
Late in the night. Way past dinner time, two people held each other. The delight of reunion was still there, but now, their mood was somewhat dull. This was the moment they had to decide on what to do. 

"I mean, they rescued us, and even fed us." Alma was making the case for staying. "Even now, they still haven't started asking us any questions." 

"Eventually they will, no one, no matter how kind-hearted, would knowingly entertain an unstable element close to his loved ones." Haiser said, all the while caressing his wife's beautiful flowing hair. "But that is beside the point. No matter where we are, we are a source of trouble. What if our arrival only brings more trouble?" 

With her head on his chest, Alma had a pensive look. She couldn't refute the fact that he was right. Their presence among these their saviors could only invite trouble. She did not know how far behind her pursuers were, but she did not have any doubt. Eventually, they will catch up. 

"I mean, will they?" She asked. 

"Will who do what?" Haiser asked, puzzled. She was doing it again, having most of the conversation in her head. She soon caught him on to her worries. 

"I know the dreadnought they sent. That's a killing machine, but they also have excellent personnel on board, I don't even know how we escaped." Haiser's statement was made in monotone, but he couldn't help shudder remembering the terrors of what was, to him, the previous night. 

"Hey, we made it," Alma said, rising. She too could remember the terrors, the explosions, the disaster. Despite it all, they had made it. They were together, alive and awake. Looking into his eyes, Alma sought to reassure him. She could see a hint of apprehension. 

"It took all this for me to finally see you flustered," she smiled, and he smiled back. 

"Only just," He answered, bringing back the man in him. "Here's an idea, we stay here a while. Recover, gather our strength, then figure out what to do next. We are still both injured, and I would very much like to return to my peak state."

Looking at his eyes, Alma saw a hint of danger. She could tell, something was brewing in him. Something dangerous. 

"Stop it!" She almost shouted. She did not want to go there. Right now she just wanted to float in this boat of blissfulness, choosing to ignore the stops that threatened to capsize her. 

She had lost her entire family. 

Her baby sister. Her mother. Her father. Her elder brother, whom she had begged to come see her. Her cousins, her aunts, her uncles. Her favorite ama (grandma), her grandad, her great grandad. Her everyone. 

The loss was tragic. Unbearable. "Oh God!!" She shouted as she suddenly sunk in a pit of despair, pain and anguish. She got into a crouching position, her head in her hand, she silently wailed.

It took Haiser more than an hour to finally calm her down. Her anguish and her pain was so devastating that even he was sobbing by then. His heart ached, even more than the pain he was feeling for the loss of his followers and those so close to him that they'd come to his wedding/eloping, he hurt more to see the woman he loved being in such devastating pain and there was nothing, absolutely nothing, he could do. 

He wanted to rise up at that moment, rush at the dreadnought and vaporize it with his bare hands. Oh man, if only he could. Even more that just the ship, the ones giving the order, the ones truly guilty. 

The couple wept together, holding each other tightly. As the dawn approached, the found whatever sleep they could, and troubled dreams. 

* * *

"Greetings, esteemed guests," Kai bowed down as he welcomed the guests in the green gold pavilion, one of the most prestigious places in Planet Tres, and with good reason. The pavilion's walkway was overlayed with gold, and every inch of the place looked absolutely luxurious. 

However, the from the look of the two that were leading the ship's delegation did not seemed impressed. The delegation constituted of a group of eight. The two leading had the most unique temperament. Clearly, they had extraordinary backgrounds. 

"Welcome, I am the chancellor of the Tres Family Holding," Kai said indicating some seats prepared and some tea. 

"Mister Tres, you stand in the presence of Captain Edwin of the Amara Frigate, and Lord Aidan, emissary of the Empire." A bold sound came from one of the delegates. Clearly, these people found it beneath them to introduce themselves.

"Planet Tres welcomes such esteemed guests with a hearty smile," Kai answered, completely unmoved. While he acknowledged them to have giant backgrounds, so what? He was at home, and he was on the rise. More than that, he did not consider anyone his better. 

"Wonderful, I believe you know why we are here," again, it was someone else in the delegation, not the leaders. Moreover, while Kai proceeded to seat, only the other two sat, the rest stood beside them.

Be it military or nobility, Kai could only sneer at such antics. Dealing with sleazy businessmen was much better, and entertaining. Still, he had to show the right amount of humility, after all, that's what they were aiming at. He didn't know what brought such bigwigs to his little planet, but he would milk the situation to his full. 

As for the rest, they were shocked. Coming to such a backward planet was not something they would have ever considered, only, they were following orders. Such fringe places were usually too far removed from the hustle and bustle of the capital, and for people seeking power and affluence, there was no attraction. 

Nevertheless, they had to follow every clue, and this is what brought them here. It was just the right distance from the ship, so it was worth checking out. 

"Ah yes, I got the memo. So apparently, you're looking for a couple? That's somewhat vague, don't you think?" Looking at this planetary head strutting around like a peacock, Lord Aidan couldn't help sneering. Truly, a frog in the well doesn't know it's place.