
I unlocked my apartment and stood out of Evan's way so he could come in.

"Make yourself at home, I guess."

I said a little uncertain but...happy at the same time. I wasn't used to letting people in my apartment. He was one of the few people who had come into my apartment. With my permission, of course. A few years back, one of my playthings sneaked into my apartment. When I did a thorough digging, I found out he was leaking my future projects to my competitor, TitanTech Groups. I 'took care' of him later, of course.

Rest in peace, Samuel.

Evan looked away when I caught him staring at me. A light shade of pink covered his cheeks.

"T-thanks for h-having me."

He said trying to look anywhere but me. I chuckled at his behaviour. I mean, I can't even blame him. I AM intimidating.

"Oh, believe me, I haven't had you yet. And when I do, you'd want no one but me."

His eyes almost popped out of his sockets when he heard my explicitly spoken words. When my words finally processed into his pretty little brain, the look of surprise on his face changed to one of mischief. A smirk plastered his face. He came dangerously close to me and sneaked an arm around my waist while the other hand gripped my chin to make sure I couldn't look away. I flinched at the contact of his cold hand with my warm skin.

"Really ? I'd want no one but you, huh."

He whispered those words into my ear. For the first time in my life, I felt my face heat up, even the slightest bit. For the first time in my life, I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. For the first time in my life, after many years, I felt love blooming in my heart somewhere. All because of this man. I felt the walls around me starting to gradually slip. I should maintain my distance from him. He's good for neither me nor my heart. I gently shoved past him, making him stumble back slightly.

"When are you leaving ?"

I asked coldly, keeping the walls around me stable and steady. He looked at me with confused eyes.

"What was that ?"

He asked me that question with uncertainty in voice. I really wanted him like I'd never wanted anyone or anything. I really wanted his lips on mine, his body pressed up tightly against me, his hand tangled in my hair. He made me feel things I never felt before and that was the problem. He made feel again. Feel emotions. Real emotions. After almost fifteen years, ifelt something that wasn't lust.

"What was that ?"

I said trying to act nonchalant and chill and sat on one of the stools in my home bar. I took in deep breaths to calm my stupid heart from beating too fast. I poured myself a glass of single malt Scotch Whiskey. The spicy aroma instantly hit my nose. When I took a sip of the drink. The familiar smoky and spicy taste hit my taste buds. I swear they're thanking me right now. My eyes landed on Evan who was standing in the middle of the room, dumbfounded. The feel of his cold hands still lingered on my skin.

"Want a drink ?"

I asked, interested in what his answer might be. Will be choose to be on the safer and reject ? Or will he decide to go wild and take up on my offer ?

"No, thank you."

He said with a polite smile on his face. I'll admit, I am a bit disappointed. I thought he'd agree.

"I thought so."

I scoffed out in annoyance and took a long sip of my drink. I never - and I mean, never - offer the liquor at my apartment to anyone. Not even my family.

"What do you mean you thought so ?"

He said with confusion in his voice with his head tilted.

"Well, you're definitely playing safe and rejecting because you have a low alcohol tolerance."

I smirked and sipped on my drink again. I'm very much sure that my words hit right on the spot.

"Okay, ouch."

He instantly came up to sit beside me. He looked at my glass as if contemplating his life decisions.

"You know what ? I'll take it. Pour me a drink."

I smirked and took a long sip, finishing my drink, and kept the glass on the counter. I went over behind the counter and took out a glass for Evan.

"What would you like ?"

I said and took off my coat, rolled up my sleeves and leaned my hands against the counter. The first three buttons of my shirt probably undone since, since I saw him stare there. I snapped my fingers infront of him to bring him back from his, possibly, dirty fantasies of me.

"Like what you see, darling ?"

He cleared his throat and looked up at my eyes while I, myself, was busy looking down his own white, button-down shirt. I don't know when, but I flicked my tongue over my suddenly dry lips.


He leaning his own hands against the counter, still sitting on the stool giving me a better view of his toned chest and a sneak peek at his abs. I looked away - since I did not plan on getting carried away - and tied my hair in a messy bun.

"What were you drinking ?"

He asked looking at the glass, which I was drinking from. There was a faint, but noticeable lipstick stain on it.


He nodded and looked at me."

"I'll have a Whiskey, then. That is, if you don't mind."

"Of course."

I said and poured his drink for him, refilling my own, as well. I handed him his drink and sat back on my seat.


He said with a polite smile on his face. A trickle of sweat trailed down my neck. Probably at the proximity of our bodies. We're sitting so close that the side of our thighs and arms were touching. So close, that if we listened close enough, we'd be able to listen to each other's heartbeats. Even thought the silence between us was peaceful, I decided to break it.

"Would you mind if I asked something ?"

He nodded, looking at his glass and running his index finger in circles on the mouth of it.

"Sure, go ahead."

I took a sip of my and hesitated for a moment, before finally asking the question that lingered on my mind The Night we met.

"Who's Emily ?"

As I asked this question, I saw his face turn pale. The smile on his face faltered, and he looked at me shocked.