Chapter 29 AFFAIR


When I first saw Felicia hiding her entire face with a facemask, and dark sunglasses, I was quite taken aback. However, after some reflection, I realized that she had done this on purpose due to her condition, and her co-workers didn’t have any idea what was going through with her.

I couldn't help but feel relieved when I realized that she had the intelligence to consider something along these lines. And it appeared as though the folks who were there during the table reading did not realize that that there’s something different in her.

‘‘I'll take you home, let's go…’’ After ensuring that the table reading was completed by her assistant, I put my arm around Felicia's shoulders and led her out of the office.

I purposefully ignored Mila earlier, and I'm glad that she left as soon as she realized that I wasn't interested in talking to her. She didn’t show up again, and I sighed in relief.