
The following two days flew by in the blink of an eye, and before I knew it, Friday morning came. I sat there with my mimosa, looking down at my phone. I knew that Callista would be here soon. Last night, she called me asking for my address so she could pick me up this morning. She told me she would be here in half an hour, and time was running thin. I intended to drink every bit of alcohol I had to help with my nerves.

Ring. Ring.


"I'm here."

"I'll be down."

"The black car."

"You're kidding?"

The line went dead. I downed the remaining contents of my glass before making my way downstairs. Usually, these stairs bother me daily, and I walk up and down them, but I wish there were more today. There isn't much I know about her, and my small talk is minimal at best. My hand reached out, pushing the double doors open into the unknown.

It was like a vibration, almost like a pull. My eyes locked onto the black Cadillac. The window rolled down in the backseat, revealing a red-lipped smile. Callista. I made my way over to the car as the driver got out and opened the door for me.

"Thank you," I said.

He slightly nodded and gestured for me to get into the car. I slinked into the seat next to her before shutting the door. Our eyes connected the moment I glanced over at her.


Before I could finish, her lips latched onto mine in a passionate hunger. My mind went blank as everything went dark. My eyes flew once the car started to find a tinted window rolling up to allow more privacy.

"Don't worry," she purred as her hand traced over my right breast, "He's been my driver for decades."

"So he's used to you being back with someone other than your husband?" I coerced.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, "I fuck who I want. No one ever tells me no."

"If I told you, no?" my hand seized hers.

The distance between us closed as she leaned into me, pressing her body upon mine.

"You'd only be hurting yourself," she whispered before locking her lips onto mine.

As my body responded, an intense heat rushed over me. I felt a hand wrap around my lower back while another began to lift the hemline of my shirt. Her teeth bit into my lower lips slightly.

"UH!" I moaned.

She crawled on top of me, and I felt her bite. Another uncontrollable cry of intensity erupted from my throat. My body twitched and squirmed as her hand pulled down the strap of my top, exposing my breast. The burning intensified as a look of hunger overtook, like an animal with its prey. She slowly moved down, kissing my breasts before taking my nipple. The way she teased me, a rush of insanity slammed into me as my body began to throb with a yearning.

"Uh!" I moaned as my body jerked.

I heard a low giggle as I opened my heavy-lidded eyes.

"Why did you stop?" I rasped.

"We're here," she answered before pecking me.

"Where?" I asked.

"To get you a dress for tonight," she said before her door opened.

Before I could reply, she stepped out of the car. I scrambled to make myself presentable as the driver turned around to open my door. He presented his hand in assistance, which I graciously accepted.

"Dress?" I repeated as I followed after her.

"We'll be an hour, Dominic," Callista said to the driver. Dominic was his name, and he nodded in response as he did before.

My body froze as I followed her into the store. There were rows of mannequins wearing ridiculous clothing and barely any on racks or walls. This was the strangest store I've ever seen. I felt a hand on mine, breaking my train of thought.

"Come with me," she smiled and pulled me along. Everyone who worked here looked like they had fallen out of some rich fashion catalog. It's so thin and flawless.

"I don't think this is-"

"Callista! Darling!" I heard an exclamation from beside me.

"Howard!" she gave the same excitement, "Darling!"

"How are we this morning?" he sauntered over.

"I need two things," she started, "A bottle of your finest champagne. Then we'll need a gorgeous dress for Ivy to wear for tonight's benefit."

Surprised, his eyes darted to me, "What is she wearing?"

"Be nice," she warned.

What was I wearing? What was he wearing? A bright-colored geometric suit with high water pants and loafers with no socks. He wore white glasses with no lenses, which made his copper skin look like a fake tan, and it likely could be for all I could tell.

"Dolling up another toy of yours?" he insinuated.

"I'm no one's toy," I growled.

He looked at me, and a slight smirk formed, "She's feisty."

"She has a name," I said, "Ivy."

He tilted his head slightly and then vanished. A thin blond woman appeared in his place, presenting a bottle of champagne. The blond performed the heavy labor of opening the bottle and filling the contents into our glasses. When she walked away, I made haste and drank from one.

"Calm down," she taunted, "The champagne is meant to be enjoyed."

"I think I'm just tense," I replied.

"Why?" she asked.

My eyes searched for the answers but found none. I bit my lip and gulped in frustration, "I've never been to a store like this. Most of my clothing is tank tops and jeans, and I don't think I even own a dress."

"The thought may have crossed my mind," she agreed. That's why I brought you here—my gift."

"You don't have to do that," I declined.

"I insist," she pressed before drinking the contents of her glass until empty.

"I thought it was meant to be enjoyed?" I gestured to the champagne.

"Sometimes you can't help yourself," she said, "Getting into a little trouble can be fun."

