Chapter 9 CHAPTER

  “Tired? Have some coffee.” Dr. Jennie slides the cup of coffee infront of me.

  “Thanks Dr. Jennie.” I forced a smile on her.

  “I heard you were having a good time with Dr. Josh and Dr. Boo?”

  “Yeah, and I heard Dr. Josh likes you. Why don’t you give him some chance?” I challenged her.

  “I don’t like him!” she frowned, giving me an odd expression, then smirked wickedly.“But, I can think about it.”

  “Well, it’s your decision. Just don’t hurt my friend Dr. Kim.” I held the cup tightly.

  “Are you threatening me?” her eyes widened as she talk to me.

  I was really surprised with her sudden change of attitude. “Oh no! I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “You better not be!” her finger pointed at me before she left with hard staring eyes that never blinked. What is wrong with her? I looked down at the coffee that she gave me and decided to throw it in the garbage can then made my way out of the cafeteria.

  When it’s finally time to go home, Dr. Boo and Dr. Josh run towards me and grabbed both of my hands. “Wait! Wait! What do you want?”

  "Let’s celebrate!” Dr. Boo is obviously excited.

  “Why? What’s the occasion? I told you I’m not a fan of alcohol!”

  “Dr. Jennie finally agreed to date Dr. Josh, Oh my God!”

  I was stunned and looked at Dr. Josh who looked so happy. “Oh, that’s great!”

  “Yes! I’m so happy and excited! So, Dr. Aera you want to join us?” Can I turn down Dr. Josh?

  “But I only got two hours of sleep last night.” I tried to reject them.

  “Please Dr. Aera. This would be the last time, I promise.” Dr. Josh tried to convince me again.

  “But I don’t want it to be the last time.” I smiled at them.

  “Yes! Let’s go!” Dr. Boo is giggling while he held my hand as we walked down to the parking lot.

  We went in the usual restaurant that we hanged out before. Dr. Boo ordered the same food for us, the lobster, clam and kimchi stew, Japchae and a plate of bulgogi. He also ordered 3 bottles of soju.

  “Hey I told you, no alcohol for me!”

  “Oh my god, girl! What’s the use of celebrating if there’s no alcohol!” Dr. Boo still forcing me to taste the soju.

  “Yeah yeah..There’s no fun if there’s no soju.” Dr. Josh said.

  “Yes! Cheers for the love life of Dr. Josh!” I rolled my eyes as I lift up the bottle to bump it with theirs then I down the burning liquid in my throat. I didn’t like the taste first but as I take more of the burning liquid, I feel light and bubbly.

  Hours later and I found myself drinking the 6th bottle. I don’t even remember how I got to this point. All I know is that it makes me relaxed and unbothered.

  “Hey Dr. Aera! That’s your 7th bottle already! Stop now or we’ll leave you here.” Dr. Boo tried to snatch the bottle from my hand but I am faster than him so he didn’t get it.

  “Hahahaha! We’re here to celebrate right?” I laugh aloud making the people looked at me in annoyance.

  “Now we’re in trouble. It’s your fault Dr. Boo! You shouldn’t forced her to drink!”

  “”Excuse me Dr. Josh! Who told me to come here and celebrate? And told her that there’s no fun if no soju?” Dr. Boo wass obviously annoyed.

  “Fine! Fine! Let’s get out of here! Let’s take her home now!” Dr. Josh declared.

  They supported me in getting inside Dr. Josh’s car and plop my body in the passenger’s seat at the back.

  “Oh my God Dr. Boo, she better not mess in my car. I’m telling you, I’ll make you clean it!” Dr. Josh sounds worried about his car and not about me.

  I pretended to puke in his car and made a gag sound. I heard Dr. Boo scream and put his palm infront of me. I laugh aloud making him glared at me.

  “Don’t laugh at me Dr. Aera! Get up now, we’re getting near your place.” Dr. Boo warned me making me laugh more.

  “Hey Dr. Aera wake up! We’re here!” Dr. Josh shakes my shoulder and I stumble getting up. I really felt dizzy.

  “Fine! Fine!” I get up and opened the car door. Dr. Boo walked with me until we reached the elevator. “You can go now Dr. Boo, I’m fine here.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, thank you so much!”

  After he left, I entered the lift and pressed floor 17. I lean my head on the mirror wall while I wait for the lift to stop. When I heard a ding and the door opens, I stepped out and made my way to my door but I saw Officer Jeon unlocking his apartment.

  “Hey there sexy officer!” I giggled and walk towards him.

  “You’re drunk!”

  “What? Of course not! I only drink a few bottles but I’m not drunk!” I laugh as I hold him in the arms but he yanks it away.

  “Stay away from me!” he stepped inside his apartment and slams the door on my face. I stumble following him inside and I poke his shoulder causing him to turn around and glare at me.

  “What part of no one can come inside my house did you not understand last time?” he frowned.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” I dramatically asked him.

  “Get out!” he shouted.

  “You don’t have to be such a jerk!” I shouted back.

  “You’re here again after I told you that you’re not allowed here! So, get out!”

  “Why don’t you like me?” I look straight into his deep eyes.

  “Why are you asking me this?” He started to walk closer.

  “I don’t know. I have been nice to you and you are always rude. I thought we could be friends?” I stated.

  “Us? Friends? No way!”

  “What do you want me to do?” I pleaded.

  “Just…Just stay away from me!” A tear escaped from my eye while I look at him. I was hurt. It hurts me so much.

  “Don’t cry please! Don’t cry infront of me!” he shouted again but he brings his hand up and I fight my urge to flinch away with his gentle touch. The pad of his thumb captures the tear before it rolls down my cheek.

  I look up to meet his eyes and his pupils dilate. He removes his hand from my face and I look at his lips. My conscious and my hormones are battling but my conscious loses as I crash my lips against his, catching him totally off guard.

  As my lips touch his lips, I feel his sharp intake of breath. I have no idea what am I doing but I can’t stop. I can taste the faint hit of mint on his tongue as he opens his mouth and kisses me. His warm tongue runs along mine and I can feel my entire body like it’s being ignited.

  He stepped backwards bringing me to the couch not separating his lips to mine and now I am sitting on his lap. He brings his hand to my face cupping my flashed cheeks then grabbed my hips with his both hands.

  “Aera…” he breaths and brings his mouth back to mine, sliding in once more. My mind is no longer in charge, the sensation has taken over me. Officer Jeon pulls me by the hips closer to him as he lays back never breaking the kiss.

  Unsure of what to do with my hands, I put them against his chest as I climb onto his torso. His skin is hot and his chest is moving up and down from his rapid breathing.

  His tongue moves to my neck and I feel every swipe and lick his tongue makes, the feeling is incredible. I moan as he gently sucks the skin and his kiss going down unbuttoning my shirt when suddenly we heard a loud knock on his door.