Chapter 42 CHAPTER


I laid on my bed, enjoying the fact that it’s Saturday and my alarm clock didn’t wake me up obnoxiously.

What am I going to do all weekend?

I ignored the constant thought that I would love to spend the weekend in Wonwoo’s bed.

That’s so unhealthy. I smiled remembering what happened last night.

What if Jackson learned about this, me seducing his friend?

Whatever, I don’t care. The man turned my world upside down and from what he had said, he’s not interested in me. My ass!

I rolled my eyes and rolled out of bed getting up walking into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I smiled as I tuck the loose tendrils of my hair behind my ear. You will be mine, Jeon Wonwoo.

I turned the shower on and stripped off my silky nighties. I let down my hair out of its frizzy nest on top of my head.

Stepping in the shower, it took a second to get use to the heat. I closed my eyes and let the water run over my face, cascading my body.