Opening ceremony

As scheduled, at midday on the second of June, 3206, powerful bullhorns all over the city exploded in a melodious symphony, signifying the beginning of the ceremony. To everyone who was still wandering about, having not settled yet, it was a sign to get their asses seated as fast as possible. 

The grand mineland, the title of the city's largest dome, was the main competition grounds in the city. This was where the opening ceremony was being held. With a capacity of more than five hundred thousand people, the dome stood proud, overlooking the greater part of the city.

The stands were parked with people, with still plenty more seated outside of the grounds, which were too full to accommodate any more people. Moreover, there were millions more who were viewing online. Some even had submersed tech that would give then the view of participants, but this was a premium package. 

In one corner of the dome, there were the VIP viewing gallery. In there, all the bigwigs were gathered. There was the high table, the one where Kai Tres, and others on the same level as him, were seated. 

Other than the Tres family, there were also representatives of the White Oak corporation. Unlike many of the corporations that were owned and managed by one family, the White Oak corporation was born from an alliance of multiple smaller families. Over time, the members of the alliance were embroiled in cut throat business competition, struggling to raise their family and corporation's profile. 

Eventually, when the dust was settled, the corporation had ten families managing it. There were the top three families, and the other seven. The top three had three veto power, while the other seven had one. 

While the White Oak corporation sounded weak, it was in fact the second most powerful corporation on the planet. The competition had raised the corporation by leaps and bounds. Even now, they were still hungry for more. Only the Tres family corporation was higher than them. 

There were even rumors that they had grown powerful enough that they were setting up branch corporations in other planets. Even the Tres family had to be wary of them, suppressing them in multiple ways. 

When it came to this competition, White Oak representatives always came in at the top. The corporation was powerful enough and grand enough that there was barely any competition. If the Tres family had not come up with various injunctions to prevent total control, the White Oak corporation would have already swallowed up the Eastern continent.

Such was the level of bigwigs in attendance. Looking around, Phanas couldn't help feeling inferior. Every single one of the people that he was in the same room with were giants, representing gigantic corporations and wielding immense power. 

"Looks like some people don't belong," suddenly, a haughty voice called from behind Phanas. Turning around, Phanas came face to face with a group of two very stuck up looking men and a woman. From the way they looked at him, it was clear that he was little more than dirt on the side of the road in their eyes. 

Turning to look at the badges that everyone had on their person, Phanas realized that they were representatives of the Laventine and Starline corporations. Maxiell had a deep seated hatred for Iresal and anything associated with the corporation. Despite still retaining his seat at the competition, his losses were tremendous. Right now, all he could do was wander around, which was why he was talking to Reynolds. 

Like Maxiell, Reynolds was one of the scions in the Starline corporation. The thing about him was, he was, he was responsible for managing the underworld. Powerhouses in the underworld like Harrison and his Two crowns security group were his minions, and he had gotten a substantial loss. 

The lady's identity was even more mysterious, as she had a gold badge and a concealed identity, which meant she was pretty wealthy. Putting that aside, Phanas could understand why the two were angry at him, but they had started the fight. What was his team supposed to do, just lay down and accept their aggression?

"Wow, they are even willing to let in losers and cheaters? I thought this was the competitors lounge?" Phanas said, eyeballing the two aggressors. He too was pissed off, they had come after him and his corporation's interest. 

"Oh look, the little dog learns to bark," Reynold laughed. "Don't worry little mut, we've got a surprise for you." Once he was done speaking, he walked away, deigning it far too beneath him to spend one more second with this trash. 

Phanas was seething inside, but he managed to cool himself. Neither men were the leaders of their respective corporations, they were the muts, not him. Putting that aside, Phanas chose to focus on other issues. 

Out in the competition grounds, the various teams were taking to the stage. The crowd was in a frenzy, giving each participant a rousing welcome. Watching as the colorful formations of the various teams walk to their corners, the spectators were treated to a grand spectacle. The sports wear were branded with the corporation's logos and vinyl.

The team's positions were marked by banners bearing the company's insignia. This was where the various groups were headed to. Haiser was leading the team, followed closely by Cate, then Joel, Carlos and Felix. Behind them, the two healers were also present, as well as several representatives from Iresal. All in all, the team comprised of twenty five people. Even Rayas managed to get two of his in the team. However, he did not think they held a candle over Haiser and his people. 

Just as the Iresal team was about to get to their designated position, the main banner overlooking them began to tremble. Not many noticed at first, but suddenly, the banner's supporting frame broke off, sending the mast falling right on top of the team. 

Acting first, Haiser wanted to get his team away in time, but he couldn't manage it. Right then, in front of everyone, the team had their first humiliation. There were even members who got trapped under their own banner's mast. Others had had to scurry away. 

With a sinister smile, Maxiell stroked his beard. Loving his achievement.