Chapter 63 DOCTOR



“No… No! Please, stop!” Stella shrieked. “Mommy…Daddy…!” she cried and struggled in the sheets. Her face held pure fear and terror.

“Sir, what’s happening?” Amy asked nervously as she watched Stella struggling.

I rushed over to her before she could do any damage to herself.

“Stella!” I called and held her shoulders. “It’s okay, Stella. You’re safe here.” I tried to stop her with my words.

“No! Stop!” she screamed and scratched at my arms making me release her shoulders. “Don’t touch me! No! Get away from me!” she flailed her arms and legs, fighting the blankets and sheets surrounding her.

I clenched my jaw. I was at a loss on how to wake her up or just calm her down. Screams filled the air.

I kneeled next to the bed where she laid and she struggled.