
We were sitting in her well-furnished office. Almost everything here was black. Black leather chairs, black bookshelf, black walls. The two only things that were not black here were the dim golden lights and the CEO's table. It was black from the bottom, but had a thick glass placed on top of it with slim golden stripes. She was sitting across me on the CEO's chair. Her gaze was intimidating. It took every ounce of my willpower to not blush and squirm under her gaze. I'm not always this shy. She makes me feel this way.

Why ?!

Her face was symmetrical and perfect. So pretty. Her doe eyes held a certain sexiness and danger in them. Her nose was slim and perfect. Her lips were full and plump. So inviting. Her cheeks were soft. Her skin was so flawless. I looked hard enough to find any spot of imperfection on them. Her hair were wavy, full and soft with curtain bangs. She was wearing a full black suit which she looked extremely sexy in. I noticed a hickey on her neck. It was faint, but extremely visible. It was a rather large one. It must have been given a few days ago. It wasn't like a normal one though. It would be the first thing a person would notice on her. Maybe, I would have too, if I wasn't busy making fantasies about her. In my history with opposite sex, she was the first person ever to make me fantasize about them in less than an hour of meeting them.

There was a tense atmosphere surrounding me. Although, it was much difficult to tell if it was just the room or...us. Her gaze and presence was so intimidating and thick it almost made me hard. I subconsciously bit my lip to control.

Stupid hormones.

"Mind explaining what happened, honey ?"

The secretary and my eyes widened at the same time.

Honey ?

The nickname made me shiver. Her voice voice wasn't warm and welcoming anymore. It was cold, hard and demanding. It was as if she weren't the same woman from the café anymore. Instead, there was a cold CEO sitting in front of me demanding answers from me. I took a deep breath and hoped I don't stutter.

"I'm not an ordinary person, Christine. I'm a model. And those were Evvies. We were luc..."

"Evvies ?"

There was a look of confusion on her face as she cut me off. Her perfect brows went on to make the most perfect frown I'd ever seen.

Stop simping, Ev !

"That's a nickname for my fans. It's derived from my name."

I smiled when I saw her nod twice in understanding.

"I can see that. Continue."

She said dryly and gestured me to continue with her hand. Her fingers were so beautiful. You must be thinking who has beautiful hands and fingers, right ? But, she did. It took my very existence to not kiss her right now. I gulped, but continued anyway.

"We were lucky we got outta there before the media intervened."

I sighed and took off my sunglasses, rubbing my temple frustratingly. Being famous can be quite overwhelming sometimes. But, I can't really blame others. I mean, I chose this for myself. How often even is it that you get to meet a famous person ? I heard her chuckle.

"What ?"

I asked. Confusion was visibly written over my face as to why she may have chuckled.


"If the paparazzi had intervened, there would have been dating scandals of me all over the country."

I said, leaning back in my chair and sighed while running a hand through my messy hair.

God, this is so exhausting.

I don't know why, but I really like her...presence. It's comforting. She seems cold right now, but I know there is warmth in her. I sighed again suppressing a yawn. I really just wanna sleep right now.


"Does your company have a back gate ?"

I saw her give a small nod that wasn't supposed to look seductive but it did anyway. All signs of sleep and tiredness was gona in an instant.

Stupid hormones.

"Yes, it does. Are you saying we escape from there ?"

My eyes lighted at her getting my idea.

This is like telepathy.

"Yes, exactly ! We can escape from there without being spotted by anyone."

Good idea, Ev.

"Hmm, okay. Let's go then."

She replied nodding at me.

"Wait, where ? And why ? Chris, you know they're dangerous, right ? They'll shove past you just to get a glimpse of...him. Remember that panic att..."

"Alex ! Just because I had it then doesn't alway have to mean I'll have it again."

She said shutting him off with her sharp response and gaze.

"Chris, please. Just stay. I'll take him home."

I heard his pleading tone begging her to stay.

Damn ! I didn't think she's had panic attacks before.

She rose from her chair with elegance and grace dripping from her body language.

Stop ! Stop simping !

"Alex, calm down. I'll be fine. There'll be no media at the back gate. You don't have to worry."

She said as she hugged the said secretary, Alex. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy hit my chest. No. I might have misunderstood my feelings. It can't be jealousy. Maybe, it was something else. Yeah, that's it. It must be something else. It has to be something else. We don't even know each other. I looked away from their hugging figures. I was trying so hard not to pull her away from him and kiss her right then and there.

Wait...what ?!

Why is this making me fume with jealousy ?

This is so annoying !

She broke the hug and looked me in the eyes.

"Let's go."

I sighed before rising from my seat and leaving the room completely ignoring Christine and...him. I walked toward the elevator and waited for Christine there. My heart beating rapidly in my chest as I heard the clicks of a pair of heels. And it wasn't helping my beating-too-fast-heart at all. I still didn't look at her as she stood beside me. Her honey-vanilla scaent driving me into a frenzy and I unconsciously clenched my hands into tight little fists.

"What was that ?"

She said out of the blue breaking the icy silence between us.

"What was what ?"

I said through gritted teeth and rolled my eyes at her. I don't even know why I'm feeling mad. She was to continue speaking but the elevator dinged and I got on before pressing for the lobby. She got on after me and stood beside me, her hands in her pocket. I crossed my arms across my chest and stood there. There was an ugly silence between us.

She suddenly tugged at my arm and pulled me toward her. She took both of my arms and placed them over her waist. I could swear I was a blushing mess, right now. Just as she was about to smash her lips on mine, the ding of the elevator brought me back from my wonderland. I looked at her face and the proximity of our bodies was too close. Our bodies were touching. I came back to my senses a minute later and pushed her. Not with much force, but just enough to get her away from my body. I rushed out of the elevator and waited near her car.

I really wonder, what would have happened if the elevator would not have had opened at that moment. Would we have kissed ? Or was she just teasing and playing with me ? Whatever it is, she really made me have a little crush on her.