As soon as I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped up quickly from my seat and dashed in the direction of the door to open it. ‘‘Hi…’’ I smiled as I pushed the door open completely for Daisy.
‘‘Hello...’’ she said, her brilliantly white teeth flashing in her beautiful smile.
I couldn’t help but rake my eyes over her body. Just like me, she gained weight, but it suited her perfectly. Her blonde hair that she used to braid before, was now styled in curly waves, and it flowed perfectly over her shoulders.
‘‘So, you don’t remember anything, huh?’’ she asked, causing my eyes to look up on her beautiful face.
I heaved a heavy sigh and gave a nod before I hooked my arm around her and led her to the study room. My lips formed a pout as I did so. ‘‘I think it's best if we discuss it in private...’’