Chapter 8 CHAPTER

  “What’s the score between you and and that sexy officer, huh?” I expected them to interrogate me. I leaned myself in the back passenger’s seat of Dr. Josh’s car and close my eyes.

  “Oh nothing Dr. Boo, he’s just everywhere and I don’t know why. We live in the same apartment.” I calmy answered him. “And I think he’s bipolar or something.”

  “I think he likes you!” Dr. Josh stares at me from the rearview mirror.

  “What? No! I think Dr. Boo likes him!” I pointed Dr. Boo.

  “Of course not! Oh my God!” I laugh as I see Dr. Boo blushed.

  “I think he likes the other officer, Officer Chwe! Don’t tell me he’s more attractive than that Officer Jeon!” Dr. Josh who’s busy driving teased Dr. Boo.

  “Hey don’t change the topic here! I was done interrogated by those Officers! It’s Dr. Aera’s turn now!” He turn to look at me but I ignored him. I pretend I was sleeping.

  “But seriously Dr. Aera. do you like Officer Jeon?” Dr. Josh’s voice became serious.

  “I don’t know yet. It’s too early to tell, besides, he already has a girlfriend.” I open my eyes to look at Dr. Josh.

  As soon as we arrived to my place, I climbed out of the car and thank them for taking me home and ride the lift immediately. When I stepped off the elevator, I saw Officer Jeon leaning on his door with his arms crossed on his chest staring deeply at me. Is he waiting for me?

  I ignored him and get my keys inside my handbag. I can still feel his eyes staring at me and I don’t know why I feel nervous. I shove the key into the lock struggling to turn it and It’s stucked or jammed. I attempt to pull the key back out to try again but I’m horrified when I fail. Shit!

  “Do you need my help?”

  “No thanks, I’m good.” I did not turn to look at him.

  “Okay!” He opened his door and gets inside his apartment leaving me surprised. That Officer just left without trying to help! How rude!

  I tried to pull the key again but it’s not really working! I was stuck in this situation for an hour already and I feel so helpless. I plop my body on the floor and lean my body on the door closing my eyes.

  All I want is to lay on my bed and take a rest but here I am struggling to open my door. I heavily sigh when suddenly I heard the door beside me opened and closed but I did not bother to open my eyes.

  I heard the footsteps walking closer and stops right infront of me. When I open my eyes, he gives me a look, explicitly bored and probably itching to get back to his own apartment.

  “Hey sexy, you came back!” I smiled widely.

  “Now tell me you don’t need my help.”

  I stood up from the floor when he reached over and pull the key with no effort on his part whatsoever then insert the key into the keyhole again and opens the door with ease.

  “Thanks sexy!” I smiled as he gives back my keys.

  He gets back to his apartment not taking a single glance on me. I stepped inside and finally gets inside my bedroom. I felt tired and exhausted so I easily drifted off.

  I heard my phone rings loudly. Still in a daze, I reached forward for my phone on the bedside table. 3am says on the screen.

  “Hello? Yes Jihoon?”

  “Dr. Choi, we need you here! There was a fatal accident involving a tour bus and a private vehicle. The news states that the private vehicle belongs to a mafia group. Since our hospital is the nearest in the scene, we will be expecting quite a number of casualties heading our way in a few minutes time.” I yawned listening to nurse Jihoon.

  “Okay Jihoon, I got it! Thank you!” I hang up. I just took my jacket and run down the hallway when I see Officer Jeon pulling down his shirt from his head running to the elevator.

  He probably received a call involving a group of mafia in the accident. There was an awkward silence inside the lift while waiting for it to go down in the basement.

  “I’ll take you to the hospital.” I froze when I heard him talk.

  “No thanks, I’ll just a call a cab.”

  “It’s 3am and there’s no fastest way to get in the hospital at this hour.” He insisted.

  When the lift open, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to where his big bike was parked. He put his helmet on my head and hopped in. “Come on hop in!”

  I hesitated at first but he pulled me to climb over and tangled my arms around his torso. “Hold on tight!” he started the engine and roar off.

  I can feel my cheeks burned up when my breast touched his back. He drives a little faster and as soon as we reached the hospital, I climbed down his bike and gave back his helmet.

  “Thank you Officer Jeon.” He nodded and looked into my eyes like he has to tell me something. I waited for that something but I heard his bike started and then he drive off. Once he was out of my sight, I immediately run my way inside the hospital.

  “Thank God you’re here. I cannot contact Dr. Boo but Dr. Josh is already in the emergency room.” Jihoon meet me along the hallway.

  “Thank you Jihoon, try calling Dr. Boo again.” I instructed him as I entered emergency room.

  “Dr. Aera, I need your help here. He has a broken arm and leg.” Dr. Josh attending a crying middle-aged woman on a stretcher.

  “Okay Dr. josh, let me handle it.” I transferred her in the x-ray room and found out that she has a badly fractured leg. This leg could lead to an ORIF surgery because the joints are so close to them. With the help of nurse Jihoon, we transferred the patient to the surgery room.

  “Scalpel.” I brought my hand to Jihoon to pass it to me. Beads of perspiration were trickling down my forehead as I gradually took over it and made an incision to the marked outline of the patient’s leg.

  I mouthed ‘thank you’ to Jihoon who’s also busy helping me wiped off the sweat as I then repair the fracture of the bone. After the internal fixation and putting the last screw on the bone, I closed the incision wound with stitches. I let Jihoon put on the cast on the leg and headed my way out of the surgery room to attend other casualties.

  Finally! The past 12 hours was really a tough battle to fight but fortunately, I managed to conquer it. I slumped back onto the chair behind me, I let loose my body and massage my temples.

  I took a sit here in the cafeteria to take a short break then continue my rounds later. I closed my eyes and let the tiredness takes over me.

  A sudden voice causes me to jerk and when I open my eyes, I found her staring at me.