The grand kickoff

Lake Heart City was the hub of all of eastern continent. It was also the only city which was under direct control of the Tres family corporation, making it stand out as an administrative city. It also boasted of having massive funding, beautiful sceneries, and bountiful nearby lands. All these served to add up to the prosperity and population of the city. 

All the other cities in the continent were linked to Lake Heart City, and the authority of the city's administration cut across the entire continent. They were the official leaders of the continent. All other corporations had branches built in the city, serving almost as embassies as well as the bases of operation in the city.

Every four years, the various major corporations in the came together for a competition that would see the redistribution of resources in their continents. The battle of the five families was the eastern continent's competition. 

Right then, it was in full course. While the competition allowed several hundreds of corporations to take place, only about fifty corporations were left. The others had been eliminated in the first round, the hunting trials. Corporations like Laventine and others had done their best to whittle out those that just didn't qualify.

That being said, this did not dampen the competition one bit. Everyone knew that this was going to be the most intense part. The various major powers and corporations were going to go head to head in a live, global competition. 

Everyone was paying attention to this event. From the commoners, many of whom placed various bets, to the upper echelons of large corporations eager to see who their competition was, the event was one that captivated the entire planet. Even other corporations from other continents were paying close attention. 

It should be noted that planet Tres was somewhat isolated from most of the world. Such an event was the highlight of the years for many, leaving several pining for another such event. 

As such, Lake Heart City did not spare any expense, going out in preparation to host this grand event. With so many people watching, and as the planet's top corporation, the city administration could not afford to disappoint. Even their higher ups were watching. 

From the streets to the various buildings and screens around the city, everything was flashing red and yellow, the official colors of the competition. The various ornaments and decorations that were in the city streets seemed to reflect the screens that had more than doubled on the buildings around the city centers and other key points. 

Moreover, these decorations seemed to be guiding everyone to the competition grounds, which were more than a spectacle. 

It was common knowledge that the city was named after its most iconic feature. There was a huge lake that had led to the growth of the city, namely, Lake Heart. It was also an important mining location for possits, which made the lake water very clear. This made the environment around the lake very pristine, improving the aesthetics of the place immensely. 

This was further boosted by the amazing tourist structures that had been build. The museum and other cultural buildings were also a major attraction, but none compared to the beautiful artificial islands.

Built by miners, the ores on the three massive islands had long since gone dry. However, the islands served as tourist destination spots, drawing a massive crowd to the city. Due to this, the city had made massive investments on the islands, upgrading its beauty and hospitality by a large margin.

However, the islands had gained another role in the city. It was the competition grounds for all the major events, and the battle of the five families was the greatest of these events. Naturally, it was also the one the city focused on the most. 

The splash the Lake Heart City had done on the islands made them sparkle with class and beauty. Looking from the top of a high rise building, or hovercraft, one could not make out a single non-colorful part of the street, yet they not only came together, but they also boosted the aesthetics of the islands.

On the D-day, the streets were crowded by people from all walks of life. The city had gotten a massive influx of its population. People were making their way from all over the world. The various airways and roadways were already clogged with automobiles and aircars. Everyone was bee-lining straight to the three islands. 

Of everyone present in their team vehicle, Carlos, Felix, and Claire marveled at the beauty and splendor that was on display. To them, this was a rich and novel experience, one they would not soon forget. 

Joel maintained his cool, only checking around to see if anything stood out. Clearly, he had had such experiences, although he was probably not a participant. Needless to say, for Alma and Haiser, such sights could barely move them. They had witnessed and been part of grander occasions. Still, they looked around, seeking anything that would capture their interest. 

The team had been offered transportation from their quarters to the competition grounds. They would receive preferential treatment as participants, but that was all. Everything else was catered for by their various sponsors.

Meanwhile, in the various locations designated for the upper echelons of the participating corporations, the heads of the families and the ones guiding the event made their way. Everyone had baited breath, eagerly waiting for the competition to start.

Some were busy gossiping and ridiculing those they deemed undeserving of a place in the competition. Phanas was on the receiving end of many of the dirty stares and contemptible looks. However, the man remained ignorant of everything, choosing to focus more on the goal ahead. 

However, in his quest to avoid the looks, he failed to notice one man looking at him intently. There wasn't a hint of malice or contempt, rather, he looked interested in reading Phanas. After a brief observation, the man nodded before proceeding to his own private room. 

Despite not being a participant, the man was so high profile that he always had a reserved seat. After all, the man was none other than the chancellor of the Tres family corporation, Kai Tres.