Chapter 30 SET-UP


I was working on coming up with a plan that would enable me to find a resolution to this issue of Marcus and Mila... Perhaps I could make it abundantly clear through the use of my social media account that none of them is interested in the other...

Alternately, I may comment that I, Felicia Harmon, is Marcus’ wife, and I am the scriptwriter of the series they’re working on together. I am able to provide evidence that contradicts the accusations that have been made against my husband. I believe that he’s innocent of these allegations.

But things aren't nearly as straightforward as that! I remembered Gellie telling me that I was using an alias as a scriptwriter, so if I had to reveal that I was the writer of the television series they’re working on, the people would know my real identity... they would know that Felicia Harmon, who writes under an alias, is married to Marcus Blakely.