"Do you do this to everyone you bring here?" I baited.

Her eyes looked down before looking up at me, "I'm a bit older than you, and I've had my fair share of experiences. It's hard not to become a creature of habit when you can do anything you want."

"Anything you want?" I repeated before filling our glasses.

"Yes," she confirmed before drinking more.

"Am I one of many at this moment?" I instigated. What's come over me? Why am I trying to provoke her? Antagonize her? I don't know this side of me. Part of me would like to know her better.

Her eyes narrowed as if he were studying me.

I took an intentional mouthful of champagne, which overflowed slightly down my jaw. It burned down my throat, igniting a warmth throughout my body. Biting my lower lip, I glanced down.

"No," she answered, "I have my husband. I'll only come to you when I need to breathe and feel alive again."

"Like some deal? Be your sex toy? What's there to say I'll want more once I get what I want?" I tested.

"Don't tempt me, Ivy," she warned.

Her tone and face were dark. I softened my body in compliance with an apologetic but sassy look. She chuckled in response.

"Here we are!" Howard exclaimed. Behind him were three very lean, slinky women, each presenting a different outfit. This was going to be a nightmare.

The first woman held an indigo jeweled floor-length dress that was utterly meshed from head to toe. There was no material to cover anything, and the clear heels worsened the overall look. The second woman was holding an off-shoulder crimson red dress with a slit up the right side of the hip. The color was beautiful, including the ruby red heels, but I was unfortunately too short. The final dress was satin emerald green with long open sleeves and a plunging neckline. There were slits on both sides of the dress-up to the waistline and black strappy boots.

"How about the-"

"Please, not the mesh one," I begged.

They both looked at me.

"I will try on the other two," I surrendered, "I will not try on that first one."

"Not confident in your body?" Howard remarked.

"It's not something I would ever wear," I corrected.

"I see," he sighed. It's boring. First, try the Medusa gown with the ruby-studded heels."

"Medusa?" I repeated.

He began to look annoyed, "The collection's name."

I followed the woman into the dressing room. All walls were bright white with vaulted ceilings and a long mirror. She placed the dress on the white leather chaise lounge chair and the heels.

When she left, I looked at myself in the mirror. My long, wavy hair fell loosely to my hips, and my blue eyes shone upon my pale skin. I removed my clothing, tossing them onto the chair until I was down to my underwear. My red and black scorpion tattoo, smiling, looked like a vast dark brand on my left hip. Many people would tell me how perfect I was; part of me got it out of spite, and part of me felt like I needed to be free.

"How's it going?" Howard asked.

"Getting dressed," I replied with a jolt, "I need help with the zipper."

The curtain flew open, and he was lucky I was already in the dress. He gestured for me to turn around while approaching, and I was now facing the mirror. The dress was so long you could cut it in half and make two, even if I wore heels.

"No, no," Howard shook his head, "This is all wrong. I hadn't realized you were so petite. Bring in the Poison gown!"

Before I could react, Howard removed the dress from my body. Staggering back, I glanced at him, and he was handing off the Medusa for the Poison. After stepping into the green gown, he kindly pulled the sleeves up for me with a mischievous smirk.

"What?" I asked.

"Perfect," he smirked while touselling my long hair. His hands turned me to face the mirror again, "Miss Ivy, Poison looks amazing on you."

The deep emerald green showcased the redness of my hair. My pale skin didn't look transparent and veiny but cool and light. The satin was soft and delicate as it lightly fit my body, almost like an extension. The slits from my shoulders to my wrists allowed my arms to move freely. Even though the slits on the sides were nearly at my waist, it was tastefully revealing. The backless part of the gown matched the plunging neckline in the front. Wow.

"Come on out!" Howard exclaimed and pulled back the curtain with haste.

"You look beautiful," Callista remarked.

I felt my cheeks flush, "Thank you."

"We'll take it, Howard," she handed him her credit card, and he disappeared.

"You don't have to buy me this," I assured, "I can buy it myself."

"I'm certain you can, but the more I spend, the more generous they are," she smiled.

I looked down at myself, then back up at Callista, "Now what?"

"Now," she started, "The benefit begins at 7:00 p.m. I'll pick you up around 6:00 to make a quick stop before we get there." She made her way over to me and took my right hand in hers. Why don't you get dressed, and I'll take you home?"

"That's it?" I asked.

"For now."

I pulled my phone out to take one last look at myself. I did my hair and makeup for the first time in a while, and I was uncertain if it was too much or not enough. My red, smokey eyes were accompanied by red eyeliner and black mascara. I completed the look with crimson lipstick, making my pale skin shine even more. Waving my hair took forever, with added volume at my roots, and pinning it up was out of the question due to its heavy weight. My neck would break within the first hour.

Here goes nothing. With one last sigh, I made my way into the unknown.