
I checked my wristwatch and sighed. It was 8:08 pm.

Why am I even waiting for him ?

He clearly doesn't have any respect for time and punctuality. I would usually leave a minute after the designated meeting time. But, for him I'm tempted to wait even if it is for an eternity. For him I'd...

"Ecuse me ?"

I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned my head around, I saw Him. He looked cute when he was under the influence of alcohol, but looks hot when he's in his complete senses. He has a sense of maturity on his face and in his tone. He had plump cheeks that looked soft like tofu with a perfect nose and full plump lips that look just so kissable.

Control your hormones, Christine.

He had black hair that were styled messily with a few strands covering his forehead. I chuckled. Everyone around us were whispering and murmuring within themselves. I wonder why.

"Hey, kid."

I greeted him with a smirk on my face. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. My smirk grew wider.

"Blushing already ? I didn't even do anything. Yet."

He took a seat opposite me and gulp down the water in one go.

"Easy there. Don't wanna choke just yet, do we ?"

And he choked. Literally. He choked so loud in the small, quiet Café that everyone gave us a weird look. I gave them a stare so cold, they shivered before going back to doing their work again.

"What's your name ?"

He asked me while I was busy glaring at everyone.

"Christine. Hwang Christine."

I extended my hand toward him and we shook hands. Contrary to what I'd expected, his touch wasn't warm. It was cold. I raised a brow at that. He quickly took his hand back at my raised brow and forced a smile on his face.


He just gave a bland greeting without saying anything further.

"Well, care to introduce yourself, baby."

He blushed profusely at my nickname for him. I bite back a smirk threatening to make an appearance at his blushing face.

"I'm E-Evan Wang."

Evan. Such a cute name. Of course, I wouldn't say that to his face. Gotta maintain my cold personality. But he makes me feel so...

"I have a question for you."

He said, turning serious all of a sudden. I nodded my head at him, gesturing him to continue.

"Why was I at your house this morning ? N-Naked ?"

I raised a brow ever so slightly. That's when realisation hit me. He thought we had sex last night. That's cute. The picture of him just in his boxers and nothing else flashed through my mind. I bite my lower lip subconsciously.

I had to fight the urge to kiss him right there and then. I took in a breath and smirked again, maintaining my composure.

"Don't you remember ?"

My voice got lower and seductive. I slowly took my hand toward his and gave it a light squeeze. I could feel his hand tremble beneath mine. And it was cold. Colder than before.

"Trembling already ? I didn't even do anything. Yet."

I saw him close his eyes and sigh softly. A light pink blush coated his cheeks yet again. I pulled my hand back quickly before I could go any further.

"Anyway. As much as I wanted to keep teasing you. I feel like you deserve to know the truth. So, nothing happened between us yesterday. You were drunk and I helped you. That's it."

I explained to him.

"Wait...So nothing happened between us ?"


I answered his question, short and simple. I could see confusion written all over his face.

"Then, why did I wake up with only my boxers in the morning ?"

He asked, almost whisper-shouting.

"Well, that's because you were sweating last night. Very much."

This is seriously the most I've spoken in years.

Gosh, my mouth hurts !

He gave me a look. Before I could figure out what the 'look' meant, I heard click sounds. Everywhere. Like a camera click. I saw Evan panic and put on his shades.

"Do you have your apartment somewhere nearby ?"

He asked hurriedly. His voice almost pleading. I nodded my head.

"Follow me."

I said before grabbing his hand and basically dragging him out of the café. I couldn't help but wonder why his hands are so cold. Him and I exited from the café and sat in my car. I pulled my car out of the parking and started driving so fast, we were out of sight before anyone could even blink. I was really curious why everyone started clicking photos of us, but getting Evan out of that situation was my top priority right now.

"My workplace's around here. You'll be safe there."

My company is a five-minute drive away from the café. That's why I'd chosen this café. I took out my phone and called Alex, my secretary. He picked up after two rings.


I cut him off before he could even complete his greeting.

"We're coming over to the company in 5. There are people following us. Be there at the gate and let no one in after our car. No matter how famous or important that person is. Understood ?"

I said calmly but hurriedly.

"We ? What do you me..."

"Do you understand me, Alex ?"

I cut him off once again. There was a sharpness to my voice. He clearly hadn't gotten my message before but I made sure he did now.


I heard him hesitate but he complied. He said what I needed to hear and hung up. He knew better than to disobey me. I glanced at Evan beside me and saw him shiver. I put my hand on his and gave it a light squeeze.

"Hey. Don't worry. It's gonna be alright."

I said and continued driving. I could see a few cars following mine.

Is he really that popular ?

Was the last thought the came into my mind as I entered my company gate and smiled in satisfaction as I saw it close right after.

Guess Alex isn't all bad at following instructions.