Chapter 6 CHAPTER

  Officer Jeon? Jeon..? Could it be him? oh my god! To think that we’re neighbors. Wait, he’s the one who kissed Mia! Are they a couple? But I remember Mia told me she was just visiting a friend. I felt relieved knowing they were just friends.

  I decided to cook for my favorite ttaekbokki and jjigae. I spooned full of a bowl for both dishes and set it aside planning to give my arrogant and sexy neighbourhood. I left enough for my dinner and for my tomorrow’s breakfast.

  I went to my bedroom and decided to take a quick shower. I removed all my clothes and stepped in the shower room. While taking a shower, I can’t help but think about Officer Jeon. Maybe I’ll start my investigation with him. What if he’s the one I’ve been looking for? What if he was my savior? What would I do?

  After blow drying my hair, I put on a blue hoodie jacket and a faded shorts. I knock on his door holding the bowl of food but no one’s answering.

  “Officer Jeon?” I knock again louder this time while I call his name but still, he’s not opening the door. I turn around to get back in my room when I heard someome shouts. It was Officer Jeon’s voice.

  “No! Please, no!” I started to panic when I heard him shouts again.

  “Officer Jeon! Open the door! Officer!” I bang the door with my palm while I shout his name. My hand grab the metal of his doorknob and twist it. Surprisingly, it opened. He must have forgotten to lock it. Then I heard him yells again.

  “No please stop!”

  “Officer Jeon?” I tried to look for him in his dark living room and there I saw him in the couch lying shirtless with his pants on. I placed the bowl of food on the center table and sit beside him on the couch to reach for his shoulder.

  “Officer Jeon!” I tried to wake him up but his head only snaps to the side and he whimpers but doesn’t awake.

  I shake him harder while my body sit astride his. Both of my hands go to his shoulders once more and I shake him again. His eyes flew open, terror fills them for a brief moment before confusion, then relief. Beads of sweats covers his foreheads.

  “Doctor!” I was stunned when he hugs me pushing me forward to lay on his chest. The wetness of his chest startles me but I stay put. I can hear his heart beating, pumping rapidly against my cheek.

  I put my hand on his back hugging him and my other hand on the back of his head brushing his hair with my fingers.

  “Are you okay?” He didn’t answer me. Instead, he untangled my arm from his waist and pushed me away making me surprised.

  “What are you doing here?” his murderous look startles me.

  “I-I came here to give you food but I heard you yell and shout. You didn’t lock your door so I barge in and I found out that you were having a bad dream. I’m sorry.”

  “Get out!” he shouted.


  “I said, get out!”

  “Why? Did I do something wrong?” tears started to pool in my eyes.

  “Im sorry but no one is allowed to enter my house!”

  “No one? Really? So only girls who kiss you can come into your house like Mia?” I complained.

  “Are you trying to say that you’ll kiss me so you can come in my house? I’m sorry doctor but you’re not my type!”

  “How dare you!” It hurts. Coming from his own mouth, it really hurts. Am I that ugly for him?

  I am so embarrassed and annoyed with what he just said. I walk away and can’t help the tears that fall down my cheeks as I open his main door.

  “Goodnight doctor!” I heard him say before I slam his door closed. It is impossible that he was the boy who saved me when I was 10. That boy was nice and caring unlike this rude and arrogant officer.

  I went back to my apartment and plopped my body on my bed. I have lost my appetite for dinner. I checked on my phone and got missed calls and messages from Mingu and Cheol.


  Hi Aera, how are you doing in there?

  Did you start finding him?

  I hope you’ll find him so you can go back here soon.

  I miss you baby..

  Please take good care of yourself. I love you.


  I miss you Aera…

  Please come back soon.

  I cried while replying to their messages. I feel alone again. How I wish Cheol is here beside me. I miss you, Oppa!