
I sighed looking at my wristwatch.


I'd worked overtime today. Again.

I should head home now.

I packed my stuff and got into the elevator, straight to the parking lot. I got into my car and started driving. This was my daily routine. Wake up at 4am, in the office by 5am, breakfast at 10 and home by 2am. But I mostly work overtime and leave an hour before 4am, so I have enough time to shower and return to office.

I suddenly swerved the car seeing a man dancing in the middle of the freakin' road. I hit the brakes in a rush and breathed out a frustrated breath.

"What the fuck !?

I got out of the car and went straight to that man. I looked at him. He was handsome. But he also was kinda...drunk ?

"Hey. Are you okay ?"

His face was scarlet red from drinking. After getting a good look at his face, I came to a conclusion. It's either that he drank too much or he can't handle alcohol.

"I'm okayyyy"

He sure as fuck didn't look like it.

I sighed and went back to my car. What a crazy man. After I sat back in the car, I saw through my rearview mirror that that man was dancing in the middle of the road. I sighed frustratingly and got out of my car. I looked him dead in the eye.

"Do you have a death wish or what ?"

"Emilyyyy. You're backkkk."

"Emily ? What the...?"

Emily !? Do I even look like an Emily.

"Why'd youuuu leave me, babyyyy ?"

O...kay. So, he's assuming I'm Emily and I'm assuming that Emily is his ex.

"Don't worryyyy, I'll forget youuu cheated on meeee. I forgive youuuu. P-please haveee me backkkk"

Is he crying ?

"Hey kid. Are you crying ?


He said and sobbed even more. He hugged me and continued crying on my chest.

Should I comfort him ?

I hesitantly kept my hand on his head and caressed it.

"Hey. Don't cry. Get in the car. I'll drop you home."

"Noooo!!! I wanna kissss first."


"Whyy ? youuu said youuuu liked myyy kisses babyyy."

"Nope. Not giving you any kisses."

"Pleaseee? only oneeee."

He showed me his puppy-dog eyes. Ugh !! Why ?

"Fine. Get your cheek here."

"Nooo, on the lippss."

"Do you want the kiss or not ?"


I was about to plant a kiss on his cheek but he turned his face to my side and I ended up kissing his lips. Well, I'm not really complaining. His lips were really soft and kissable. While I was still recovering from the shock of the first kiss, he pecked my lips again while giggling. He looked cute.

"Youuuu won't leaveee me rightttt?"

He asked, giggling cutely. I didn't have an answer to his question, so I did what was best. Kept quiet and made my way toward the car while he followed me like a lost puppy.

I helped him sit in the car and started driving. After about five minutes, I remembered I forgot to ask him his home address. I turned towards him and found him sleeping.

"Why !?"

Okay. So I've reached a conclusion. It's either that I'm having a bad luck or that I've ran out of good luck.

Wait...This is the first time I've went out of my way to help someone I don't even know. Have I turned...soft ? No...That can't be possible....Right...? Get. A. Freakin'. Grip.

I sighed and started driving again. About fifteen minutes passed since I'm sitting in my car in the parking lot of my apartment building. No signs of him waking up. I sighed again and decided to wake him up.

"Hey kid, wake up."

He just moved in his sleep but didn't wake up. Instead he took my hand - The one that I used to shake him - and hugged it.


"Wake up !"

"We've Reached."

I could've asked him his address now, but I was way too tired by the shit I'd experienced today to drive anymore. So, I just gave up and helped him to the elevator.



"Youuu didn't telll me youuuu got a newww apartment !

He said making an angry face.


"It's not new."

He gasped dramatically when he heard that.

"Thennnn, why'd youuuu never take meeee here?"

"Uh...Maybe I forgot ?"

"Noooo, you didn'ttt. You don't love me anymore.

he said sobbing little. I sighed.

"Hey. Don't cry.

"Seeeee ! I knewwww it. you don'tt love meeee anymore."

"What makes you think that ?"

"You're theeee most comfortinggg person everrrr. But right nowww, even whennn I'm cryinggg, you're nottt comforting meee."


I'm not a comfort-giving person. I didn't do comforting.

I'm not the you're-crying-and-I'll-comfort-you kinda girl. I'm the if-you're-crying-then-it's-a-you-problem kinda girl. I used to be a very happy and sunshiney girl. But after the accident, every hint of sunshine left inside of me died.

"What do you want me to do ?"

"Hug meeee !"

He said spreading his arms wide. I was cringing.

"No. Not happening"

"Pleaseee ?"

He said showing me puppy eyes.


I said rolling my eyes. He jumped like a kid getting his first bicycle. My lips slightly curved at his excitement but I quickly hid it. He opened his arms and I hugged him. I secured my arms around his neck while he held my waist with his face in my neck. The way he held my waist sent a wave of shiver down my spine. He was breathing steadily on my neck. I got butterflies for the first time in my life. I should break the hug before it turns into something he'll regret. Because I won't.

He really is something.

I pushed him and broke the hug.

"Enough with the hug now."


He asked with a pout.

"We've reached my apartment."

"Ohhhh. We'll exploreeeee it togetherrrr, okay ?"

He said but yawned immediately after.

"Yeah, sure, we will."

Hundred bucks say that he'll pass out as soon as his body touches the bed.

I helped him out of the elevator and into my apartment. I took him to the bedroom and just as I predicted. He passed out as soon as he touched the bed.

Man, this is exhausting.

This is the most exhausted I've been in years. I sighed.

"I really should grab a drink."

I headed toward my home bar and got myself a glass of red wine. The sweet smell of the wine hit my nose. I closed my eyes and softly sighed. I took a sip of the wine. The sweet aftertaste of the red wine filled my mouth.

I swirled the glass and took another sip before finishing it off in one go. I kept the glass on the counter and headed toward my bathroom.

I'd already taken off my clothes by the time I got to the bathroom door and got in the shower. I took a long cold shower and wrapped my wet body in a bathrobe and started brushing my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I walked into my closet and took out a long black hoodie and paired it with black sweatpants. I quickly dried my hair and went toward the bed. I looked at the man on my bed and my lips curved up. For some unknown reason, having a completely strange man on my very own bed didn't feel so...wrong ?

"I still don't know your name, kid."

I said and ruffled his hair. His red face looked like he had a lot to drink. Maybe because this Emily girl dumped him. Her loss, to be honest. He's tall, young and handsome too. My guess would be around eighteen-twenty. After staring hard enough I noticed sweat beads forming on his face and neck.

He must be feeling hot.

I took off his shirt and pants and put a blanket over him. I'd taken a peek at his abs and from what I saw they were rather good. He has a small waist. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes and sighed, opening them.

Fuck my insomnia. It's getting worse by the passing days.

I got only thirty minutes sleep last night. I close my eyes and shot them open again when I felt an arm wrap around my waist from behind me. It feels good to feel the warmth of a person after so long again. I sighed and closed my eyes melting into his touch. The amount of times I've sighed today is insane. I felt myself slowly drifting into a peaceful sleep.