Chapter 196 FIRST STEP


When I awoke the next morning, my mind was immediately flooded with thoughts of what had transpired during the previous night—my fight with Kian. I was curious as how he managed to know about my planned marriage, which I thought was solely known to me and my father. I needed to know how he learned about it.

Thinking about that also made me think of Kelly, who would undoubtedly be hurt if she were to find out about this. I wanted to keep this as private as possible, just dad and I. And she wouldn't be aware that I was planning to leave Canberra in the near future.

I was well aware that I had promised her that I would never abandon her. But I was just a good son who followed his father's instructions. I don't want him to be dissatisfied with my performance. But I couldn't help but wonder why I was being asked to make such a personal sacrifice as part of this arrangement.