Chapter 4 CHAPTER

  Aera's POV

  I felt annoyed as the traffic gets worse while I sit here in the backseat of a cab. I reached for my handbag and pulled out my bags of lollipop only to get disappointed when I found out that there’s only one left.

  I unwrap it and shove inside my mouth as I raised my head outside the window of the cab when I heard the sound of siren madly barrelling through the streets.

  “What was happening Sir?” I asked the taxi driver who is annoyed as well with the traffic.

  “There must be an accident.” He answered. “If this traffic will eventually move, we’ll arrive in 30 minutes but if not, we’re gonna stuck here for 2 hours or more.”

  My eyes widened in horror with what he just said. “What?!” I started thinking and calculated the time. It’s already 5 in the afternoon. “You know what, I think I’ll just walk from here. Thank you so much!" I paid the driver and climbed out of the cab. “Keep the change Sir!”

  I pulled my luggage along with me and followed the sound of siren until my feet came to a stop at a shocking sight which stood infront of me.

  A huge tour bus had overturned and two private vehicles were badly crushed. Loud groans, moans and cries were heard everywhere from the casualties ranging from mild to severe cases.

  Shoving the lollipop deeper into the corner of my cheek, I began walking towards the first casualty that I saw. I bend down and let myself pass under the barricade when a sexy officer stopped me.

  “Hey! Hey! You’re not allowed here! Get out!” His deep and manly voice stopped me from entering the accident zone.

  I turn to look at him and my jaw dropped open when the hottest and most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen in my whole life stands infront of me with his hands placed on both side of his hips. He had clean-cut, jet black hair that glistened from the headlights of cars, making him look like he was freshly out from the shower. He looked like an actor…no, a model. Oh wait! A movie star? But I think, he’s more than that!

  His sex appeal made me breathless. His eyes are like a hawk, so dark and compelling. He had a chiselled face like that of a Greek god, so attractive, a perfect nose and beautiful lips. I wondered how it felt to be kissed by those lips. Wait, what?!

  “Excuse me, I’m a doctor!” my face reddened as I saw him staring at me.

  “Did you just check me out?” he asked.

  “Of course not! Let me check the patients, I’m a doctor!

  “With that lollipop inside your mouth? I don’t think so! Get ou-….! I quickly shove the lollipop inside his opened mouth before he could finish what he was about to say and I started fumbling through my belongings in my handbag looking for my identification card. I flash the card on his face when I finally got it.

  “Hey sexy! This is my card! Check it!” I wink at him.

  “What did you just call me?”

  “Sexy…?” I teased him.

  “Sexy is not my name!”

  “Okay then! Can you please give me back my lollipop? It seems like you’re enjoying it!” I smiled and open my palm infront him.

  His eyes widened when he realized what I’ve just said. He pulled out the lollipop from his mouth and throw it away behind him before he snatched the card from my hand and with his eyebrow raised, he took a glance of it.

  “Hey! Why did you throw my lollipop away! That’s my favorite and that’s the only one left! You could’ve just gave it back to me!” I madly complained.

  “Do you still want that lollipop with my saliva on it?” he looks up from checking on my card.

  “Why not? You just ate that with my saliva on it!”

  “I did not want it! You forced that lollipop inside my mouth!”

  “Really huh? Like you didn’t enjoy sucking it!” I smiled annoyingly.

  “Will you stop? You’re so annoying!” He blushed. He gave back my card after taking some moment analyzing it and he finally granted me access.

  “Thank you sexy Officer!” I shouted as he walked away from me.

  I did not wait for his disapproval of calling him sexy when he turned his back staring rudely at me. I quickly hurried over the barrier to attend the nearest casualty.

  I felt tired and exhausted after attending all the casualties that was injured. My jetlag isn’t really helping. I stood up sitting from my luggage and pulled it along with me to call a cab when a big bike stopped right infront of me.

  “Hey doctor! Thank you for the help!” The sexy officer tossed a bag of lollipops on me and roared off his bike away from me like a thunder. I caught the lollipops as I smile shaking my head slowly while I watch him disappears from my sight.

  “Hmmmm… such a sexy officer!” I was left confused on how somebody I’ve only just met affects me like this. I unwrap one of the lollipops and happily shove it inside my mouth savouring the taste of my new favorite and walked down the street waiting for a cab to pass by.