Chapter 3 CHAPTER

  When they reached the hospital, they put her in an empty room and a man in white coat came closer and held her hand but she yanked it away.

  The doctor tried to get the hoodie jacket away from her hands but she held it tight and she sobs loudly.

  "Baby girl, can you tell me what is your name?" the doctor started asking her.

  She kept her mouth shut and let her eyes stare down at her fiddled hands. Not a single word had left in her mouth making the room completely silent. She tried to talk but she doesn’t know why she can’t.

  “Baby girl, c’mon tell me your name.” the doctor repeats his question. Eager to make her talk.

  Her hands began to tremble despite the fact that he was holding them so tight. Her skin began to pale and her lips didn’t part even once to open, not even a sign of hesitation was shown.

  When the doctor left her alone, she cried. She cried all night. She feels miserable. She feels alone. She has no one but that hoodie she’s holding.

  The next morning, she was asked again but still the same as yesterday. She didn’t answer any of the questions that was asked to her.

  Soon enough, a guy came inside the room and run towards her. He suddenly hugged and kissed her all over face while he sobs loudly. He hugged him tightly never want to let her go. She recognized him as her older brother Cheol who was working abroad.

  “Aera! Aera! What happened to you? Oh my God! It’s me Cheol! Please talk to me! Baby girl talk to me please!” he’s hysterical. When he watched the news in the television, he immediately took the earliest flight from San Francisco California to Seoul.

  “Are you the brother?” the doctor eyed him suspiciously.

  “Yes doctor! What happened to my sister?! Tell me she’s fine! Tell me!” He can’t loose his sister. She’s all he have now.

  “I’m so sorry to tell you but she’s suffering from a deeply distress and may suffer trauma with what happened to your parents. She’s still in shock and you won’t be able to speak to her for a certain amount of time. She won’t speak until she is finally able to.” The doctor explained briefly.

  “What?!" He held his sister’s body and hugged her smaller frame tightly as he sobbed on her shoulder. He can’t believe this is really happening to his precious sister.

  “And one more thing. Don’t take that hoodie away from her. It will make her recover fast. I’m pretty sure of it.” the doctor’s final words before he left the room.

  Choi Seungcheol brought Aera with him when he came back in San Francisco to where he was working as an executive assistant in one of the prestigious company in the country. He seeks for the best surgeon that could treat his sister and fortunately, Aera came back with her normal life with the help of him and with the best doctors. And of course, the hoodie helped her a lot. She’s one of the best surgeons in California now at her very young age. And he’s the proudest brother ever.

  At the age of 22, she is now a stunningly gorgeous woman any man would wanted. Her blonde hair still looks so soft and silky. Her yellow dress fitted her perfectly with every curve of her body. Her legs looked so straight and slender with an inch added to her height of 5’7” with those stiletto heels. She really looked like an angel with her big green eyes, a definition of a perfect girl.

  “Do you really have to do this?” Cheol leaned on her bedroom door sadly looking at her while he packs her things.

  “I need to. Besides, it’s a great opportunity for my career. I can teach and share my knowledge with other doctors. And you knew all along why I’m so eager to get back in Seoul, right?” she answered her brother not looking at him.

  “Yeah, you want to find that boy who owns that hoodie that you kept for a very long time. But what if he’s already married? What if he can’t remember you anymore? And what if he’s already dead?” He wants to stop his sister from leaving.

  “Oppa…! You said you’ll support every decision that I make? And don’t think like that! I know in my heart that he’s also waiting for me. I can feel it!”

  “But who will protect you if I’m not beside you anymore?” he dramatically exclaimed. Cheol as a protective brother still wants her beside him all the time.

  She came closer and hugged her brother’s larger frame. “I am so thankful that you are my brother. You’re my favorite, you know that?”

  “Of course! I’m your one and only brother duh!”

  “But you know I owe my life to him. If not for him, maybe I’m already be dead by now. He means so much to me and I can’t wait to see him. I was just too upset that I didn’t get his name. It should be easy for me to find him.” she looks up to see his brother’s reaction.

  “Of course, of course! If you happened to see him, please tell him thank you, because he saved my precious baby sister. Please, if only I can go with you.”

  “Oh oppa! I love you! I love you so so much! But don’t worry, I can take care of myself. I’m a big girl now.” She buried her face on his chest as tears started to pool in her eyes.

  “I wish you were still 10, so that you’ll follow everything that I say. So that I can still take care of you. So that you’ll forever be at my side. I love you so much baby girl.” his tears streamed down his face as he embraced Aera. She’s right, she’s a big girl now and can make her own decisions and he wants to respect that.

  “I love you too oppa. I’ll come back immediately after I find him.”

  Cheol left her room to ready the car that will take her to the airport. She sighed heavily as she continued to pack her things. She paused for a moment and look at the black hoodie jacket that was placed inside her bag. She wants to get rid of it, she wants to free her emotions and memories that was brought to her and still bringing her lonely life as time passes by.

  Her savior became her imaginary boyfriend and her knight in shining armor for the past 10 years. She has to find who owns that hoodie to be able to move on with her life. She still remembers Kim Mingyu, her co-doctor asking her out.

  “I’m sorry Dr. Kim but I already have a boyfriend.”

  “Oh, is that so? Where is he? I haven’t seen him even once here in the hospital.” he annoyingly asked.

  “He’s in Seoul waiting for me to come back.” she calmly answered.

  “Okay? What’s his name again?” Dr. Kim bombarding her questions, obviously still not giving up.

  She heaved a sigh. Doctor Kim is her friend for 3 years now. She didn’t know he has feelings for her until last month. He confessed to her while they were roaming around the hospital, checking their patients. “His name is Jeon…” she stopped. She only got his last name.

  “Jeon what? See? You don’t even know his whole name. I will never give up until you show me and bring him infront of me.” He’s desperate and still believes that Jeon was just her imaginary boyfriend.

  “All the passengers bound to Seoul Korea with flight number 17W , please proceed to Gate 3 immediately. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately 10 minutes. Thank you.”

  “Oppa, I have to go.” She hugged his brother tightly and Cheol buried his face on her shoulder never wanted to let her go.

  “Please call me as soon as you arrive in Seoul.” He told her.

  “Dr. Choi, please take care of yourself. And come back immediately.” Dr. Kim who wants to see her for the last time before she left.

  “ I will Dr. Kim. Thank you. Bye oppa, I love you.”

  “I love you Aera.” he waved goodbye as his sister walked away from them pulling her luggage. She steps slowly as she heads her way to the counter to check-in her baggage.

  Cheol and Mingyu didn’t move to where they stand until she disappears in their sight. Heavy steps were felt as they stepped out of the airport and get inside their own car.

  “Yes, be ready! She’s coming back to Seoul.” Kim Mingyu warns someone on the phone before he roared and drove off his car.