Chapter 43 CHAPTER


I smiled entering inside my room when I heard Jackson’s voice calling Wonwoo. He might have seen him trapping me on the wall, but I don’t care. I can do whatever I want.

After drying off my body with the white towel, I rubbed lotion all over and threw in some yoga pants and one of my favorite old t-shirts. I brushed my wet hair and then throw it up in a bun on top of my head.

I heard my phone buzz so I grabbed it and lie down. It was Aera.

“Hey Angel! I thought you’re coming over here in the house?” she asked and I frowned.

Shit I totally forgot about it. “Not right now, I’m busy seducing someone.” I joked and she chuckled.

I met Aera in San Diego Hospital when my arm was accidentally cut by a snatcher and she was the one who treated my wound. We talked about a lot of stuffs and realized we both have the same personality.