
I squirmed in my bed as the sunlight hit my eyes and I tightly closed them. I subconsciously pulled the covers up to my face and faced opposite to the source of the light, trying to sleep again. But my head was throbbing with pain. I groaned and slowly sat up holding my head. Everything a haze in front of me. I looked down to my body and noticed I was in just my boxers.

How much did I even drink yesterday ?

I reached out to the nightstand for my phone but it wasn't there. I would've thought there was nothing on the nightstand had my hand not knocked over the lamp. My room also smells different.

Why does it smell like honey and vanilla ?


I groaned and tried getting up the bed, but failed miserably. I laid down again and rolled on the bed.

Why does the bed seem so big today ?

After getting a clearer view of my surroundings, I realized It also looked different. I looked toward the nightstand and saw a handwritten post-it note

"I've left for work. There's food in the kitchen. If you're hungry, whip something up."

I panicked when I realised it wasn't my room and neither was it my house.

'Have I been kidnapped ?' Was the first thought that came into my mind. There was something else written on the post-it note that I hadn't read the first time.

"Your phone's inside the drawer of the nightstand. If you need anything, call me."

I found my phone and dialed the number written on the post-it note. My stomach knotted in nervousness. One ring. Two rings.


There was a cold greeting from the other side of the phone.

"Hello ?"

I breathed out and silence fell between us.

"Hey kid. Woke up already ? Thought you'd wake up directly tomorrow morning."

Her voice sounded little less cold and I could hear her chuckle from the other side.

"Who are you ?"

That was the only logical thing I could think of at the moment.

"Well, I don't wanna disclose that just yet."

I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I hung up.

Did I have a one-night stand ?

I've watched movies about people having one-night stands and they turn out to be each other's soulmates and stuff. What if...Nah. That's not possible...Right ? I mean, it's all just fiction, right ? Right...?

Fuck ! This is driving me nuts ! I gotta get the hell outta here.

I got up, still dizzy in the aftermath of my heavy drinking from last night. I took my clothes - which I found scattered on the floor - and wore them. I got dressed and took one last look at myself in the gigantic mirror placed in her walk-in closet. I was about to flee from her house when I received a notification on my phone. I opened it and saw a text from an unknown number that read 'Meet me at Froth & Flavor at 8pm.' I blushed slightly by her straightforwardness. I didn't reply and left the text on seen.

I got out of the residential building and booked myself a taxi. Luckily, no one noticed me since they were busy going on with their day. I reached my house and literally dropped my body dead on the bed. I was gonna snuggle and sleep some more when I heard a shrill. I sat up holding my head, since it was still recovering from the pain.

"Oh my God ! Evan, where have you been ?! Do you have any idea how worried we were ? You stood us up last night !

My manager came in and scolded me for standing her up. She was right. I did stood her up. Not only her but my entire team. We were supposed to have a get-together but I decided it would be better if I called Emily, my girlfriend - Ex - to join us. But, Because the romantic boyfriend I am - was - I decided to surprise her by going to her house.

But, who knew I was gonna end up being the surprised one instead ? I unlocked her apartment - using the key she'd given me in the first month of dating - and saw her on the couch making out with a random someone double her age. I felt so heartbroken, betrayed and shocked. And you know what's even worse ? I was acting so cool about it. I was ready to completely forgive and forget her cheating. Just because I love her. How could I not after dating her for 4 years ? I still miss her, but what can I do when she's made up her mind ?

Forget her. She's gone. She's your past. Focus on your present and the decisions that will make your future.

I didn't realize I was crying till Anna hugged me.

"Evan. You okay ?"

She asked me and I could sense concern dripping from her voice. I forced a smile and wiped my tears away.

"Don't worry Ann, I'm fine. Really"

I said giving a reassuring squeeze on her arm. I said I was fine, but inside we both knew that wasn't true...Inside, I felt...numb. She looked at me knowingly, but just sighed knowing I needed space.

"Fine ! Don't tell me. But please Ev, just...stay safe, alright ?"

I nodded my head at her and she left giving me the space I needed. This is the second time I've wanted to be left alone. Ever. I just cried my eyes out for hours until I fell asleep. I woke up sometime later and checked my phone. I saw the time and my eyes shot open. It was 7:00 pm. I was supposed to meet Her at 8:00 pm.

Shit, I'm gonna be late.

I went to take a quick shower and picked out my clothes. After wearing them, I rushed out and sat in my car and told uncle Phil to drive to the Cafe. I checked the time. It was already 7:50. It was a fifteen minute drive to the Café from my house.

"Uncle, could you drive faster, please ?"

I asked uncle Phil but he just chuckled.

"We'll get pulled up by cops if we speed up any further. You seem in a rush. Got anyone waiting on you ?"

I blushed slightly at that and stuttered while speaking.

"N-no. Why would I-I have anyone w-waiting on m-me ?"

I said in high-pitched, squeaky voice.

God, I really gotta learn how to lie.

Uncle Phil just laughed at that and gave me a knowing smirk.

"Alright. If you say so."

I just sighed and looked out the window. I really wish I get there before 8:00 pm.