I confessed.

"Not too good at what?" she tilted her head slightly.

"Talking to people," I clarified.

She chuckled slightly before sipping her wine, "You're cute. What's your name?"

"I'm Ivy," I replied.

"Nice to meet you, Ivy," she extended her right hand to me across the bar top, "My name is Callista. A family name."

I shook her hand in response before realizing what I was doing. My hand retracted, "Nice to meet you."

There was a brief silence. Callista was so beautiful. Why not with her?

"Have a glass with me?" she offered.

My hand gripped the neck of the bottle and poured an overfilled glass of wine. As it touched my lips, the burning sensation of alcohol graced my tongue before warming my body. After a few more sips, I relaxed, and Callista smiled.

"Was this your plan?" I asked.

"It always helps, wine," she clarified.

"About our brief encounter the other day," she continued, "Nice."

"You didn't have to leave so abruptly," I added.

"My husband was waiting for me in the car," she replied.

I froze. Husband?

"Don't worry,' she giggled, "He knows."

"He knows?" I swallowed.

"I like women; I always have. I had told him when we first met, and he never seemed to mind. Even now, he knows what I'm doing," she explained.

How am I supposed to respond? Before I could process more, I saw her hand upon mine. Our gaze met.

"It doesn't change anything," she said.

"There isn't anything between us," I replied, "It's not a big deal. I appreciate your honesty, and most people would lie to get what they want."

"I don't need to lie," she took another sip of wine, "I typically get what I want."

"What is it you want?" I asked.

When she didn't reply, I finished my wine glass and forced a painful swallow. The taste was like a slap in the face. I placed the wine glass in the dishwasher and didn't know what to do. Without thinking, I began getting the bar ready for closing.

"Do you like bartending?" she broke the loud silence.

"It's not a bad job, and the tips are nice," I answered.

"Is there anything else you want to do?"

"I'm not good at any one thing. I excel in nothing, but I am good with my hands."

"How so?"

"I can cook, make cocktails, and play a little piano and guitar. The main thing I do to release stress is drawing. Not along the lines of a painting or using color, more with greys."

"You've never thought of doing it professionally?"

"No, I do it for me. If I started doing it for others, I might hate it."

"Why not create your masterpieces and sell them?"

I paused. The thought never even crossed my mind, and I couldn't concentrate on that subject due to her confession of having a husband.

"Is this husband of yours outside waiting for you again?" I diverted.

"No," she rumbled. I'm not in the mood tonight. I came here hoping to find you."

"Why?" I responded.

"You're what I want," she answered finally.

My body froze, "I don't know how to respond since you told me you have a husband."

"It's not like I would invite him," she gave a devious smirk, "Unless you wanted him to."

"No," I let slip. I'm sorry. I mean, I would rather it just be you."

There was a glimmer in her eyes, "You want me?"

"I-I-" I stammered. My eyes searched the bartop for answers, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" she repeated.

"No, I mean, I do want you. I don't know how to do this," I tried to explain.

"Don't know how to do what?" she pressed.

"This," I gestured between the two of us.

"Because I'm a woman?" she asked.

"No, I've never done this with anyone, man or woman," I clarified. My delivery could have been better, but I finally managed to say it.

"Have you ever been with someone?" she asked while pouring more wine.

I felt my cheeks flush. I took a sip of wine for encouragement, and I said, "No, I haven't."

Her expression looked like she wanted to devour me, "Are you free this weekend?"

My mouth opened with no sound.

"It's not a trick question," she smiled.

"What's your number?" I placed my phone on the bar top in front of her.

She took it in kind and started pressing on the touch screen.

"Join me for dinner," she started, "I would love you to accompany me."

"What about your husband," I spat.

"He'll be there too," she said, "It would be a good chance to meet."

"Why would I need to meet him if all we're going to do is fuck?" I said, "Sorry, I think I'm getting drunk."

"Maybe I want to use you," she rumbled before grasping my hand and jerking me towards her, "Not just once."

Her lips met mine, and I was lost. My mind went blank. Her hot tongue rubbed along mine as a hand seized the nape of my neck. Confusion rolled through me as my body quivered, and I could feel my lips tingle with excitement. The hand that held my neck traced down my collarbone between my cleavage, and an unexpected moan erupted in my throat. Before anything else happened, her lips were gone from mine. My heavy-lidded eyes saw her backing away from the bar.

"Call me Friday," she smiled.

Before I could muster a reply, she was gone. My hand pressed onto my throbbing lips in disbelief before picking my phone up from the bar top. There it was—her number.

"So-" I heard from behind, "That was her."

"NO!" I startled. I saw Tonya still here, "Wait, I thought you left?"

"Yeah," she chuckled, "The bar; I went into the back and did inventory," she replied, "Now answer me."

"I-I," my stammering wasn't helping, "Yes, it's her."

"So, what's her name," she teased.

"Shut up!" I laughed before shoving her slightly, "Callista."

"Callista?" she repeated.

"Yes," I confirmed with a smile, "And I'm going to go out with her Friday."

There was silence. I could see the shocked look on Tanya's face before transforming into excitement, "Holy shit! You have a date!"

"I don't think it's a date," I clarified, "I'm not sure since she has a husband."

"Husband?" she questioned, "Does she want to invite you into their relationship?"

"I would rather not think about that," I said, "If things happen and I'm comfortable with it, who knows?"

"Losing your virginity having a threesome?" she smiled, "Talk about killing two birds with one stone."